Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Dyslexia and hand preference in secondary school students 

      Vlachos, F.; Andreou, E.; Delliou, A.; Agapitou, P. (2013)
      Research results with regard to handedness and dyslexia have been ambiguous. The present study investigated the relationship between handedness and dyslexia in secondary school students based on genetic (Right-Shift) and ...
    • Language deficits in ADHD preschoolers 

      Agapitou, P.; Andreou, G. (2008)
      The present study examined the impact of preschool ADHD on linguistic and metalinguistic awareness and mental ability. Eight subscales of the Athina Test were administered to ADHD preschoolers and a control group. Results ...
    • Reduced language abilities in adolescents who snore 

      Andreou, G.; Agapitou, P. (2007)
      Polysomnographic assessment of 20 adolescents who were referred to hospital for loud and frequent snoring showed they suffered from obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Their apneas and desaturation rates (SaO2) were ...
    • Verbal intelligence and sleep disorders in children with ADHD 

      Andreou, G.; Karapetsas, A.; Agapitou, P.; Gourgoulianis, K. (2003)
      In the present study, WISC-III Verbal IQ and sleep disorders in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and controls who were matched for age and sex were assessed. 18 children with ADHD, 14 boys and ...
    • Verbal skills in children with ADHD 

      Andreou, G.; Agapitou, P.; Karapetsas, A. (2005)
      The present study examined whether ADHD children exhibit low verbal IQ (VIQ) and distinguishable test profile on the Verbal comprehension (VC) and Freedom from distractibility (FFD) factors, and whether gender influences ...