Anzeige der Dokumente 1-20 von 51

    • Age- A nd sex-specific analysis of patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source 

      Ntaios G., Lip G.Y.H., Vemmos K., Koroboki E., Manios E., Vemmou A., Rodríguez-Campello A., Cuadrado-Godia E., Roquer J., Arnao V., Caso V., Paciaroni M., DIez-Tejedor E., Fuentes B., Pérez Lucas J., Arauz A., Ameriso S.F., Pertierra L., Gómez-Schneider M., Hawkes M.A., Bandini F., Chavarria Cano B., Iglesias Mohedano A.M., Garciá Pastor A., Gil-Núñez A., Putaala J., Tatlisumak T., Barboza M.A., Athanasakis G., Gioulekas F., Makaritsis K., Papavasileiou V. (2017)
      Objective: To investigate whether the correlation of age and sex with the risk of recurrence and death seen in patients with previous ischemic stroke is also evident in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source ...
    • Anticoagulant selection in relation to the SAMe-TT2R2 score in patients with atrial fibrillation: The GLORIA-AF registry 

      Ntaios G., Huisman M.V., Diener H.-C., Halperin J.L., Teutsch C., Marler S., Gurusamy V.K., Thompson M., Lip G.Y.H., Olshansky B., Abban D.W., Abdul N., Abud A.M., Adams F., Addala S., Adragão P., Ageno W., Aggarwal R., Agosti S., Agostoni P., Aguilar F., Linares J.A., Aguinaga L., Ahmed J., Aiello A., Ainsworth P., Aiub J.R., Al-Dallow R., Alderson L., Aldrete Velasco J.A., Alexopoulos D., Manterola F.A., Aliyar P., Alonso D., Alves da Costa F.A., Amado J., Amara W., Amelot M., Amjadi N., Ammirati F., Andrade M., Andrawis N., Annoni G., Ansalone G., Ariani M.K., Arias J.C., Armero S., Arora C., Aslam M.S., Asselman M., Audouin P., Augenbraun C., Aydin S., Ayryanova I., Aziz E., Backes L.M., Badings E., Bagni E., Baker S.H., Bala R., Baldi A., Bando S., Banerjee S., Bank A., Esquivias G.B., Barr C., Bartlett M., Kes V.B., Baula G., Behrens S., Bell A., Benedetti R., Mazuecos J.B., Benhalima B., Bergler-Klein J., Berneau J.-B., Bernstein R.A., Berrospi P., Berti S., Berz A., Best E., Bettencourt P., Betzu R., Bhagwat R., Bhatta L., Biscione F., BISIGNANI G., Black T., Bloch M.J., Bloom S., Blumberg E., Bo M., Bøhmer E., Bollmann A., Bongiorni M.G., Boriani G., Boswijk D.J., Bott J., Bottacchi E., Kalan M.B., Bradman D., Brautigam D., Breton N., Brouwers P.J.A.M., Browne K., Cortada J.B., Bruni A., Brunschwig C., Buathier H., Buhl A., Bullinga J., Cabrera J.W., Caccavo A., Cai S., Caine S., Calò L., Calvi V., Sánchez M.C., Candeias R., Capuano V., Capucci A., Caputo R., Rizo T.C., Cardona F., Carlos da Costa Darrieux F., Duarte Vera Y.C., Carolei A., Carreño S., Carvalho P., Cary S., Casu G., Cavallini C., Cayla G., Celentano A., Cha T.-J., Cha K.S., Chae J.K., Chalamidas K., Challappa K., Chand S.P., Chandrashekar H., Chartier L., Chatterjee K., Chavez Ayala C.A., Cheema A., Cheema A., Chen L., Chen S.-A., Chen J.H., Chiang F.-T., Chiarella F., Chih-Chan L., Cho Y.K., Choi J.-I., Choi D.J., Chouinard G., Hoi-Fan Chow D., Chrysos D., Chumakova G., José Roberto Chuquiure Valenzuela E.J., Nica N.C., Cislowski D.J., Clay A., Clifford P., Cohen A., Cohen M., Cohen S., Colivicchi F., Collins R., Colonna P., Compton S., Connolly D., Conti A., Buenostro G.C., Coodley G., Cooper M., Coronel J., Corso G., Sales J.C., Cottin Y., Covalesky J., Cracan A., Crea F., Crean P., Crenshaw J., Cullen T., Darius H., Dary P., Dascotte O., Dauber I., Davalos V., Davies R., Davis G., Davy J.-M., Dayer M., De Biasio M., De Bonis S., De Caterina R., De Franceschi T., de Groot J.R., De Horta J., De La Briolle A., Topete G.D.L.P., Vicenzo de Paola A.A., de Souza W., de Veer A., De Wolf L., Decoulx E., Deepak S., Defaye P., Del-Carpio Munoz F., Brkljacic D.D., Deumite N.J., Di Legge S., Diemberger I., Dietz D., Dionísio P., Dong Q., Rossi dos Santos F., Dotcheva E., Doukky R., D'Souza A., Dubrey S., Ducrocq X., Dupljakov D., Duque M., Dutta D., Duvilla N., Duygun A., Dziewas R., Eaton C.B., Eaves W., Ebels-Tuinbeek L.A., Ehrlich C., Eichinger-Hasenauer S., Eisenberg S.J., El Jabali A., El Shahawy M., Hernandes M.E., Izal A.E., Evonich R., III, Evseeva O., Ezhov A., Fahmy R., Fang Q., Farsad R., Fauchier L., Favale S., Fayard M., Fedele J.L., Fedele F., Fedorishina O., Fera S.R., Gomes Ferreira L.G., Ferreira J., Ferri C., Ferrier A., Ferro H., Finsen A., First B., Fischer S., Fonseca C., Almeida L.F., Forman S., Frandsen B., French W., Friedman K., Friese A., Fruntelata A.G., Fujii S., Fumagalli S., Fundamenski M., Furukawa Y., Gabelmann M., Gabra N., Gadsbøll N., Galinier M., Gammelgaard A., Ganeshkumar P., Gans C., Quintana A.G., Gartenlaub O., Gaspardone A., Genz C., Georger F., Georges J.