Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Object location"
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The nitric oxide (NO) donor molsidomine antagonizes scopolamine and L-NAME-induced performance deficits in a spatial memory task in the rat
(2009)Nitric oxide (NO) is considered as an intracellular messenger in the brain. Its involvement in learning and memory processes has been proposed. Compounds that inhibit NO synthase (NOS), the key synthesizing enzyme, may ... -
Pre-training administration of anesthetic ketamine differentially affects rats' spatial and non-spatial recognition memory
(2009)There is poor experimental evidence concerning the effects of anesthetic doses of the non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine on rodents' memory abilities. The present study was designed to investigate a) the ... -
The role of nitric oxide in the object recognition memory
(2015)The novel object recognition task (NORT) assesses recognition memory in animals. It is a non-rewarded paradigm that it is based on spontaneous exploratory behavior in rodents. This procedure is widely used for testing the ...