Anzeige der Dokumente 1-20 von 39

    • Analyzing High-Risk Emergency Areas with GIS and Neural Networks: The Case of Athens, Greece 

      Grekousis, G.; Photis, Y. N. (2014)
      Any analysis of health service problems facing the world today must consider that these problems exist in a geographic context. This fact has led to an increased need for accurate and current information to support emergency ...
    • Dimensions of Atypical Forms of Employment in Thessaloniki, Greece 

      Gialis, S.; Karnavou, E. (2008)
      Post-Fordist reconstitutions in economy and society are positively related with the expansion of atypical employment. This article argues that many of the claims that an increase in atypical forms promotes less rigid labour ...
    • Duality theory and cost function analysis in a regional context: the impact of public infrastructure capital in the Greek regions 

      Rovolis, A.; Spence, N. (2002)
      The resurgent interest in the role of infrastructure on development, spurred by the work on Aschauer in the late eighties, has produced a voluminous research activity, both at national and regional levels. Even though the ...
    • Economic structure and change in the Balkan region: Implications for integration, transition and economic cooperation 

      Petrakos, G.; Totev, S. (2000)
      The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive comparative analysis of the economic performance, economic structure and trade relations of the Balkan countries, in order to detect basic trends and developments ...
    • Enhanced multi-objective optimization algorithm for renewable energy sources: optimal spatial development of wind farms 

      Karakostas, S.; Economou, D. (2014)
      A new approach for treating multi-objective spatial optimization problems is introduced in this study, aiming at deriving the optimal spatial allocation of Wind Farms on a Greek Island (Lesvos). This work builds on the ...
    • The ESDP relevance to a distant partner: Greece 

      Coccossis, H.; Economou, D.; Petrakos, G. (2005)
      Greece is an untypical case from a territorial planning perspective at a European level as it faces constraints and limitations arising by its peripheral position and the limited accessibility to major economic agglomerations ...
    • Firm and household mobility in the presence of variations in regional characteristics 

      Giannias, D. A.; Liargovas, P. G. (2002)
      This paper examines the behavior of households and firms in the presence of variations in regional characteristics that affect their location decisions. It then determines relevant equilibrium conditions. Based on the ...
    • Fragmented Integration and Business Cycle Synchronization in the Greek Regions 

      Panteladis, I.; Tsiapa, M. (2014)
      This paper examines the degree of business cycle synchronicity among Greek regions and investigates the determinants of the business cycle co-movements of output associated with specific functional and spatial aspects of ...
    • Genetic spatiotemporal anatomy of plasmodium vivax malaria episodes in Greece, 2009–2013 

      Spanakos G., Snounou G., Pervanidou D., Alifrangis M., Rosanas-Urgell A., Baka A., Tseroni M., Vakali A., Vassalou E., Patsoula E., Zeller H., Van Bortel W., Hadjichristodoulou C., MALWEST Project (2018)
      An influx of immigrants is contributing to the reemergence of Plasmodium vivax malaria in Greece; 1 persistent focus of transmission is in Laconia, Pelopónnese. We genotyped archived blood samples from a substantial ...
    • Geography of hospital admissions for multiple sclerosis in Greece 

      Dadouli K., Ntellas P., Anagnostopoulos L., Bonotis K., Dardiotis E., Hadjichristodoulou C. (2021)
      Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the 2nd most common, disability causing neurological disorder in young adults, known for its differences in prevalence according to geographical position. Data on MS epidemiology is ...
    • The glass menagerie of urban governance and social cohesion: Concepts and stakes/concepts as stakes 

      Maloutas, T.; Malouta, M. P. (2004)
      Social goals and social action are increasingly framed by a host of ambiguously egalitarian notions. The ambiguity of notions like 'social cohesion' originates principally in the tentative accommodation of competition and ...
    • The Granger-causality between income and educational inequality: a spatial cross-regressive VAR framework 

      Tselios, V. (2014)
      This paper tests the causal processes between income and educational inequality within regions of the European Union, using a spatial cross-regressive VAR framework. The results show that there is a heterogeneous causality ...
    • Growth, integration, and regional disparities in the European Union 

      Petrakos, G.; Rodriguez-Pose, A.; Rovolis, A. (2005)
      In this paper we challenge the ability of the conventional methods initiated by Barro and Sala-i-Martin in the early 1990s to detect actual convergence or divergence trends across countries or regions and suggest an ...
    • Highly Skilled Migration: What Differentiates the "Brains' Who Are Drained from Those Who Return in the Case of Greece? 

