Anzeige der Dokumente 1-11 von 11

    • Demographic window to aging in the wild: Constructing life tables and estimating survival functions from marked individuals of unknown age 

      Müller, H. G.; Wang, J. L.; Carey, J. R.; Caswell-Chen, E. P.; Chen, C.; Papadopoulos, N.; Yao, F. (2004)
      We address the problem of establishing a survival schedule for wild populations. A demographic key identity is established, leading to a method whereby age-specific survival and mortality can be deduced from a marked cohort ...
    • Differential response to larval crowding of a long- and a short-lived medfly biotype 

      Diamantidis A.D., Ioannou C.S., Nakas C.T., Carey J.R., Papadopoulos N.T. (2020)
      Response of endophytic fruit fly species (Tephritidae) to larval crowding is a form of scramble competition that may affect important life history traits of adults, such as survival and reproduction. Recent empirical ...
    • Environmental parameters as risk factors for human and canine Leishmania infection in Thessaly, Central Greece 

      Giannakopoulos A., Tsokana C.N., Pervanidou D., Papadopoulos E., Papaspyropoulos K., Spyrou V., Rodi Burriel A., Vakali A., Hadjichristodoulou C., Billinis C. (2016)
      Thessaly, Central Greece, is an endemic area for leishmaniasis with higher incidence rate during the last years. We herein investigated the geographical distribution of human leishmaniasis cases and Leishmania infected ...
    • European Brown hare (Lepus europaeus) as a source of emerging and re-emerging pathogens of Public Health importance: A review 

      Tsokana C.N., Sokos C., Giannakopoulos A., Birtsas P., Valiakos G., Spyrou V., Athanasiou L.V., Rodi Burriel A., Billinis C. (2020)
      European brown hare (Lepus europaeus, EBH) is probably the most important game animal in Europe throughout its historical distribution. The decline in its populations across its geographic range in Europe have been attributed ...
    • Evaluating 22 EU member states’ ‘waste culture’ using Hofstede’s and Schwartz’s cultural dimensions 

      Halkos G., Petrou K.N. (2019)
      The issue of municipal solid waste (MSW) arisings has received great attention recently since it is not only a by-product of economic activity but also serves as an input to the economy through material or energy recovery. ...
    • Phlebotomine sandflies and factors associated with their abundance in the leishmaniasis endemic area of Attiki, Greece 

      Boutsini S., Athanasiou L.V., Spanakos G., Ntousi D., Dotsika E., Bisia M., Papadopoulos E. (2018)
      Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease of animals and humans caused by several Leishmania species and transmitted by phlebotomine sandflies. The aim of the present study was to identify the species of field collected ...
    • Population and fertility by age and sex for 195 countries and territories, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 

