Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Permanent displacements"
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Effect of spatial variability of soil properties on permanent seismic displacements of slopes with uniform load
(2021)The purpose of this study is to investigate the development of permanent displacements of earth slopes, with spatially varying properties and a uniform surface load, subjected to a strong seismic excitation. The uncertainties ... -
Effect of spatial variability of soil properties on the stability and permanent seismic displacements of highway slopes
(2019)The effect of spatial variability of soil properties, slope inclination and excitation characteristics on the development of permanent displacements is investigated using random fields, created by the Local Average Subdivision ... -
Effects of spatial variability of soil properties and ground motion characteristics on permanent displacements of slopes
(2022)The seismic performance of earth slopes is a problem of great importance in geotechnical earthquake engineering associated with various sources of uncertainty. This research investigates the effects of two important causes ... -
Influence of random soil strength properties on the earthquake vulnerability of slopes with embedded oil and natural gas pipelines
(2021)Numerous pipeline systems carrying oil and natural gas, passing through geologically unstable areas worldwide are vulnerable to seismically induced slope instability, large ground displacements and settlements. Such ground ... -
Simulation of random fields of soil properties by the local average subdivision method and engineering applications
(2021)The seismic performance of oil and natural gas pipelines founded or embedded in earth slopes encompasses great uncertainty related both to the earthquake shaking characteristics and to the natural heterogeneity of geomaterials. ...