-L., Georgeson S., Giedrimas E., Gierba M., Ortega I.G., Gillespie E., Giniger A., Giudici M.C., Gkotsis A., Glotzer T.V., Gmehling J., Gniot J., Goethals P., Goldbarg S., Goldberg R., Goldmann B., Golitsyn S., Gómez S., Mesa J.G., Gonzalez V.B., Gonzalez Hermosillo J.A., González López V.M., Gorka H., Gornick C., Gorog D., Gottipaty V., Goube P., Goudevenos I., Graham B., Greer G.S., Gremmler U., Grena P.G., Grond M., Gronda E., Grönefeld G., Gu X., Torres Torres I.G., Guardigli G., Guevara C., Guignier A., Gulizia M., Gumbley M., Günther A., Ha A., Hahalis G., Hakas J., Hall C., Han B., Han S., Hargrove J., Hargroves D., Harris K.B., Haruna T., Hayek E., Healey J., Hearne S., Heffernan M., Heggelund G., Heijmeriks J.A., Hemels M., Hendriks I., Henein S., Her S.-H., Hermany P., Hernández Del Río J.E., Higashino Y., Hill M., Hisadome T., Hishida E., Hoffer E., Hoghton M., Hong K., Hong S.K., Horbach S., Horiuchi M., Hou Y., Hsing J., Huang C.-H., Huckins D., kathy Hughes, Huizinga A., Hulsman E.L., Hung K.-C., Hwang G.-S., Ikpoh M., Imberti D., Ince H., Indolfi C., Inoue S., Irles D., Iseki H., Israel C.N., Iteld B., Iyer V., Jackson-Voyzey E., Jaffrani N., Jäger F., James M., Jang S.-W., Jaramillo N., Jarmukli N., Jeanfreau R.J., Jenkins R.D., Sánchez C.J., Jimenez J., Jobe R., Joen-Jakobsen T., Jones N., Moura Jorge J.C., Jouve B., Jung B.C., Jung K.T., Jung W., Kachkovskiy M., Kafkala K., Kalinina L., Kallmünzer B., Kamali F., Kamo T., Kampus P., Kashou H., Kastrup A., Katsivas A., Kaufman E., Kawai K., Kawajiri K., Kazmierski J.F., Keeling P., Kerr Saraiva J.F., Ketova G., Khaira A.S., Khripun A., Kim D.-I., Kim Y.H., Kim N.H., Kim D.K., Kim J.S., Kim J.S., Kim K.S., Kim J.B., Kinova E., Klein A., Kmetzo J.J., Kneller G.L., Knezevic A., Angela Koh S.M., Koide S., Kollias A., Kooistra J.A., Koons J., Koschutnik M., Kostis W.J., Kovacic D., Kowalczyk J., Koziolova N., Kraft P., Kragten J.A., Krantz M., Krause L., Krenning B.J., Krikke F., Kromhout Z., Krysiak W., Kumar P., Kümler T., Kuniss M., Kuo J.-Y., Küppers A., Kurrelmeyer K., Kwak C.H., Laboulle B., Labovitz A., Lai W.T., Lam A., Lam Y.Y., Zanetti F.L., Landau C., Landini G., Figueiredo E.L., Larsen T., Lavandier K., LeBlanc J., Lee M.H., Lee C.-H., Lehman J., Leitão A., Lellouche N., Lelonek M., Lenarczyk R., Lenderink T., González S.L., Leong-Sit P., Leschke M., Ley N., Li Z., Li X., Li W., Li X., Lichy C., Lieber I., Limon Rodriguez R.H., Lin H., Liu F., Liu H., Esperon G.L., Navarro N.L., Lo E., Lokshyn S., López A., López-Sendón J.L., Lorga Filho A.M., Lorraine R.S., Luengas C.A., Luke R., Luo M., Lupovitch S., Lyrer P., Ma C., Ma G., Madariaga I., Maeno K., Magnin D., Maid G., Mainigi S.K., Makaritsis K., Malhotra R., Manning R., Manolis A., Manrique Hurtado H.A., Mantas I., Jattin F.M., Maqueda V., Marchionni N., Ortuno F.M., Santana A.M., Martinez J., Maskova P., Hernandez N.M., Matsuda K., Maurer T., Mauro C., May E., Mayer N., McClure J., McCormack T., McGarity W., McIntyre H., McLaurin B., Medina Palomino F.A., Melandri F., Meno H., Menzies D., Mercader M., Meyer C., Meyer B.J., Miarka J., Mibach F., Michalski D., Michel P., Chreih R.M., Mikdadi G., Mikus M., Milicic D., Militaru C., Minaie S., Minescu B., Mintale I., Mirault T., Mirro M.J., Mistry D., Miu N.V., Miyamoto N., Moccetti T., Mohammed A., Nor A.M., Mollerus M., Molon G., Mondillo S., Moniz P., Mont L., Montagud V., Montaña O., Monti C., Moretti L., Mori K., Moriarty A., Morka J., Moschini L., Moschos N., Mügge A., Mulhearn T.J., Muresan C., Muriago M., Musial W., Musser C.W., Musumeci F., Nageh T., Nakagawa H., Nakamura Y., Nakayama T., Nam G.