Anzeige der Dokumente 1-20 von 83

    • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening: Do We Need to Shift Toward a Targeted Strategy? 

      Spanos K., Labropoulos N., Giannoukas A. (2018)
      [No abstract available]
    • Acute limb ischemia and anticoagulation in patients with history of atrial fibrillation 

      Spanos K., Athanasoulas A., Argyriou C., Vassilopoulos I., Giannoukas A.D. (2016)
      BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the commonest source of arterial embolization causing acute limb ischemia (ALI). The aim of this study was to assess the adherence of anticoagulation in AF patients and the treatment ...
    • Acute myocardial infarction not attributed to coronary artery disease: A seldom initial presentation of a left ventricular myxoma 

      Spiliopoulos K., Anyfantakis Z.A., Diminikos I., Xanthopoulos A., Magouliotis D.E., Skoularigis J., Triposkiadis F. (2021)
      Although myxoma represents the most frequent non-malignant cardiac primary tumor; it is extremely rare met in the left ventricle. Clinical features of the neoplasm extend from symptomless to critical signs of either ischemia ...
    • Aerobic, resistance and combined training and detraining on body composition, muscle strength, lipid profile and inflammation in coronary artery disease patients 

      Theodorou A.A., Panayiotou G., Volaklis K.A., Douda H.T., Paschalis V., Nikolaidis M.G., Smilios I., Toubekis A., Kyprianou D., Papadopoulos I., Tokmakidis S.P. (2016)
      Fifty-six elderly individuals diagnosed with coronary artery disease participated in the study and were divided into four groups: an aerobic exercise group, a resistance exercise group, a combined (aerobic + resistance) ...
    • Age dependence of brachial cuff-based ambulatory PWV in end-stage kidney disease patients undergoing long-term peritoneal dialysis 

      Vaios V., Georgianos P.I., Vareta G., Divanis D., Dounousi E., Eleftheriadis T., Papagianni A., Zebekakis P.E., Liakopoulos V. (2022)
      Background: The newly introduced device Mobil-O-Graph (IEM, Stolberg, Germany) combines brachial cuff oscillometry and pulse wave analysis, enabling the determination of pulse wave velocity (PWV) via complex mathematic ...
    • Anatomical Differences Between Intact and Ruptured Large Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms 

      Spanos K., Nana P., Kouvelos G., Mpatzalexis K., Matsagkas M., Giannoukas A.D. (2020)
      Purpose: To compare different anatomical characteristics between intact and ruptured large abdominal aortic aneurysms (rAAA >80 mm) with the goal of refining the process of estimating rupture risk. Materials and Methods: ...
    • Anticoagulant selection in relation to the SAMe-TT2R2 score in patients with atrial fibrillation: The GLORIA-AF registry 