      Labrianidis, L.; Vogiatzis, N. (2013)
      The migration of highly educated population (brain drain) poses extremely significant impacts on origin countries' development, especially in cases in which, owing to their economic and social structures, these countries ...
    • Identification of climatic factors affecting the epidemiology of humanwest nile virus infections in northern Greece 

      Stilianakis N.I., Syrris V., Petroliagkis T., Pärt P., Gewehr S., Kalaitzopoulou S., Mourelatos S., Baka A., Pervanidou D., Vontas J., Hadjichristodoulou C. (2016)
      Climate can affect the geographic and seasonal patterns of vector-borne disease incidence such asWest Nile Virus (WNV) infections. We explore the association between climatic factors and the occurrence of West Nile fever ...
    • Industrial growth, economic integration and structural change: evidence from the EU new member-states regions 

      Kallioras, D.; Petrakos, G. (2010)
      The article evaluates the pre-accession experience of new European Union member-states, coming from the former Eastern bloc, estimating an empirical model used to account for regional-industrial employment growth in the ...
    • Local social engagement, satisfaction, and embeddedness in the Netherlands: which effects matter and for whom? 

      Tselios, V.; Noback, I.; McCann, P.; van Dijk, J. (2015)
      This paper examines to what extent, and for whom, different geographical characteristics affect the levels of local social engagement, satisfaction, and embeddedness in the Netherlands. We employ a uniquely detailed dataset ...
    • Managing water for Athens: From the hydraulic to the rational growth paradigm 

      Kallis, G.; Coccossis, H. (2003)
      Water management in Athens is at a turning point, since the relatively stable mode of State-organized and subsidized supply expansion has faced its limits in the drought-related crisis of 1989-1993. A shift in emphasis to ...
    • Mapping 123 million neonatal, infant and child deaths between 2000 and 2017 