-B., Nanna M., Natarajan I., Nayak H.M., Naydenov S., Nazli J., Nechita A.C., Nechvatal L., Negron S.A., Neiman J., Neuenschwander F.C., Neves D., Neykova A., Miguel R.N., Nijmeh G., Nizov A., Campos R.N., Nossan J., Novikova T., Nowalany-Kozielska E., Nsah E., Nunez Fragoso J.C., Nurgalieva S., Nuyens D., Nyvad O., Odin de Los Rios Ibarra M., O'Donnell P., O'Donnell M., Oh S., Oh Y.S., Oh D., O'Hara G., Oikonomou K., Olivares C., Oliver R., Ruiz R.O., Olympios C., Anna omaszuk-Kazberuk, Asensi J.O., eena Padayattil jose, Padilla Padilla F.G., Rios V.P., Pajes G., Pandey A.S., Paparella G., Paris F., Park H.W., Park J.S., Parthenakis F., Passamonti E., Patel R.J., Patel J., Patel M., Patrick J., Jimenez R.P., Paz A., Pengo V., Pentz W., Pérez B., Pérez Ríos A.M., Pérez-Cabezas A., Perlman R., Persic V., Perticone F., Peters T.K., Petkar S., Pezo L.F., Pflücke C., Pham D.N., Phillips R.T., Phlaum S., Pieters D., Pineau J., Pinter A., Pinto F., Pisters R., Pivac N., Pocanic D., Podoleanu C., Politano A., Poljakovic Z., Pollock S., Garcéa J.P., Poppert H., Porcu M., Reino A.P., Prasad N., Précoma D.B., Prelle A., Prodafikas J., Protasov K., Pye M., Qiu Z., Quedillac J.-M., Raev D., Raffo Grado C.A., Rahimi S., Raisaro A., Rama B., Ramos R., Ranieri M., Raposo N., Rashba E., Rauch-Kroehnert U., Reddy R., Renda G., Reza S., Ria L., Richter D., Rickli H., Rieker W., Vera T.R., Ritt L.E., Roberts D., Briones I.R., Rodriguez Escudero A.E., Pascual C.R., Roman M., Romeo F., Ronner E., Roux J.-F., Rozkova N., Rubacek M., Rubalcava F., Russo A.M., Rutgers M.P., Rybak K., Said S., Sakamoto T., Salacata A., Salem A., Bodes R.S., Saltzman M.A., Salvioni A., Vallejo G.S., Fernández M.S., Saporito W.F., Sarikonda K., Sasaoka T., Sati H., Savelieva I., Scala P.-J., Schellinger P., Scherr C., Schmitz L., Schmitz K.-H., Schmitz B., Schnabel T., Schnupp S., Schoeniger P., Schön N., Schwimmbeck P., Seamark C., Searles G., Seidl K.-H., Seidman B., Sek J., Sekaran L., SERRATI C., Shah N., Shah V., Shah A., Shah S., Sharma V.K., Shaw L., Sheikh K.H., Shimizu N., Shimomura H., Shin D.-G., Shin E.-S., Shite J., Sibilio G., Silver F., Sime I., Simmers T.A., Singh N., Siostrzonek P., Smadja D., Smith D.W., Snitman M., Filho D.S., Soda H., Sofley C., Sokal A., Oi Yan Y.S., Sotolongo R., Ferreira de Souza O., Sparby J.A., Spinar J., Sprigings D., Spyropoulos A.C., Stakos D., Steinwender C., Stergiou G., Stiell I., Stoddard M., Stoikov A., Streb W., Styliadis I., Su G., Su X., Sudnik W., Sukles K., Sun X., Swart H., Szavits-Nossan J., Taggeselle J., Takagi Y., Singh Takhar A.P., Tamm A., Tanaka K., Tanawuttiwat T., Tang S., Tang A., Tarsi G., Tassinari T., Tayal A., Tayebjee M., Berg J.M.T., Tesloianu D., The S.H.K., Thomas D., Timsit S., Tobaru T., Tomasik A.R., Torosoff M., Touze E., Trendafilova E., Tsai W.K., Tse H.F., Tsutsui H., Tu T.M., Tuininga Y., Turakhia M., Turk S., Tcurner W., Tveit A., Tytus R., Valadão C., van Bergen P.F.M.M., van de Borne P., van den Berg B.J., van der Zwaan C., Van Eck M., Vanacker P., Vasilev D., Vasilikos V., Vasilyev M., Veerareddy S., Miño M.V., Venkataraman A., Verdecchia P., Versaci F., Vester E.G., Vial H., Victory J., Villamil A., Vincent M., Vlastaris A., Dahl J.V., Vora K., Vranian R.B., Wakefield P., Wang N., Wang M., Wang X., Wang F., Wang T., Warner A.L., Watanabe K., Wei J., Weimar C., Weiner S., Weinrich R., Wen M.-S., Wiemer M., Wiggers P., Wilke A., Williams D., Williams M.L., Witzenbichler B., Wong B., Lawrence Wong K.S., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Wu S., Wu R.C., Wunderlich S., Wyatt N., Wylie J.J., Xu Y., Xu X., Yamanoue H., Yamashita T., Bryan Yan P.Y., Yang T., Yao J., Yeh K.-H., Yin W.H., Yotov Y., Zahn R., Zarich S., Zenin S., Zeuthen E.L., Zhang H., Zhang D., Zhang X., Zhang P., Zhang J., Zhao S.P., Zhao Y., Zhao Z., Zheng Y., Zhou J., Zimmermann S., Zini A., Zizzo S., Zong W., Zukerman L.S., the GLORIA-AF Investigators (2021)
      Aim: The SAMe-TT2R2 score helps identify patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) likely to have poor anticoagulation control during anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) and those with scores >2 might be better ...
    • Anticoagulation after Stroke in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: To Bridge or Not with Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin? 

