Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "service quality"
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Customer satisfaction in the Greek hotel industry
(2011)This study is about customers’ satisfaction and service quality in the hotel industry. The research was carried out at three 5 star hotels located in Alexandroupolis, a city of northeastern Greece. The research is based ... -
Customers' perceptions of service quality; Evidence from 5 five-star hotels in Athens
(2006)The purpose of the present study was to examine and describe hotel customers' perceptions of service quality and their overall satisfaction in five-star hotels located in Athens, Greece using the SERVPERF instrument from ... -
Emotional and Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Perceived Service Quality offered by Bank Employees related with Leadersip Styles. – An Exploratory Research in the Banking Industry in the city of Larissa
(2014)The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between employees perceptions of their immediate supervisors’ relations- oriented and task oriented leadership behaviours and perceived offered Service ... -
Integrated Railway Planning in the North West Peloponnese: A Service Ecologies Perspective
(2019)Railway planning in Greece has for many years been oriented towards the technological modernisation of the railway network. The relevant planning agendas have often left the wider socio-spatial interests untouched, delivering ... -
A survey on factors affecting quality in legal services
(2013)Legal services, as all other kinds of services, are a concept difficult to understand and evaluate. According to the literature, there are three basic components that result to high quality in services: Physical facilities, ...