      Murray C.J.L., Callender C.S.K.H., Kulikoff X.R., Srinivasan V., Abate D., Abate K.H., Abay S.M., Abbasi N., Abbastabar H., Abdela J., Abdelalim A., Abdel-Rahman O., Abdi A., Abdoli N., Abdollahpour I., Abdulkader R.S., Abebe H.T., Abebe M., Abebe Z., Abebo T.A., Abejie A.N., Aboyans V., Abraha H.N., Abreu D.M.X., Abrham A.R., Abu-Raddad L.J., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Accrombessi M.M.K., Acharya P., Adamu A.A., Adebayo O.M., Adedeji I.A., Adekanmbi V., Adetokunboh O.O., Adhena B.M., Adhikari T.B., Adib M.G., Adou A.K., Adsuar J.C., Afarideh M., Afshin A., Agarwal G., Agesa K.M., Aghayan S.A., Agrawal S., Ahmadi A., Ahmadi M., Ahmed M.B., Ahmed S., Aichour A.N., Aichour I., Aichour M.T.E., Akanda A.S., Akbari M.E., Akibu M., Akinyemi R.O., Akinyemiju T., Akseer N., Alahdab F., Al-Aly Z., Alam K., Alebel A., Aleman A.V., Alene K.A., Al-Eyadhy A., Ali R., Alijanzadeh M., Alizadeh-Navaei R., Aljunid S.M., Alkerwi A., Alla F., Allebeck P., Almasi A., Alonso J., Al-Raddadi R.M., Alsharif U., Altirkawi K., Alvis-Guzman N., Amare A.T., Ammar W., Anber N.H., Andrei C.L., Androudi S., Animut M.D., Ansari H., Ansha M.G., Antonio C.A.T., Appiah S.C.Y., Aremu O., Areri H.A., Arian N., Ärnlöv J., Artaman A., Aryal K.K., Asayesh H., Asfaw E.T., Asgedom S.W., Assadi R., Atey T.M.M., Atique S., Atteraya M.S., Ausloos M., Avokpaho E.F.G.A., Awasthi A., Ayala Quintanilla B.P., Ayele Y., Ayer R., Ayuk T.B., Azzopardi P.S., Babalola T.K., Babazadeh A., Badali H., Badawi A., Bali A.G., Banach M., Barker-Collo S.L., Bärnighausen T.W., Barrero L.H., Basaleem H., Bassat Q., Basu A., Baune B.T., Baynes H.W., Beghi E., Behzadifar M., Behzadifar M., Bekele B.B., Belachew A.B., Belay A.G., Belay E., Belay S.A., Belay Y.A., Bell M.L., Bello A.K., Bennett D.A., Bensenor I.M., Bergeron G., Berhane A., Berman A.E., Bernabe E., Bernstein R.S., Bertolacci G.J., Beuran M., Bhattarai S., Bhaumik S., Bhutta Z.A., Biadgo B., Bijani A., Bikbov B., Bililign N., Bin Sayeed M.S., Birlik S.M., Birungi C., Biswas T., Bizuneh H., Bleyer A., Basara B.B., Bosetti C., Boufous S., Brady O.J., Bragazzi N.L., Brainin M., Brazinova A., Breitborde N.J.K., Brenner H., Brewer J.D., Briant P.S., Britton G., Burstein R., Busse R., Butt Z.A., Cahuana-Hurtado L., Campos-Nonato I.R., Campuzano Rincon J.C., Cano J., Car M., Cárdenas R., Carrero J.J., Carvalho F., Castañeda-Orjuela C.A., Rivas J.C., Castro F., Catalá-López F., Çavlin A., Cerin E., Chalek J., Chang H.-Y., Chang J.-C., Chattopadhyay A., Chaturvedi P., Chiang P.P.-C., Chin K.L., Chisumpa V.H., Chitheer A., Choi J.-Y.J., Chowdhury R., Christopher D.J., Cicuttini F.M., Ciobanu L.G., Cirillo M., Claro R.M., Collado-Mateo D., Constantin M.-M., Conti S., Cooper C., Cooper L.T., Cornaby L., Cortesi P.A., Cortinovis M., Costa M., Cromwell E.A., Crowe C.S., Cukelj P., Cunningham M., Daba A.K., Dachew B.A., Dandona L., Dandona R., Dargan P.I., Daryani A., Gupta R.D., Neves J.D., Dasa T.T., Dash A.P., Davis Weaver N., Davitoiu D.V., Davletov K., De Leo D., De Neve J.