      Altavilla R., Caso V., Bandini F., Agnelli G., Tsivgoulis G., Yaghi S., Furie K.L., Tadi P., Becattini C., Zedde M., Abdul-Rahim A.H., Lees K.R., Alberti A., Venti M., Acciarresi M., D'Amore C., Giulia Mosconi M., Anna Cimini L., Fusaro J., Bovi P., Carletti M., Rigatelli A., Cappellari M., Putaala J., Tomppo L., Tatlisumak T., Marcheselli S., Pezzini A., Poli L., Padovani A., Masotti L., Vannucchi V., Sohn S.-I., Lorenzini G., Tassi R., Guideri F., Acampa M., Martini G., Ntaios G., Athanasakis G., Makaritsis K., Karagkiozi E., Vadikolias K., Liantinioti C., Chondrogianni M., Mumoli N., Consoli D., Galati F., Sacco S., Carolei A., Tiseo C., Corea F., Ageno W., Bellesini M., Silvestrelli G., Ciccone A., Lanari A., Scoditti U., Denti L., Mancuso M., MacCarrone M., Ulivi L., Orlandi G., Giannini N., Gialdini G., Tassinari T., De Lodovici M.L., Bono G., Rueckert C., Baldi A., D'Anna S., Toni D., Letteri F., Giuntini M., Lotti E.M., Flomin Y., Pieroni A., Kargiotis O., Karapanayiotides T., Monaco S., Baronello M.M., Csiba L., Szabó L., Chiti A., Giorli E., Del Sette M., Imberti D., Zabzuni D., Doronin B., Volodina V., Michel P., Vanacker P., Barlinn K., Pallesen L.-P., Barlinn J., Deleu D., Melikyan G., Ibrahim F., Akhtar N., Gourbali V., Paciaroni M. (2019)
      Background and Purpose-Bridging therapy with low-molecular-weight heparin reportedly leads to a worse outcome for acute cardioembolic stroke patients because of a higher incidence of intracerebral bleeding. However, this ...
    • Antithrombotic Treatment in Cryptogenic Stroke Patients With Patent Foramen Ovale: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 

