Anzeige der Dokumente 1-10 von 10

    • Bivariate genome-wide association meta-analysis of pediatric musculoskeletal traits reveals pleiotropic effects at the SREBF1/TOM1L2 locus 

      Medina-Gomez C., Kemp J.P., Dimou N.L., Kreiner E., Chesi A., Zemel B.S., Bønnelykke K., Boer C.G., Ahluwalia T.S., Bisgaard H., Evangelou E., Heppe D.H.M., Bonewald L.F., Gorski J.P., Ghanbari M., Demissie S., Duque G., Maurano M.T., Kiel D.P., Hsu Y.-H., Van Der Eerden B.C.J., Ackert-Bicknell C., Reppe S., Gautvik K.M., Raastad T., Karasik D., Van De Peppel J., Jaddoe V.W.V., Uitterlinden A.G., Tobias J.H., Grant S.F.A., Bagos P.G., Evans D.M., Rivadeneira F. (2017)
      Bone mineral density is known to be a heritable, polygenic trait whereas genetic variants contributing to lean mass variation remain largely unknown. We estimated the shared SNP heritability and performed a bivariate GWAS ...
    • Dense genotyping of immune-related disease regions identifies nine new risk loci for primary sclerosing cholangitis 

      Liu, J. Z.; Hov, J. R.; Folseraas, T.; Ellinghaus, E.; Rushbrook, S. M.; Doncheva, N. T.; Andreassen, O. A.; Weersma, R. K.; Weismüller, T. J.; Eksteen, B.; Invernizzi, P.; Hirschfield, G. M.; Gotthardt, D. N.; Pares, A.; Ellinghaus, D.; Shah, T.; Juran, B. D.; Milkiewicz, P.; Rust, C.; Schramm, C.; Muler, T.; Srivastava, B.; Dalekos, G.; Nöthen, M. M.; Herms, S.; Winkelmann, J.; Mitrovic, M.; Braun, F.; Ponsioen, C. Y.; Croucher, P. J. P.; Sterneck, M.; Teufel, A.; Andrew, L. Mason; Saarela, J.; Leppa, V.; Dorfman, R.; Alvaro, D.; Floreani, A.; Onengut-Gumuscu, S.; Rich, S. S.; Thompson, W. K.; Schork, A. J.; Næss, S.; Thomsen, I.; Mayr, G.; König, I. R.; Hveem, K.; Cleynen, I.; Gutierrez-Achury, J.; Ricaño-Ponce, I.; Van Heel, D.; Björnsson, E.; Sandford, R. N.; Durie, P. R.; Melum, E.; Vatn, M. H.; Silverberg, M. S.; Duerr, R. H.; Padyukov, L.; Brand, S.; Sans, M.; Annese, V.; Achkar, J. P.; Boberg, K. M.; Marschall, H. U.; Chazouillères, O.; Bowlus, C. L.; Wijmenga, C.; Schrumpf, E.; Vermeire, S.; Albrecht, M.; Rioux, J. D.; Alexander, G.; Bergquist, A.; Cho, J.; Schreiber, S.; Manns, M. P.; Färkkilä, M.; Dale, A. M.; Chapman, R. W.; Konstantinos, N. Lazaridis; Franke, A.; Anderson, C. A.; Karlsen, T. H. (2013)
      Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a severe liver disease of unknown etiology leading to fibrotic destruction of the bile ducts and ultimately to the need for liver transplantation. We compared 3,789 PSC cases of ...
    • Evidence for genetic contribution to the increased risk of type 2 diabetes in schizophrenia 

      Hackinger S., Prins B., Mamakou V., Zengini E., Marouli E., Brčić L., Serafetinidis I., Lamnissou K., Kontaxakis V., Dedoussis G., Gonidakis F., Thanopoulou A., Tentolouris N., Tsezou A., Zeggini E. (2018)
      The epidemiologic link between schizophrenia (SCZ) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) remains poorly understood. Here, we investigate the presence and extent of a shared genetic background between SCZ and T2D using genome-wide ...
    • Genetic sharing with cardiovascular disease risk factors and diabetes reveals novel bone mineral density loci 