-W., Degefa M.G., Degenhardt L., Degfie T.T., Deiparine S., Demoz G.T., Demtsu B., Denova-Gutiérrez E., Deribe K., Dervenis N., Des Jarlais D.C., Dessie G.A., Dharmaratne S.D., Dhimal M., Dicker D., Ding E.L., Dinsa G.D., Djalalinia S., Do H.P., Dokova K., Doku D.T., Dolan K.A., Doyle K.E., Driscoll T.R., Dubey M., Dubljanin E., Duken E.E., Duraes A.R., Ebrahimpour S., Edvardsson D., El Bcheraoui C., El-Khatib Z., Elyazar I.R., Enayati A., Endries A.Y., Ermakov S.P., Eshrati B., Eskandarieh S., Esmaeili R., Esteghamati A., Esteghamati S., Estep K., Fakhim H., Farag T., Faramarzi M., Fareed M., SáFarinha C.S.E., Faro A., Farvid M.S., Farzadfar F., Farzaei M.H., Fay K.A., Fazeli M.S., Feigin V.L., Feigl A.B., Feizy F., Fenny A.P., Fentahun N., Fereshtehnejad S.-M., Fernandes E., Feyissa G.T., Filip I., Finegold S., Fischer F., Flor L.S., Foigt N.A., Foreman K.J., Fornari C., Fürst T., Fukumoto T., Fuller J.E., Fullman N., Gakidou E., Gallus S., Gamkrelidze A., Ganji M., Gankpe F.G., Garcia G.M., Garcia-Gordillo M.Á., Gebre A.K., Gebre T., Gebregergs G.B., Gebrehiwot T.T., Gebremedhin A.T., Gelano T.F., Gelaw Y.A., Geleijnse J.M., Genova-Maleras R., Gething P., Gezae K.E., Ghadami M.R., Ghadimi R., Ghadiri K., Falavarjani K.G., Ghasemi-Kasman M., Ghiasvand H., Ghimire M., Ghoshal A.G., Gill P.S., Gill T.K., Giussani G., Gnedovskaya E.V., Goli S., Gomez R.S., Gómez-Dantés H., Gona P.N., Goodridge A., Gopalani S.V., Goulart A.C., Goulart B.N.G., Grada A., Grosso G., Gugnani H.C.C., Guo J., Guo Y., Gupta P.C., Gupta R., Gupta R., Gupta T., Haagsma J.A., Hachinski V., Hafezi-Nejad N., Hagos T.B., Hailegiyorgis T.T., Hailu G.B., Haj-Mirzaian A., Haj-Mirzaian A., Hamadeh R.R., Hamidi S., Handal A.J., Hankey G.J., Hao Y., Harb H.L., Haririan H., Haro J.M., Hasan M., Hassankhani H., Hassen H.Y., Havmoeller R., Hay S.I., He Y., Hedayatizadeh-Omran A., Hegazy M.I., Heibati B., Heidari B., Hendrie D., Henok A., Henry N.J., Herteliu C., Heydarpour F., Hibstu D.T., Hole M.K., Rad E.H., Hoogar P., Hosgood H.D., Hosseini S.M., Hosseini Chavoshi M.M., Hosseinzadeh M., Hostiuc M., Hostiuc S., Hsairi M., Hsiao T., Hu G., Huang J.J., Iburg K.M., Igumbor E.U., Ikeda C.T., Ilesanmi O.S., Iqbal U., Irenso A.A., Irvani S.S.N., Isehunwa O.O., Islam S.M.S., Jahangiry L., Jahanmehr N., Jain S.K., Jakovljevic M., Jalu M.T., James S.L., Jassal S.K., Javanbakht M., Jayatilleke A.U., Jeemon P., Jha R.P., Jha V., Ji J.S., Jonas J.B., Jozwiak J.J., Jungari S.B., Jürisson M., Kabir Z., Kadel R., Kahsay A., Kalani R., Kapil U., Karami M., Karami Matin B., Karch A., Karema C., Karimi S.M., Kasaeian A., Kassa D.H., Kassa G.M., Kassa T.D., Kassa Z.Y., Kassebaum N.J., Kastor A., Katikireddi S.V., Kaul A., Kawakami N., Kazemi Karyani A., Kebede S., Keiyoro P.N., Kemp G.R., Kengne A.P., Keren A., Kereselidze M., Khader Y.S., Khafaie M.A., Khajavi A., Khalid N., Khalil I.A., Khan E.A., Khan M.S., Khang Y.