      Ntaios G., Huisman M.V., Diener H.-C., Halperin J.L., Teutsch C., Marler S., Gurusamy V.K., Thompson M., Lip G.Y.H., Olshansky B., Abban D.W., Abdul N., Abud A.M., Adams F., Addala S., Adragão P., Ageno W., Aggarwal R., Agosti S., Agostoni P., Aguilar F., Linares J.A., Aguinaga L., Ahmed J., Aiello A., Ainsworth P., Aiub J.R., Al-Dallow R., Alderson L., Aldrete Velasco J.A., Alexopoulos D., Manterola F.A., Aliyar P., Alonso D., Alves da Costa F.A., Amado J., Amara W., Amelot M., Amjadi N., Ammirati F., Andrade M., Andrawis N., Annoni G., Ansalone G., Ariani M.K., Arias J.C., Armero S., Arora C., Aslam M.S., Asselman M., Audouin P., Augenbraun C., Aydin S., Ayryanova I., Aziz E., Backes L.M., Badings E., Bagni E., Baker S.H., Bala R., Baldi A., Bando S., Banerjee S., Bank A., Esquivias G.B., Barr C., Bartlett M., Kes V.B., Baula G., Behrens S., Bell A., Benedetti R., Mazuecos J.B., Benhalima B., Bergler-Klein J., Berneau J.-B., Bernstein R.A., Berrospi P., Berti S., Berz A., Best E., Bettencourt P., Betzu R., Bhagwat R., Bhatta L., Biscione F., BISIGNANI G., Black T., Bloch M.J., Bloom S., Blumberg E., Bo M., Bøhmer E., Bollmann A., Bongiorni M.G., Boriani G., Boswijk D.J., Bott J., Bottacchi E., Kalan M.B., Bradman D., Brautigam D., Breton N., Brouwers P.J.A.M., Browne K., Cortada J.B., Bruni A., Brunschwig C., Buathier H., Buhl A., Bullinga J., Cabrera J.W., Caccavo A., Cai S., Caine S., Calò L., Calvi V., Sánchez M.C., Candeias R., Capuano V., Capucci A., Caputo R., Rizo T.C., Cardona F., Carlos da Costa Darrieux F., Duarte Vera Y.C., Carolei A., Carreño S., Carvalho P., Cary S., Casu G., Cavallini C., Cayla G., Celentano A., Cha T.-J., Cha K.S., Chae J.K., Chalamidas K., Challappa K., Chand S.P., Chandrashekar H., Chartier L., Chatterjee K., Chavez Ayala C.A., Cheema A., Cheema A., Chen L., Chen S.-A., Chen J.H., Chiang F.-T., Chiarella F., Chih-Chan L., Cho Y.K., Choi J.-I., Choi D.J., Chouinard G., Hoi-Fan Chow D., Chrysos D., Chumakova G., José Roberto Chuquiure Valenzuela E.J., Nica N.C., Cislowski D.J., Clay A., Clifford P., Cohen A., Cohen M., Cohen S., Colivicchi F., Collins R., Colonna P., Compton S., Connolly D., Conti A., Buenostro G.C., Coodley G., Cooper M., Coronel J., Corso G., Sales J.C., Cottin Y., Covalesky J., Cracan A., Crea F., Crean P., Crenshaw J., Cullen T., Darius H., Dary P., Dascotte O., Dauber I., Davalos V., Davies R., Davis G., Davy J.-M., Dayer M., De Biasio M., De Bonis S., De Caterina R., De Franceschi T., de Groot J.R., De Horta J., De La Briolle A., Topete G.D.L.P., Vicenzo de Paola A.A., de Souza W., de Veer A., De Wolf L., Decoulx E., Deepak S., Defaye P., Del-Carpio Munoz F., Brkljacic D.D., Deumite N.J., Di Legge S., Diemberger I., Dietz D., Dionísio P., Dong Q., Rossi dos Santos F., Dotcheva E., Doukky R., D'Souza A., Dubrey S., Ducrocq X., Dupljakov D., Duque M., Dutta D., Duvilla N., Duygun A., Dziewas R., Eaton C.B., Eaves W., Ebels-Tuinbeek L.A., Ehrlich C., Eichinger-Hasenauer S., Eisenberg S.J., El Jabali A., El Shahawy M., Hernandes M.E., Izal A.E., Evonich R., III, Evseeva O., Ezhov A., Fahmy R., Fang Q., Farsad R., Fauchier L., Favale S., Fayard M., Fedele J.L., Fedele F., Fedorishina O., Fera S.R., Gomes Ferreira L.G., Ferreira J., Ferri C., Ferrier A., Ferro H., Finsen A., First B., Fischer S., Fonseca C., Almeida L.F., Forman S., Frandsen B., French W., Friedman K., Friese A., Fruntelata A.G., Fujii S., Fumagalli S., Fundamenski M., Furukawa Y., Gabelmann M., Gabra N., Gadsbøll N., Galinier M., Gammelgaard A., Ganeshkumar P., Gans C., Quintana A.G., Gartenlaub O., Gaspardone A., Genz C., Georger F., Georges J.