      Burstein R., Henry N.J., Collison M.L., Marczak L.B., Sligar A., Watson S., Marquez N., Abbasalizad-Farhangi M., Abbasi M., Abd-Allah F., Abdoli A., Abdollahi M., Abdollahpour I., Abdulkader R.S., Abrigo M.R.M., Acharya D., Adebayo O.M., Adekanmbi V., Adham D., Afshari M., Aghaali M., Ahmadi K., Ahmadi M., Ahmadpour E., Ahmed R., Akal C.G., Akinyemi J.O., Alahdab F., Alam N., Alamene G.M., Alene K.A., Alijanzadeh M., Alinia C., Alipour V., Aljunid S.M., Almalki M.J., Al-Mekhlafi H.M., Altirkawi K., Alvis-Guzman N., Amegah A.K., Amini S., Amit A.M.L., Anbari Z., Androudi S., Anjomshoa M., Ansari F., Antonio C.A.T., Arabloo J., Arefi Z., Aremu O., Armoon B., Arora A., Artaman A., Asadi A., Asadi-Aliabadi M., Ashraf-Ganjouei A., Assadi R., Ataeinia B., Atre S.R., Quintanilla B.P.A., Ayanore M.A., Azari S., Babaee E., Babazadeh A., Badawi A., Bagheri S., Bagherzadeh M., Baheiraei N., Balouchi A., Barac A., Bassat Q., Baune B.T., Bayati M., Bedi N., Beghi E., Behzadifar M., Behzadifar M., Belay Y.B., Bell B., Bell M.L., Berbada D.A., Bernstein R.S., Bhattacharjee N.V., Bhattarai S., Bhutta Z.A., Bijani A., Bohlouli S., Breitborde N.J.K., Britton G., Browne A.J., Nagaraja S.B., Busse R., Butt Z.A., Car J., Cárdenas R., Castañeda-Orjuela C.A., Cerin E., Chanie W.F., Chatterjee P., Chu D.-T., Cooper C., Costa V.M., Dalal K., Dandona L., Dandona R., Daoud F., Daryani A., Das Gupta R., Davis I., Davis Weaver N., Davitoiu D.V., De Neve J.-W., Demeke F.M., Demoz G.T., Deribe K., Desai R., Deshpande A., Desyibelew H.D., Dey S., Dharmaratne S.D., Dhimal M., Diaz D., Doshmangir L., Duraes A.R., Dwyer-Lindgren L., Earl L., Ebrahimi R., Ebrahimpour S., Effiong A., Eftekhari A., Ehsani-Chimeh E., El Sayed I., El Sayed Zaki M., El Tantawi M., El-Khatib Z., Emamian M.H., Enany S., Eskandarieh S., Eyawo O., Ezalarab M., Faramarzi M., Fareed M., Faridnia R., Faro A., Fazaeli A.A., Fazlzadeh M., Fentahun N., Fereshtehnejad S.-M., Fernandes J.C., Filip I., Fischer F., Foigt N.A., Foroutan M., Francis J.M., Fukumoto T., Fullman N., Gallus S., Gebre D.G., Gebrehiwot T.T., Gebremeskel G.G., Gessner B.D., Geta B., Gething P.W., Ghadimi R., Ghadiri K., Ghajarzadeh M., Ghashghaee A., Gill P.S., Gill T.K., Golding N., Gomes N.G.M., Gona P.N., Gopalani S.V., Gorini G., Goulart B.N.G., Graetz N., Greaves F., Green M.S., Guo Y., Haj-Mirzaian A., Haj-Mirzaian A., Hall B.J., Hamidi S., Haririan H., Haro J.M., Hasankhani M., Hasanpoor E., Hasanzadeh A., Hassankhani H., Hassen H.Y., Hegazy M.I., Hendrie D., Heydarpour F., Hird T.R., Hoang C.L., Hollerich G., Rad E.H., Hoseini-Ghahfarokhi M., Hossain N., Hosseini M., Hosseinzadeh M., Hostiuc M., Hostiuc S., Househ M., Hsairi M., Ilesanmi O.S., Imani-Nasab M.H., Iqbal U., Irvani S.S.N., Islam N., Islam S.M.S., Jürisson M., Balalami N.J., Jalali A., Javidnia J., Jayatilleke A.U., Jenabi E., Ji J.S., Jobanputra Y.B., Johnson K., Jonas J.B., Shushtari Z.J., Jozwiak J.J., Kabir A., Kahsay A., Kalani H., Kalhor R., Karami M., Karki S., Kasaeian A., Kassebaum N.J., Keiyoro P.N., Kemp G.R., Khabiri R., Khader Y.S., Khafaie M.A., Khan E.A., Khan J., Khan M.S., Khang Y.-H., Khatab K., Khater A., Khater M.M., Khatony A., Khazaei M., Khazaei S., Khazaei-Pool M., Khubchandani J., Kianipour N., Kim Y.J., Kimokoti R.W., Kinyoki D.K., Kisa A., Kisa S., Kolola T., Kosen S., Koul P.A., Koyanagi A., Kraemer M.U.G., Krishan K., Krohn K.J., Kugbey N., Kumar G.A., Kumar M., Kumar P., Kuupiel D., Lacey B., Lad S.D., Lami F.H., Larsson A.O., Lee P.H., Leili M., Levine A.J., Li S., Lim L.-L., Listl S., Longbottom J., Lopez J.C.F., Lorkowski S., Magdeldin S., Abd El Razek H.M., Abd El Razek M.M., Majeed A., Maleki A., Malekzadeh R., Malta D.C., Mamun A.A., Manafi N., Manda A.