-H., Khanna T., Khater M.M., Khatony A., Khazaeipour Z., Khazaie H., Khoja A.T., Khosravi A., Khosravi M.H., Kibret G.D., Kidanemariam Z.T., Kiirithio D.N., Kilgore P.E., Kim D., Kim J.Y., Kim Y.-E., Kim Y.J., Kimokoti R.W., Kinfu Y., Kinra S., Kisa A., Kivimäki M., Kochhar S., Kokubo Y., Kolola T., Kopec J.A., Kosek M.N., Kosen S., Koul P.A., Koyanagi A., Krishan K., Krishnaswami S., Krohn K.J., Defo B.K., Bicer B.K., Kumar G.A., Kumar M., Kumar P., Kumsa F.A., Kutz M.J., Lad S.D., Lafranconi A., Lal D.K., Lalloo R., Lam H., Lami F.H., Lang J.J., Lansky S., Lansingh V.C., Laryea D.O., Lassi Z.S., Latifi A., Laxmaiah A., Lazarus J.V., Lee J.B., Lee P.H., Leigh J., Leshargie C.T., Leta S., Levi M., Li S., Li X., Li Y., Liang J., Liang X., Liben M.L., Lim L.-L., Limenih M.A., Linn S., Liu S., Lorkowski S., Lotufo P.A., Lozano R., Lunevicius R., Mabika C.M., Macarayan E.R.K., Mackay M.T., Madotto F., Mahmood T.A.E., Mahotra N.B., Majdan M., Majdzadeh R., Majeed A., Malekzadeh R., Malik M.A., Mamun A.A., Manamo W.A., Manda A.-L., Mangalam S., Mansournia M.A., Mantovani L.G., Mapoma C.C., Marami D., Maravilla J.C., Marcenes W., Marina S., Martins-Melo F.R., März W., Marzan M.B., Mashamba-Thompson T.P., Masiye F., Mason-Jones A.J., Massenburg B.B., Mathur M.R., Maulik P.K., Mazidi M., McGrath J.J., Mehata S., Mehendale S.M., Mehndiratta M.M., Mehrotra R., Mehrzadi S., Mehta K.M., Mehta V., Mekonnen T.C., Meles H.G., Meles K.G., Melese A., Melku M., Memiah P.T.N., Memish Z.A., Mendoza W., Mengesha M.M., Mengistu D.T., Mengistu G., Mensah G.A., Mereta S.T., Meretoja A., Meretoja T.J., Mestrovic T., Mezgebe H.B., Miangotar Y., Miazgowski B., Miazgowski T., Miller T.R., Miller-Petrie M.K., Mini G.K., Mirabi P., Mirica A., Mirrakhimov E.M., Misganaw A.T., Moazen B., Mohammad K.A., Mohammadi M., Mohammadifard N., Mohammadi-Khanaposhtani M., Mohammed M.A., Mohammed S., Mokdad A.H., Mola G.D., Molokhia M., Monasta L., Montañez J.C., Moradi G., Moradi M., Moradi-Lakeh M., Moradinazar M., Moraga P., Morgado-Da-Costa J., Mori R., Morrison S.D., Mosapour A., Moschos M.M., Mousavi S.M., Muche A.A., Muchie K.F., Mueller U.O., Mukhopadhyay S., Murphy T.B., Muller K., Murthy G.V.S., Musa J., Musa K.I., Mustafa G., Muthupandian S., Nachega J.B., Nagel G., Naghavi M., Naheed A., Nahvijou A., Naik G., Naik P., Najafi F., Naldi L., Nangia V., Nansseu J.R., Nascimento B.R., Nawaz H., Ncama B.P., Neamati N., Negoi I., Negoi R.I., Neupane S., Newton C.R.J., Ngalesoni F.N., Ngunjiri J.W., Nguyen G., Nguyen L.H., Nguyen T.H., Ningrum D.N.A., Nirayo Y.L., Nisar M.I., Nixon M.R., Nomura S., Noroozi M., Noubiap J.J., Nouri H.R., Nourollahpour Shiadeh M., Nowroozi M.R., Nyandwi A., Nyasulu P.S., Odell C.M., Ofori-Asenso R., Ogah O.S., Ogbo F.A., Oh I.