Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Lives versus Livelihoods? Perceived economic risk has a stronger association with support for COVID-19 preventive measures than perceived health risk 

      Nisa C.F., Bélanger J.J., Faller D.G., Buttrick N.R., Mierau J.O., Austin M.M.K., Schumpe B.M., Sasin E.M., Agostini M., Gützkow B., Kreienkamp J., Abakoumkin G., Abdul Khaiyom J.H., Ahmedi V., Akkas H., Almenara C.A., Atta M., Bagci S.C., Basel S., Kida E.B., Bernardo A.B.I., Chobthamkit P., Choi H.-S., Cristea M., Csaba S., Damnjanović K., Danyliuk I., Dash A., Di Santo D., Douglas K.M., Enea V., Fitzsimons G., Gheorghiu A., Gómez Á., Grzymala-Moszczynska J., Hamaidia A., Han Q., Helmy M., Hudiyana J., Jeronimus B.F., Jiang D.-Y., Jovanović V., Kamenov Ž., Kende A., Keng S.-L., Kieu T.T.T., Koc Y., Kovyazina K., Kozytska I., Krause J., Kruglanski A.W., Kurapov A., Kutlaca M., Lantos N.A., Lemay E.P., Jr., Lesmana C.B.J., Louis W.R., Lueders A., Malik N.I., Martinez A., McCabe K.O., Mehulić J., Milla M.N., Mohammed I., Molinario E., Moyano M., Muhammad H., Mula S., Muluk H., Myroniuk S., Najafi R., Nyúl B., O’Keefe P.A., Osuna J.J.O., Osin E.N., Park J., Pica G., Pierro A., Rees J., Reitsema A.M., Resta E., Rullo M., Ryan M.K., Samekin A., Santtila P., Selim H.A., Stanton M.V., Sultana S., Sutton R.M., Tseliou E., Utsugi A., van Breen J.A., Van Lissa C.J., Van Veen K., vanDellen M.R., Vázquez A., Wollast R., Yeung V.W.-L., Zand S., Žeželj I.L., Zheng B., Zick A., Zúñiga C., Leander N.P. (2021)
      This paper examines whether compliance with COVID-19 mitigation measures is motivated by wanting to save lives or save the economy (or both), and which implications this carries to fight the pandemic. National representative ...