-L., Georgeson S., Giedrimas E., Gierba M., Ortega I.G., Gillespie E., Giniger A., Giudici M.C., Gkotsis A., Glotzer T.V., Gmehling J., Gniot J., Goethals P., Goldbarg S., Goldberg R., Goldmann B., Golitsyn S., Gómez S., Mesa J.G., Gonzalez V.B., Gonzalez Hermosillo J.A., González López V.M., Gorka H., Gornick C., Gorog D., Gottipaty V., Goube P., Goudevenos I., Graham B., Greer G.S., Gremmler U., Grena P.G., Grond M., Gronda E., Grönefeld G., Gu X., Torres Torres I.G., Guardigli G., Guevara C., Guignier A., Gulizia M., Gumbley M., Günther A., Ha A., Hahalis G., Hakas J., Hall C., Han B., Han S., Hargrove J., Hargroves D., Harris K.B., Haruna T., Hayek E., Healey J., Hearne S., Heffernan M., Heggelund G., Heijmeriks J.A., Hemels M., Hendriks I., Henein S., Her S.-H., Hermany P., Hernández Del Río J.E., Higashino Y., Hill M., Hisadome T., Hishida E., Hoffer E., Hoghton M., Hong K., Hong S.K., Horbach S., Horiuchi M., Hou Y., Hsing J., Huang C.-H., Huckins D., kathy Hughes, Huizinga A., Hulsman E.L., Hung K.-C., Hwang G.-S., Ikpoh M., Imberti D., Ince H., Indolfi C., Inoue S., Irles D., Iseki H., Israel C.N., Iteld B., Iyer V., Jackson-Voyzey E., Jaffrani N., Jäger F., James M., Jang S.-W., Jaramillo N., Jarmukli N., Jeanfreau R.J., Jenkins R.D., Sánchez C.J., Jimenez J., Jobe R., Joen-Jakobsen T., Jones N., Moura Jorge J.C., Jouve B., Jung B.C., Jung K.T., Jung W., Kachkovskiy M., Kafkala K., Kalinina L., Kallmünzer B., Kamali F., Kamo T., Kampus P., Kashou H., Kastrup A., Katsivas A., Kaufman E., Kawai K., Kawajiri K., Kazmierski J.F., Keeling P., Kerr Saraiva J.F., Ketova G., Khaira A.S., Khripun A., Kim D.-I., Kim Y.H., Kim N.H., Kim D.K., Kim J.S., Kim J.S., Kim K.S., Kim J.B., Kinova E., Klein A., Kmetzo J.J., Kneller G.L., Knezevic A., Angela Koh S.M., Koide S., Kollias A., Kooistra J.A., Koons J., Koschutnik M., Kostis W.J., Kovacic D., Kowalczyk J., Koziolova N., Kraft P., Kragten J.A., Krantz M., Krause L., Krenning B.J., Krikke F., Kromhout Z., Krysiak W., Kumar P., Kümler T., Kuniss M., Kuo J.-Y., Küppers A., Kurrelmeyer K., Kwak C.H., Laboulle B., Labovitz A., Lai W.T., Lam A., Lam Y.Y., Zanetti F.L., Landau C., Landini G., Figueiredo E.L., Larsen T., Lavandier K., LeBlanc J., Lee M.H., Lee C.-H., Lehman J., Leitão A., Lellouche N., Lelonek M., Lenarczyk R., Lenderink T., González S.L., Leong-Sit P., Leschke M., Ley N., Li Z., Li X., Li W., Li X., Lichy C., Lieber I., Limon Rodriguez R.H., Lin H., Liu F., Liu H., Esperon G.L., Navarro N.L., Lo E., Lokshyn S., López A., López-Sendón J.L., Lorga Filho A.M., Lorraine R.S., Luengas C.A., Luke R., Luo M., Lupovitch S., Lyrer P., Ma C., Ma G., Madariaga I., Maeno K., Magnin D., Maid G., Mainigi S.K., Makaritsis K., Malhotra R., Manning R., Manolis A., Manrique Hurtado H.A., Mantas I., Jattin F.M., Maqueda V., Marchionni N., Ortuno F.M., Santana A.M., Martinez J., Maskova P., Hernandez N.M., Matsuda K., Maurer T., Mauro C., May E., Mayer N., McClure J., McCormack T., McGarity W., McIntyre H., McLaurin B., Medina Palomino F.A., Melandri F., Meno H., Menzies D., Mercader M., Meyer C., Meyer B.J., Miarka J., Mibach F., Michalski D., Michel P., Chreih R.M., Mikdadi G., Mikus M., Milicic D., Militaru C., Minaie S., Minescu B., Mintale I., Mirault T., Mirro M.J., Mistry D., Miu N.V., Miyamoto N., Moccetti T., Mohammed A., Nor A.M., Mollerus M., Molon G., Mondillo S., Moniz P., Mont L., Montagud V., Montaña O., Monti C., Moretti L., Mori K., Moriarty A., Morka J., Moschini L., Moschos N., Mügge A., Mulhearn T.J., Muresan C., Muriago M., Musial W., Musser C.W., Musumeci F., Nageh T., Nakagawa H., Nakamura Y., Nakayama T., Nam G.