      Reppe S., Wang Y., Thompson W.K., McEvoy L.K., Schork A.J., Zuber V., LeBlanc M., Bettella F., Mills I.G., Desikan R.S., Djurovic S., Gautvik K.M., Dale A.M., Andreassen O.A., Estrada K., Styrkarsdottir U., Evangelou E., Hsu Y.-H., Duncan E.L., Ntzani E.E., Oei L., Albagha O.M.E., Amin N., Kemp J.P., Koller D.L., Li G., Liu C.-T., Minster R.L., Moayyeri A., Vandenput L., Willner D., Xiao S.-M., Yerges-Armstrong L.M., Zheng H.-F., Alonso N., Eriksson J., Kammerer C.M., Kaptoge S.K., Leo P.J., Thorleifsson G., Wilson S.G., Wilson J.F., Aalto V., Alen M., Aragaki A.K., Aspelund T., Center J.R., Dailiana Z., Duggan D.J., Garcia M., Garcia-Giralt N., Giroux S., Hallmans G., Hocking L.J., Husted L.B., Jameson K.A., Khusainova R., Kim G.S., Kooperberg C., Koromila T., Kruk M., Laaksonen M., Lacroix A.Z., Lee S.H., Leung P.C., Lewis J.R., Masi L., Mencej-Bedrac S., Nguyen T.V., Nogues X., Patel M.S., Prezelj J., Rose L.M., Scollen S., Siggeirsdottir K., Smith A.V., Svensson O., Trompet S., Trummer O., Van Schoor N.M., Woo J., Zhu K., Balcells S., Brandi M.L., Buckley B.M., Cheng S., Christiansen C., Cooper C., Dedoussis G., Ford I., Frost M., Goltzman D., González-Macías J., Kähönen M., Karlsson M., Khusnutdinova E., Koh J.-M., Kollia P., Langdahl B.L., Leslie W.D., Lips P., Ljunggren Ö., Lorenc R.S., Marc J., Mellström D., Obermayer-Pietsch B., Olmos J.M., Pettersson-Kymmer U., Reid D.M., Riancho J.A., Ridker P.M., Rousseau F., Slagboom P.E., Tang N.L.S., Urreizti R., Van Hul W., Viikari J., Zarrabeitia M.T., Aulchenko Y.S., Castano-Betancourt M., Grundberg E., Herrera L., Ingvarsson T., Johannsdottir H., Kwan T., Li R., Luben R., Medina-Gómez C., Palsson S.Th., Rotter J.I., Sigurdsson G., Van Meurs J.B.J., Verlaan D., Williams F.M.K., Wood A.R., Zhou Y., Pastinen T., Raychaudhuri S., Cauley J.A., Chasman D.I., Clark G.R., Cummings S.R., Danoy P., Dennison E.M., Eastell R., Eisman J.A., Gudnason V., Hofman A., Jackson R.D., Jones G., Jukema J.W., Khaw K.-T., Lehtimäki T., Liu Y., Lorentzon M., McCloskey E., Mitchell B.D., Nandakumar K., Nicholson G.C., Oostra B.A., Peacock M., Pols H.A.P., Prince R.L., Raitakari O., Reid I.R., Robbins J., Sambrook P.N., Sham P.C., Shuldiner A.R., Tylavsky F.A., Van Duijn C.M., Wareham N.J., Cupples L.A., Econs M.J., Evans D.M., Harris T.B., Kung A.W.C., Psaty B.M., Reeve J., Spector T.D., Streeten E.A., Zillikens M.C., Thorsteinsdottir U., Ohlsson C., Karasik D., Richards J.B., Brown M.A., Stefansson K., Uitterlinden A.G., Ralston S.H., Ioannidis J.P.A., Kiel D.P., Rivadeneira F., GEFOS Consortium (2015)
      Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is a highly heritable trait, but genome-wide association studies have identified few genetic risk factors. Epidemiological studies suggest associations between BMD and several traits and diseases, ...
    • Mendelian Randomisation Study of Smoking, Alcohol, and Coffee Drinking in Relation to Parkinson's Disease 

      Domenighetti C., Sugier P.-E., Sreelatha A.A.K., Schulte C., Grover S., Mohamed O., Portugal B., May P., Bobbili D.R., Radivojkov-Blagojevic M., Lichtner P., Singleton A.B., Hernandez D.G., Edsall C., Mellick G.D., Zimprich A., Pirker W., Rogaeva E., Lang A.E., Koks S., Taba P., Lesage S., Brice A., Corvol J.-C., Chartier-Harlin M.-C., Mutez E., Brockmann K., Deutschländer A.B., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Dardiotis E., Stefanis L., Simitsi A.M., Valente E.M., Petrucci S., Duga S., Straniero L., Zecchinelli A., Pezzoli G., Brighina L., Ferrarese C., Annesi G., Quattrone A., Gagliardi M., Matsuo H., Kawamura Y., Hattori N., Nishioka K., Chung S.J., Kim Y.J., Kolber P., Van De Warrenburg B.P.C., Bloem B.R., Aasly J., Toft M., Pihlstrøm L., Guedes L.C., Ferreira J.J., Bardien S., Carr J., Tolosa E., Ezquerra M., Pastor P., Diez-Fairen M., Wirdefeldt K., Pedersen N.L., Ran C., Belin A.C., Puschmann A., Hellberg C., Clarke C.E., Morrison K.E., Tan M., Krainc D., Burbulla L.F., Farrer M.J., Krüger R., Gasser T., Sharma M., Elbaz A. (2022)
      Background: Previous studies showed that lifestyle behaviors (cigarette smoking, alcohol, coffee) are inversely associated with Parkinson's disease (PD). The prodromal phase of PD raises the possibility that these associations ...
    • Methods for multiple outcome meta-analysis of gene-expression data 

      Vennou K.E., Piovani D., Kontou P.I., Bonovas S., Bagos P.G. (2020)
      Meta-analysis is a valuable tool for the synthesis of evidence across a wide range study types including high-throughput experiments such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and gene expression studies. There are ...
    • On the increased event rate of urinary tract infection and pneumonia in CKD patients treated with roxadustat for anemia 

      Eleftheriadis T., Pissas G., Liakopoulos V., Stefanidis I. (2021)
      [No abstract available]
    • The role of platelets in autoimmunity, vasculopathy, and fibrosis: Implications for systemic sclerosis 

      Ntelis K., Solomou E.E., Sakkas L., Liossis S.-N., Daoussis D. (2017)
      Introduction Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease characterized by vasculopathy, autoimmunity, and widespread dermal and visceral fibrosis. This article summarizes the current knowledge about the potential ...
    • Statins in bacteremia, sepsis and pneumonia: Have we found the holy grail? 

      Stamatogiannis, N.; Makris, D.; Zakynthinos, E. (2009)
      Statins, beyond their lipid lowering properties, have pleiotropic properties that may modulate the inflammatory cascade and potentially could be useful in the management of inflammatory conditions such as bacteremia and ...
    • Urine-based molecular diagnostic tests for leishmaniasis infection in human and canine populations: A meta-analysis 

      Pappa S.A., Kontou P.I., Bagos P.G., Braliou G.G. (2021)
      Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease affecting humans and domesticated animals with high mortality in endemic countries. The pleiotropy of symptoms and the complicated gold-standard methods make the need for ...