      Sagris D., Georgiopoulos G., Perlepe K., Pateras K., Korompoki E., Makaritsis K., Vemmos K., Milionis H., Ntaios G. (2019)
      Background and Purpose- It is unclear whether treatment with anticoagulants or antiplatelets is the optimal strategy in patients with stroke or transient ischemic attack of undetermined cause and patent foramen ovale that ...
    • Atrial Fibrillation and Dementia: A Report From the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration 

      Rivard L., Friberg L., Conen D., Healey J.S., Berge T., Boriani G., Brandes A., Calkins H., Camm A.J., Yee Chen L., Lluis Clua Espuny J., Collins R., Connolly S., Dagres N., Elkind M.S.V., Engdahl J., Field T.S., Gersh B.J., Glotzer T.V., Hankey G.J., Harbison J.A., Georg Haeusler K., Hills M.T., Johnson L.S.B., Joung B., Khairy P., Kirchhof P., Krieger D., Lip G.Y.H., Løchen M.-L., Madhavan M., Mairesse G.H., Montaner J., Ntaios G., Quinn T.J., Rienstra M., Rosenqvist M., Sandhu R.K., Smyth B., Schnabel R.B., Stavrakis S., Themistoclakis S., Van Gelder I.C., Wang J.-G., Freedman B. (2022)
      Growing evidence suggests a consistent association between atrial fibrillation (AF) and cognitive impairment and dementia that is independent of clinical stroke. This report from the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration ...
    • Atrial high-rate episode duration thresholds and thromboembolic risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Sagris D., Georgiopoulos G., Pateras K., Perlepe K., Korompoki E., Milionis H., Tsiachris D., Chan C., Lip G.Y.H., Ntaios G. (2021)
      BACKGROUND: Available evidence supports an association between atrial high-rate episode (AHRE) burden and thromboembolic risk, but the necessary extent and duration of AHREs to increase the thromboembolic risk remain to ...
    • “Blame it on the Comorbidities”: A 5-Year Follow-Up of 53 Chronic Dialysis-Dependent Patients Who Underwent Cardiac Surgery 