-B., Nanna M., Natarajan I., Nayak H.M., Naydenov S., Nazli J., Nechita A.C., Nechvatal L., Negron S.A., Neiman J., Neuenschwander F.C., Neves D., Neykova A., Miguel R.N., Nijmeh G., Nizov A., Campos R.N., Nossan J., Novikova T., Nowalany-Kozielska E., Nsah E., Nunez Fragoso J.C., Nurgalieva S., Nuyens D., Nyvad O., Odin de Los Rios Ibarra M., O'Donnell P., O'Donnell M., Oh S., Oh Y.S., Oh D., O'Hara G., Oikonomou K., Olivares C., Oliver R., Ruiz R.O., Olympios C., Anna omaszuk-Kazberuk, Asensi J.O., eena Padayattil jose, Padilla Padilla F.G., Rios V.P., Pajes G., Pandey A.S., Paparella G., Paris F., Park H.W., Park J.S., Parthenakis F., Passamonti E., Patel R.J., Patel J., Patel M., Patrick J., Jimenez R.P., Paz A., Pengo V., Pentz W., Pérez B., Pérez Ríos A.M., Pérez-Cabezas A., Perlman R., Persic V., Perticone F., Peters T.K., Petkar S., Pezo L.F., Pflücke C., Pham D.N., Phillips R.T., Phlaum S., Pieters D., Pineau J., Pinter A., Pinto F., Pisters R., Pivac N., Pocanic D., Podoleanu C., Politano A., Poljakovic Z., Pollock S., Garcéa J.P., Poppert H., Porcu M., Reino A.P., Prasad N., Précoma D.B., Prelle A., Prodafikas J., Protasov K., Pye M., Qiu Z., Quedillac J.-M., Raev D., Raffo Grado C.A., Rahimi S., Raisaro A., Rama B., Ramos R., Ranieri M., Raposo N., Rashba E., Rauch-Kroehnert U., Reddy R., Renda G., Reza S., Ria L., Richter D., Rickli H., Rieker W., Vera T.R., Ritt L.E., Roberts D., Briones I.R., Rodriguez Escudero A.E., Pascual C.R., Roman M., Romeo F., Ronner E., Roux J.-F., Rozkova N., Rubacek M., Rubalcava F., Russo A.M., Rutgers M.P., Rybak K., Said S., Sakamoto T., Salacata A., Salem A., Bodes R.S., Saltzman M.A., Salvioni A., Vallejo G.S., Fernández M.S., Saporito W.F., Sarikonda K., Sasaoka T., Sati H., Savelieva I., Scala P.-J., Schellinger P., Scherr C., Schmitz L., Schmitz K.-H., Schmitz B., Schnabel T., Schnupp S., Schoeniger P., Schön N., Schwimmbeck P., Seamark C., Searles G., Seidl K.-H., Seidman B., Sek J., Sekaran L., SERRATI C., Shah N., Shah V., Shah A., Shah S., Sharma V.K., Shaw L., Sheikh K.H., Shimizu N., Shimomura H., Shin D.-G., Shin E.-S., Shite J., Sibilio G., Silver F., Sime I., Simmers T.A., Singh N., Siostrzonek P., Smadja D., Smith D.W., Snitman M., Filho D.S., Soda H., Sofley C., Sokal A., Oi Yan Y.S., Sotolongo R., Ferreira de Souza O., Sparby J.A., Spinar J., Sprigings D., Spyropoulos A.C., Stakos D., Steinwender C., Stergiou G., Stiell I., Stoddard M., Stoikov A., Streb W., Styliadis I., Su G., Su X., Sudnik W., Sukles K., Sun X., Swart H., Szavits-Nossan J., Taggeselle J., Takagi Y., Singh Takhar A.P., Tamm A., Tanaka K., Tanawuttiwat T., Tang S., Tang A., Tarsi G., Tassinari T., Tayal A., Tayebjee M., Berg J.M.T., Tesloianu D., The S.H.K., Thomas D., Timsit S., Tobaru T., Tomasik A.R., Torosoff M., Touze E., Trendafilova E., Tsai W.K., Tse H.F., Tsutsui H., Tu T.M., Tuininga Y., Turakhia M., Turk S., Tcurner W., Tveit A., Tytus R., Valadão C., van Bergen P.F.M.M., van de Borne P., van den Berg B.J., van der Zwaan C., Van Eck M., Vanacker P., Vasilev D., Vasilikos V., Vasilyev M., Veerareddy S., Miño M.V., Venkataraman A., Verdecchia P., Versaci F., Vester E.G., Vial H., Victory J., Villamil A., Vincent M., Vlastaris A., Dahl J.V., Vora K., Vranian R.B., Wakefield P., Wang N., Wang M., Wang X., Wang F., Wang T., Warner A.L., Watanabe K., Wei J., Weimar C., Weiner S., Weinrich R., Wen M.-S., Wiemer M., Wiggers P., Wilke A., Williams D., Williams M.L., Witzenbichler B., Wong B., Lawrence Wong K.S., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Wu S., Wu R.C., Wunderlich S., Wyatt N., Wylie J.J., Xu Y., Xu X., Yamanoue H., Yamashita T., Bryan Yan P.Y., Yang T., Yao J., Yeh K.-H., Yin W.H., Yotov Y., Zahn R., Zarich S., Zenin S., Zeuthen E.L., Zhang H., Zhang D., Zhang X., Zhang P., Zhang J., Zhao S.P., Zhao Y., Zhao Z., Zheng Y., Zhou J., Zimmermann S., Zini A., Zizzo S., Zong W., Zukerman L.S., the GLORIA-AF Investigators (2021)
      Aim: The SAMe-TT2R2 score helps identify patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) likely to have poor anticoagulation control during anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) and those with scores >2 might be better ...
    • Antiplatelet Resistance in Ischaemic Stroke Patients 

