Anzeige der Dokumente 1-6 von 6
Characterization of breast lesions with CE-MR multimodal morphological and kinetic analysis: Comparison with conventional mammography and high-resolution ultrasound
(2009)Objective: Evaluation of the diagnostic value of magnetic resonance mammography and comparison with conventional mammography and ultrasonography in cases of women with suspicious breast lesions. Subjects and methods: ... -
Comparison between ultrasonographic and caliper measurements of testicular volume in the dog
(2008)The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of two methods used to clinically estimate testicular volume in the dog. Caliper and ultrasonographic measurements of testicular dimensions (length, width and height) of ... -
Imaging modalities for renal artery stenosis in suspected renovascular hypertension: Prospective intraindividual comparison of color Doppler US, CT angiography, GD-enhanced MR angiography, and digital substraction angiography
(2007)The aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of Color Doppler US, CT Angiography (CTA), and GD-enhanced MR Angiography (MRA) compared with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) for the detection of renal ... -
The role of Doppler Perfusion Index as screening test in the characterization of focal liver lesions
(2008)Purpose. Doppler Perfusion Index (DPI) has been used in the detection of overt liver metastatic disease. In the present prospective Study we evaluated the use of DPI in the differential diagnosis of liver tumours. Materials ... -
The role of intraoperative micro-Doppler ultrasound in verifying proper clip placement in intracranial aneurysm surgery
(2012)Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage constitutes a clinical entity associated with high mortality and morbidity. It is widely accepted that improper clip placement may have as a result of incomplete aneurysm occlusion and/or ... -
Ultrasonographic evidence of inflammation is frequent in hands of patients with erosive osteoarthritis
(2009)Objective: Erosive osteoarthritis (OA) (EOA) is considered an aggressive form of primary OA that is defined radiographically by intra-articular erosions of the inter-phalangeal joints of the hand and characteristic ...