      Deutsch O., Rippinger N., Spiliopoulos K., Eichinger W., Gansera B. (2016)
      Objectives This study evaluates midterm survival rates and risk factors for mortality of chronic dialysis-dependent patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Methods Fifty-three dialysis-dependent patients (34 males, aged 67 ± ...
    • Carotid Atherosclerosis and Patent Foramen Ovale in Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source 

      Ntaios G., Sagris D., Strambo D., Perlepe K., Sirimarco G., Georgiopoulos G., Nannoni S., Korompoki E., Manios E., Makaritsis K., Vemmos K., Michel P. (2021)
      Background: Carotid atherosclerosis and likely pathogenic patent foramen ovale (PFO) are two potential embolic sources in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS). The relationship between these two ...
    • Causes and Risk Factors of Cerebral Ischemic Events in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Treated with Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention: The RENo Study 

      Paciaroni M., Agnelli G., Caso V., Silvestrelli G., Seiffge D.J., Engelter S., De Marchis G.M., Polymeris A., Zedde M.L., Yaghi S., Michel P., Eskandari A., Antonenko K., Sohn S.-I., Cappellari M., Tassinari T., Tassi R., Masotti L., Katsanos A.H., Giannopoulos S., Acciarresi M., Alberti A., Venti M., Mosconi M.G., Vedovati M.C., Pierini P., Giustozzi M., Lotti E.M., Ntaios G., Kargiotis O., Monaco S., Lochner P., Bandini F., Liantinioti C., Palaiodimou L., Abdul-Rahim A.H., Lees K., Mancuso M., Pantoni L., Rosa S., Bertora P., Galliazzo S., Ageno W., Toso E., Angelini F., Chiti A., Orlandi G., Denti L., Flomin Y., Marcheselli S., Mumoli N., Rimoldi A., Verrengia E., Schirinzi E., Del Sette M., Papamichalis P., Komnos A., Popovic N., Zarkov M., Rocco A., Diomedi M., Giorli E., Ciccone A., Grory B.C.M., Furie K.L., Bonetti B., Saia V., Guideri F., Acampa M., Martini G., Grifoni E., Padroni M., Karagkiozi E., Perlepe K., Makaritsis K., Mannino M., MacCarrone M., Ulivi L., Giannini N., Ferrari E., Pezzini A., Doronin B., Volodina V., Baldi A., D'Amore C., Deleu D., Corea F., Putaala J., Santalucia P., Nardi K., Risitano A., Toni D., Tsivgoulis G. (2019)
      Background and Purpose-Despite treatment with oral anticoagulants, patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF) may experience ischemic cerebrovascular events. The aims of this case-control study in patients with AF ...
    • Characterization of Patients with Embolic Strokes of Undetermined Source in the NAVIGATE ESUS Randomized Trial 