      Spanos K., Kouvelos G., Matsagkas M., Giannoukas A.D. (2017)
      [No abstract available]
    • Antithrombotic therapy for elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome: Reasons to be cautious 

      Kotsiou O.S., Xirogiannis I.K. (2020)
      [No abstract available]
    • Apolipoprotein ϵ4 allele is associated with frailty syndrome: Results from the hellenic longitudinal investigation of ageing and diet study 

      Mourtzi N., Ntanasi E., Yannakoulia M., Kosmidis M., Anastasiou C., Dardiotis E., Hadjigeorgiou G., Sakka P., Scarmeas N. (2019)
      Apolipoprotein (APOE) ϵ4 allele has been associated with a number of age-related diseases but previous studies failed to identify any link with Frailty syndrome. The aim of the present study is to investigate the association ...
    • Assessment of the association of copd and asthma with in-hospital mortality in patients with covid-19. A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression analysis 

      Reyes F.M., Hache-Marliere M., Karamanis D., Berto C.G., Estrada R., Langston M., Ntaios G., Gulani P., Shah C.D., Palaiodimos L. (2021)
      Together, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma account for the most common non-infectious respiratory pathologies. Conflicting preliminary studies have shown varied effect for COPD and asthma as prognostic ...
    • The association of simple renal cysts with abdominal aortic aneurysms and their impact on renal function after endovascular aneurysm repair 

      Spanos K., Rountas C., Saleptsis V., Athanasoulas A., Fezoulidis I., Giannoukas A.D. (2016)
      We validated the association of simple renal cysts with abdominal aortic aneurysm and other cardiovascular factors and assessed simple renal cysts’ impact on renal function before and after endovascular abdominal aortic ...
    • Atrial Cardiopathy and Likely Pathogenic Patent Foramen Ovale in Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source 

      Leventis I.A., Sagris D., Strambo D., Perlepe K., Sirimarco G., Nannoni S., Korompoki E., Manios E., Makaritsis K., Vemmos K., Michel P., Ntaios G. (2021)
      Background  Atrial cardiopathy and likely pathogenic patent foramen ovale (PFO) are two potential embolic sources in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS). The relationship between these two mechanisms ...
    • Atrial Fibrillation and Dementia: A Report From the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration 

