Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Toxic metals"
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Effects of sheep bone biochar on soil quality, maize growth, and fractionation and phytoavailability of Cd and Zn in a mining-contaminated soil
(2021)Biochar prepared from various feedstock materials has been utilized in recent years as a potential stabilizing agent for heavy metals in smelter-contaminated soils. However, the effectiveness of animal bone-derived biochar ... -
Hazardous toxic metal(loid)s in top- and deep-soils during the transformation of aquaculture ponds restored to farmland
(2022)The pollution risks due to the soil migration of toxic metal(loid)s (TMs) are a greatly hazard to ecological environment as well as animal and human health. Previous studies have primarily focused on surface contamination ... -
Remediation of Cd and Cu contaminated water and soil using novel nanomaterials derived from sugar beet processing- and clay brick factory-solid wastes
(2022)Producing nanomaterials from hazardous wastes for water and soil treatment is of great concern. Here, we produced and fully characterized two novel nanomaterials from sugar beet processing (SBR)- and brick factory-residuals ... -
Soil contamination by potentially toxic elements and the associated human health risk in geo- and anthropogenic contaminated soils: A case study from the temperate region (Germany) and the arid region (Egypt)
(2020)Soil contamination was very high in the studied soils (pollution load index ranged from 1.1 to 5.2), especially in the German and Egyptian Fluvisols; health risk for children was higher than for adults, and As, Al, Cr, Cu, ...