      Kasner S.E., Lavados P., Sharma M., Wang Y., Wang Y., Dávalos A., Shamalov N., Cunha L., Lindgren A., Mikulik R., Arauz A., Lang W., Czlonkowska A., Eckstein J., Gagliardi R., Amarenco P., Ameriso S.F., Tatlisumak T., Veltkamp R., Hankey G.J., Toni D.S., Bereczki D., Uchiyama S., Ntaios G., Yoon B.-W., Brouns R., DeVries Basson M.M., Endres M., Muir K., Bornstein N., Ozturk S., O'Donnell M., Mundl H., Pater C., Weitz J., Peacock W.F., Swaminathan B., Kirsch B., Berkowitz S.D., Peters G., Pare G., Themeles E., Shoamanesh A., Connolly S.J., Hart R.G., NAVIGATE ESUS Steering Committee and Investigators (2018)
      Background: The New Approach Rivaroxaban Inhibition of Factor Xa in a Global Trial vs. ASA to Prevent Embolism in Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source (NAVIGATE-ESUS) trial is a randomized phase-III trial comparing ...
    • Closure of patent foramen ovale versus medical therapy in patients with cryptogenic stroke or transient ischemic attack: Updated systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Ntaios G., Papavasileiou V., Sagris D., Makaritsis K., Vemmos K., Steiner T., Michel P. (2018)
      Background and Purpose: Previous systematic reviews and meta-analyses compared the efficacy and safety of patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure versus medical treatment in patients with cryptogenic stroke or transient ischemic ...
    • Completion imaging techniques and their clinical role after carotid endarterectomy: Systematic review of the literature 

      Spanos K., Nana P., Kouvelos G., Batzalexis K., Matsagkas M.M., Giannoukas A.D. (2020)
      Background: Completion imaging has been suggested for the intraoperative quality control assessment of the carotid endarterectomy technical success, in order to immediately resolve pathologic findings and accordingly improve ...
    • Conventional cardiovascular risk factors in Transient Global Amnesia: Systematic review and proposition of a novel hypothesis 

      Liampas I., Raptopoulou M., Siokas V., Bakirtzis C., Tsouris Z., Aloizou A.-M., Dastamani M., Brotis A., Bogdanos D., Dardiotis E. (2021)
      Transient Global Amnesia (TGA) is an enigmatic amnestic syndrome. We conducted a systematic review to investigate the relationship between the conventional cardiovascular risk factors and TGA. MEDLINE, CENTRAL, EMBASE and ...
    • Early recurrence in paroxysmal versus sustained atrial fibrillation in patients with acute ischaemic stroke 