      Rivard L., Friberg L., Conen D., Healey J.S., Berge T., Boriani G., Brandes A., Calkins H., Camm A.J., Yee Chen L., Lluis Clua Espuny J., Collins R., Connolly S., Dagres N., Elkind M.S.V., Engdahl J., Field T.S., Gersh B.J., Glotzer T.V., Hankey G.J., Harbison J.A., Georg Haeusler K., Hills M.T., Johnson L.S.B., Joung B., Khairy P., Kirchhof P., Krieger D., Lip G.Y.H., Løchen M.-L., Madhavan M., Mairesse G.H., Montaner J., Ntaios G., Quinn T.J., Rienstra M., Rosenqvist M., Sandhu R.K., Smyth B., Schnabel R.B., Stavrakis S., Themistoclakis S., Van Gelder I.C., Wang J.-G., Freedman B. (2022)
      Growing evidence suggests a consistent association between atrial fibrillation (AF) and cognitive impairment and dementia that is independent of clinical stroke. This report from the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration ...
    • Automated Analysis vs. Expert Reading in Nuclear Cardiology: Correlations with the Angiographic Score 

      Angelidis G., Valotassiou V., Tsougos I., Tzavara C., Psimadas D., Theodorou E., Ziaka A., Giannakou S., Ziangas C., Skoularigis J., Triposkiadis F., Georgoulias P. (2022)
      Background and Objectives: Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) has an important role in the non-invasive investigation of coronary artery disease. The interpretation of MPI studies is mainly based on the visual evaluation ...
    • The characteristics of intracranial plaques of unilateral, anterior circulation embolic stroke of undetermined source: An analysis of different subtypes based on high-resolution imaging 

      Shang Z.-Y., Tao L., Li X.-Q., Yang B.-Q., Ntaios G., Chen H.-S. (2022)
      Background and purpose: The aim was to investigate the characteristics of non-stenotic intracranial plaque (NSIP) in embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) subtypes by high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging. ...
    • Characterization of Patients with Embolic Strokes of Undetermined Source in the NAVIGATE ESUS Randomized Trial 

      Kasner S.E., Lavados P., Sharma M., Wang Y., Wang Y., Dávalos A., Shamalov N., Cunha L., Lindgren A., Mikulik R., Arauz A., Lang W., Czlonkowska A., Eckstein J., Gagliardi R., Amarenco P., Ameriso S.F., Tatlisumak T., Veltkamp R., Hankey G.J., Toni D.S., Bereczki D., Uchiyama S., Ntaios G., Yoon B.-W., Brouns R., DeVries Basson M.M., Endres M., Muir K., Bornstein N., Ozturk S., O'Donnell M., Mundl H., Pater C., Weitz J., Peacock W.F., Swaminathan B., Kirsch B., Berkowitz S.D., Peters G., Pare G., Themeles E., Shoamanesh A., Connolly S.J., Hart R.G., NAVIGATE ESUS Steering Committee and Investigators (2018)
      Background: The New Approach Rivaroxaban Inhibition of Factor Xa in a Global Trial vs. ASA to Prevent Embolism in Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source (NAVIGATE-ESUS) trial is a randomized phase-III trial comparing ...
    • Clinical effect of accessory renal artery coverage after endovascular repair of aneurysms in abdominal and thoracoabdominal aorta 

      Spanos K., Nana P., Brotis A.G., Kouvelos G., Behrendt C.-A., Tsilimparis N., Kölbel T., Matsagkas M., Giannoukas A. (2021)
      Background: The aim of our systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the effect of accessory renal artery (ARA) coverage on renal function in terms of acute kidney injury (AKI), renal infarction, chronic renal ...
    • Clopidogrel Monotherapy versus Aspirin Monotherapy in Patients with Established Cardiovascular Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 

      Tasoudis P.T., Kyriakoulis I.G., Sagris D., Diener H.C., Ntaios G. (2022)
      Background There is no clear consensus on whether aspirin offers better outcomes in terms of secondary cardiovascular disease prevention compared with clopidogrel. Objective The aim of the study was to compare the safety ...
    • Coexisting morbidity burden in elderly hospitalized patients with and without heart failure 

      Simou A., Xanthopoulos A., Giamouzis G., Papagiannis D., Dimos A., Economou D., Skoularigis J., Triposkiadis F. (2022)
      Introduction: Aging, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and heart failure (HF) increase the coexisting morbidity (CM) burden. This study compared the contribution of HF with this increase in elderly patients hospitalized for ...