Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Exploratory analysis of a terabyte scale web corpus 

      Kolias, V.; Anagnostopoulos, I.; Kayafas, E. (2014)
      In this paper we present a preliminary analysis over the largest publicly accessible web dataset: The Common Crawl Corpus. We measure nine web characteristics from two levels of granularity using MapReduce and we comment ...
    • An intelligent web recommendation system for ubiquitous geolocation awareness 

      Boutas, S. D.; Anagnostopoulos, I. E.; Loumos, V.; Kayafas, E. (2013)
      Because of the rapid development of World Wide Web in recent years, it has become the basic source of information for millions of people around the world. However, the huge volume of data transferred through the web often ...
    • RuleMR: Classification rule discovery with MapReduce 

      Kolias, V.; Kolias, C.; Anagnostopoulos, I.; Kayafas, E. (2014)
      The vast amounts of data generated, exchanged and consumed on a daily basis by contemporary networks and devices renders their analysis a cumbersome procedure with inherent difficulties. On the one hand, the need for ...