      Paciaroni M., Angelini F., Agnelli G., Tsivgoulis G., Furie K.L., Tadi P., Becattini C., Falocci N., Zedde M., Abdul-Rahim A.H., Lees K.R., Alberti A., Venti M., Acciarresi M., Altavilla R., D’Amore C., Mosconi M.G., Cimini L.A., Bovi P., Carletti M., Rigatelli A., Cappellari M., Putaala J., Tomppo L., Tatlisumak T., Bandini F., Marcheselli S., Pezzini A., Poli L., Padovani A., Masotti L., Vannucchi V., Sohn S.-I., Lorenzini G., Tassi R., Guideri F., Acampa M., Martini G., Ntaios G., Karagkiozi E., Athanasakis G., Makaritsis K., Vadikolias K., Liantinioti C., Chondrogianni M., Mumoli N., Consoli D., Galati F., Sacco S., Carolei A., Tiseo C., Corea F., Ageno W., Bellesini M., Silvestrelli G., Ciccone A., Scoditti U., Denti L., Mancuso M., Maccarrone M., Orlandi G., Giannini N., Gialdini G., Tassinari T., Lodovici M.L.D., Bono G., Rueckert C., Baldi A., Toni D., Letteri F., Giuntini M., Lotti E.M., Flomin Y., Pieroni A., Kargiotis O., Karapanayiotides T., Monaco S., Baronello M.M., Csiba L., Szabó L., Chiti A., Giorli E., Sette M.D., Imberti D., Zabzuni D., Doronin B., Volodina V., Michel Pd-Mer P., Vanacker P., Barlinn K., Pallesen L.P., Kepplinger J., Deleu D., Melikyan G., Ibrahim F., Akhtar N., Gourbali V., Yaghi S., Caso V. (2019)
      Background: The relationship between different patterns of atrial fibrillation and early recurrence after an acute ischaemic stroke is unclear. Purpose: In a prospective cohort study, we evaluated the rates of early ischaemic ...
    • Effect of Hyperacute Administration (Within 6 Hours) of Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate, a Nitric Oxide Donor, on Outcome after Stroke: Subgroup Analysis of the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) Trial 

      Woodhouse L., Scutt P., Krishnan K., Berge E., Gommans J., Ntaios G., Wardlaw J., Sprigg N., Bath P.M. (2015)
      Background and Purpose-Nitric oxide donors are candidate treatments for acute stroke, potentially through hemodynamic, reperfusion, and neuroprotectant effects, especially if given early. Although the large Efficacy of ...
    • Embolic Stroke 

      Ntaios G., Hart R.G. (2017)
      [No abstract available]
    • Endovascular treatment of traumatic internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm 

      Spanos K., Karathanos C., Stamoulis K., Giannoukas A.D. (2016)
      Introduction Traumatic internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm (TICAP) is the most common cause of stroke in young adults. The treatment of TICAP with open surgery poses excess risk, thus during last decade endovascular ...
    • Expert consensus statement for the management of patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source and patent foramen ovale: A clinical guide by the working group for stroke of the Hellenic Society of Cardiology and the Hellenic Stroke Organization 

      Ntaios G., Tzikas A., Vavouranakis E., Nikas D., Katsimagklis G., Koroboki E., Manolis A.S., Milionis H., Papadopoulos K., Sideris S., Spengos K., Toutouzas K., Tziakas D., Vassilopoulou S., Kanakakis I., Vemmos K., Tsioufis K. (2020)
      [No abstract available]
    • External Performance of the HAVOC Score for the Prediction of New Incident Atrial Fibrillation 

      Ntaios G., Perlepe K., Lambrou D., Sirimarco G., Strambo D., Eskandari A., Karagkiozi E., Vemmou A., Koroboki E., Manios E., Makaritsis K., Vemmos K., Michel P. (2020)
      Background and Purpose-The HAVOC score (hypertension, age, valvular heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease) was proposed for the prediction of atrial fibrillation ...
    • Fabry disease due to D313Y and novel GLA mutations 

      Koulousios K., Stylianou K., Pateinakis P., Zamanakou M., Loules G., Manou E., Kyriklidou P., Katsinas C., Ouzouni A., Kyriazis J., Speletas M., Germenis A.E. (2017)
      Objectives Our aim is to report four novel α-gal A gene (GLA) mutations resulting in Fabry disease (FD) and provide evidence of pathogenicity of the D313Y mutation regarding which contradictory data have been presented in ...