-H., Okoro A., Oladimeji O., Olagunju A.T., Olagunju T.O., Olivares P.R., Olusanya B.O., Olusanya J.O., Ong S.K., Ortiz A., Osgood-Zimmerman A., Ota E., Otieno B.A., Otstavnov S.S., Owolabi M.O., Oyekale A.S., Mahesh P.A., Pakhale S., Pakhare A.P., Pana A., Panda B.K., Panda-Jonas S., Pandey A.R., Park E.-K., Parsian H., Patel S., Patil S.T., Patle A., Patton G.C., Paturi V.R., Paudel D., Pedroso M.M., Peprah E.K., Pereira D.M., Perico N., Pesudovs K., Petri W.A., Petzold M., Pierce M., Pigott D.M., Pillay J.D., Pirsaheb M., Polanczyk G.V., Postma M.J., Pourmalek F., Pourshams A., Poustchi H., Prakash S., Prasad N., Purcell C.A., Purwar M.B., Qorbani M., Quansah R., Radfar A., Rafay A., Rafiei A., Rahim F., Rahimi-Movaghar A., Rahimi-Movaghar V., Rahman M., Rahman M.S., Ur Rahman M.H., Rahman M.A., Ur Rahman S., Rai R.K., Rajati F., Rajsic S., Ram U., Ranabhat C.L., Ranjan P., Rawaf D.L., Rawaf S., Ray S.E., Razo-García C., Reiner R.C., Reis C., Remuzzi G., Renzaho A.M.N., Resnikoff S., Rezaei S., Rezaeian S., Rezai M.S., Riahi S.M., Rios-Blancas M.J., Roba K.T., Roberts N.L.S., Roever L., Ronfani L., Roshandel G., Rostami A., Rubagotti E., Ruhago G.M., Sabde Y.D., Sachdev P.S., Saddik B., Moghaddam S.S., Safari H., Safari Y., Safari-Faramani R., Safdarian M., Safi S., Safiri S., Sagar R., Sahebkar A., Sahraian M.A., Sajadi H.S., Salahshoor M., Salam N., Salama J.S., Salamati P., Saldanha R.D.F., Saleem Z., Salimi Y., Salimzadeh H., Salomon J.A., Salvi S.S., Salz I., Sambala E.Z., Samy A.M., Sanabria J., Sanchez-Niño M.D., Santos I.S., Santric Milicevic M.M., Sao Jose B.P., Sardana M., Sarker A.R., Sarmiento-Suárez R., Saroshe S., Sarrafzadegan N., Sartorius B., Sarvi S., Sathian B., Satpathy M., Sawant A.R., Sawhney M., Saxena S., Schaeffner E., Schelonka K., Schneider I.J.C., Schwebel D.C., Schwendicke F., Seedat S., Sekerija M., Sepanlou S.G., Serván-Mori E., Shabaninejad H., Shackelford K.A., Shafieesabet A., Shaheen A.A., Shaikh M.A., Shakir R.A., Shams-Beyranvand M., Shamsi M., Shamsizadeh M., Sharafi H., Sharafi K., Sharif M., Sharif-Alhoseini M., Sharma J., Sharma R., She J., Sheikh A., Shi P., Shibuya K., Shigematsu M., Shiri R., Shirkoohi R., Shiue I., Shokraneh F., Shukla S.R., Si S., Siabani S., Sibai A.M., Siddiqi T.J., Sigfusdottir I.D., Sigurvinsdottir R., Silpakit N., Silva D.A.S., Silva J.P., Silveira D.G.A., Singam N.S.V., Singh J.A., Singh N.P., Singh V., Sinha D.N., Sliwa K., Soares Filho A.M., Sobaih B.H., Sobhani S., Soofi M., Soriano J.B., Soyiri I.N., Sreeramareddy C.T., Starodubov V.I., Steiner C., Stewart L.G., Stokes M.A., Strong M., Subart M.L., Sufiyan M.B., Sulo G., Sunguya B.F., Sur P.J., Sutradhar I., Sykes B.L., Sylaja P.N., Sylte D.O., Szoeke C.E.I., Tabarés-Seisdedos R., Tabb K.M., Tadakamadla S.K., Tandon N., Tassew A.A., Tassew S.G., Taveira N., Tawye N.Y., Tehrani-Banihashemi A., Tekalign T.G., Tekle M.G., Temsah M.-H., Terkawi A.S., Teshale M.Y., Tessema B., Teweldemedhin M., Thakur J.S., Thankappan K.R., Thirunavukkarasu S., Thomas N., Thomson A.J., Tilahun B., To Q.G., Tonelli M., Topor-Madry R., Torre A.E., Tortajada-Girbés M., Tovani-Palone M.R., Toyoshima H., Tran B.X., Tran K.B., Tripathy S.P., Truelsen T.C., Truong N.T., Tsadik A.G., Tsegay A., Tsilimparis N., Car L.T., Ukwaja K.N., Ullah I., Usman M.S., Uthman O.A., Uzun S.B., Vaduganathan M., Vaezi A., Vaidya G., Valdez P.R., Varavikova E., Varughese S., Vasankari T.J., Vasconcelos A.M.N., Venketasubramanian N., Villafaina S., Violante F.S., Vladimirov S.K., Vlassov V., Vollset S.E., Vos T., Vosoughi K., Vujcic I.S., Wagnew F.S., Waheed Y., Walson J.L., Wang Y., Wang Y.-P., Weiderpass E., Weintraub R.G., Weldegwergs K.G., Werdecker A., Westerman R., Whiteford H., Widecka J., Widecka K., Wijeratne T., Winkler A.S., Wiysonge C.S., Wolfe C.D.A., Wu S., Wyper G.M.A., Xu G., Yamada T., Yano Y., Yaseri M., Yasin Y.J., Ye P., Yentür G.K., Yeshaneh A., Yimer E.M., Yip P., Yisma E., Yonemoto N., Yoon S.-J., Yotebieng M., Younis M.Z., Yousefifard M., Yu C., Zadnik V., Zaidi Z., Zaman S.B., Zamani M., Zare Z., Zeleke M.M., Zenebe Z.M., Zerfu T.A., Zhang X., Zhao X.-J., Zhou M., Zhu J., Zimsen S.R.M., Zodpey S., Zoeckler L., Lopez A.D., Lim S.S., GBD 2017 Population and Fertility Collaborators (2018)
      Background: Population estimates underpin demographic and epidemiological research and are used to track progress on numerous international indicators of health and development. To date, internationally available estimates ...
    • Population characteristics of the Limpet Patella caerulea (Linnaeus, 1758) in Eastern Mediterranean (Central Greece) 

      Vafidis D., Drosou I., Dimitriou K., Klaoudatos D. (2020)
      Limpets are pivotal for structuring and regulating the ecological balance of littoral communities and arewidely collected for human consumption and as fishing bait. Limpets of the species Patella caerulea were collected ...
    • Seasonal phenological patterns and flavivirus vectorial capacity of medically important mosquito species in a wetland and an urban area of Attica, Greece 

      Beleri S., Balatsos G., Karras V., Tegos N., Sereti F., Rachiotis G., Hadjichristodoulou C., Papadopoulos N., Papachristos D., Michaelakis A., Patsoula E. (2021)
      Seasonal patterns of mosquito population density and their vectorial capacity constitute major elements to understand the epidemiology of mosquito-borne diseases. Using adult mosquito traps, we compared the population ...
    • Sponges of economical interest in the Eastern Mediterranean: an assessment of diversity and population density 

      Voultsiadou, E.; Vafidis, D.; Antoniadou, C. (2008)
      The aim of this paper was to investigate diversity and population density of sponges with manifest or potential economical interest for the first time in the Eastern Mediterranean. For this purpose, the area of Dodecanese, ...