-L., Mansourian M., Martins-Melo F.R., Masaka A., Massenburg B.B., Maulik P.K., Mayala B.K., Mazidi M., McKee M., Mehrotra R., Mehta K.M., Meles G.G., Mendoza W., Menezes R.G., Meretoja A., Meretoja T.J., Mestrovic T., Miller T.R., Miller-Petrie M.K., Mills E.J., Milne G.J., Mini G.K., Mir S.M., Mirjalali H., Mirrakhimov E.M., Mohamadi E., Mohammad D.K., Darwesh A.M., Mezerji N.M.G., Mohammed A.S., Mohammed S., Mokdad A.H., Molokhia M., Monasta L., Moodley Y., Moosazadeh M., Moradi G., Moradi M., Moradi Y., Moradi-Lakeh M., Moradinazar M., Moraga P., Morawska L., Mosapour A., Mousavi S.M., Mueller U.O., Muluneh A.G., Mustafa G., Nabavizadeh B., Naderi M., Nagarajan A.J., Nahvijou A., Najafi F., Nangia V., Ndwandwe D.E., Neamati N., Negoi I., Negoi R.I., Ngunjiri J.W., Thi Nguyen H.L., Nguyen L.H., Nguyen S.H., Nielsen K.R., Ningrum D.N.A., Nirayo Y.L., Nixon M.R., Nnaji C.A., Nojomi M., Noroozi M., Nosratnejad S., Noubiap J.J., Motlagh S.N., Ofori-Asenso R., Ogbo F.A., Oladimeji K.E., Olagunju A.T., Olfatifar M., Olum S., Olusanya B.O., Oluwasanu M.M., Onwujekwe O.E., Oren E., Ortega-Altamirano D.D.V., Ortiz A., Osarenotor O., Osei F.B., Osgood-Zimmerman A.E., Otstavnov S.S., Owolabi M.O., Mahesh P.A., Pagheh A.S., Pakhale S., Panda-Jonas S., Pandey A., Park E.-K., Parsian H., Pashaei T., Patel S.K., Pepito V.C.F., Pereira A., Perkins S., Pickering B.V., Pilgrim T., Pirestani M., Piroozi B., Pirsaheb M., Plana-Ripoll O., Pourjafar H., Puri P., Qorbani M., Quintana H., Rabiee M., Rabiee N., Radfar A., Rafiei A., Rahim F., Rahimi Z., Rahimi-Movaghar V., Rahimzadeh S., Rajati F., Raju S.B., Ramezankhani A., Ranabhat C.L., Rasella D., Rashedi V., Rawal L., Reiner Jr R.C., Renzaho A.M.N., Rezaei S., Rezapour A., Riahi S.M., Ribeiro A.I., Roever L., Roro E.M., Roser M., Roshandel G., Roshani D., Rostami A., Rubagotti E., Rubino S., Sabour S., Sadat N., Sadeghi E., Saeedi R., Safari Y., Safari-Faramani R., Safdarian M., Sahebkar A., Salahshoor M.R., Salam N., Salamati P., Salehi F., Zahabi S.S., Salimi Y., Salimzadeh H., Salomon J.A., Sambala E.Z., Samy A.M., Santric Milicevic M.M., Jose B.P.S., Saraswathy S.Y.I., Sarmiento-Suárez R., Sartorius B., Sathian B., Saxena S., Sbarra A.N., Schaeffer L.E., Schwebel D.C., Sepanlou S.G., Seyedmousavi S., Shaahmadi F., Shaikh M.A., Shams-Beyranvand M., Shamshirian A., Shamsizadeh M., Sharafi K., Sharif M., Sharif-Alhoseini M., Sharifi H., Sharma J., Sharma R., Sheikh A., Shields C., Shigematsu M., Shiri R., Shiue I., Shuval K., Siddiqi T.J., Silva J.P., Singh J.A., Sinha D.N., Sisay M.M., Sisay S., Sliwa K., Smith D.L., Somayaji R., Soofi M., Soriano J.B., Sreeramareddy C.T., Sudaryanto A., Sufiyan M.B., Sykes B.L., Sylaja P.N., Tabarés-Seisdedos R., Tabb K.M., Tabuchi T., Taveira N., Temsah M.-H., Terkawi A.S., Tessema Z.T., Thankappan K.R., Thirunavukkarasu S., To Q.G., Tovani-Palone M.R., Tran B.X., Tran K.B., Ullah I., Usman M.S., Uthman O.A., Vahedian-Azimi A., Valdez P.R., van Boven J.F.M., Vasankari T.J., Vasseghian Y., Veisani Y., Venketasubramanian N., Violante F.S., Vladimirov S.K., Vlassov V., Vos T., Vu G.T., Vujcic I.S., Waheed Y., Wakefield J., Wang H., Wang Y., Wang Y.-P., Ward J.L., Weintraub R.G., Weldegwergs K.G., Weldesamuel G.T., Westerman R., Wiysonge C.S., Wondafrash D.Z., Woyczynski L., Wu A.-M., Xu G., Yadegar A., Yamada T., Yazdi-Feyzabadi V., Yilgwan C.S., Yip P., Yonemoto N., Lebni J.Y., Younis M.Z., Yousefifard M., Yousof H.-A.S.A., Yu C., Yusefzadeh H., Zabeh E., Moghadam T.Z., Bin Zaman S., Zamani M., Zandian H., Zangeneh A., Zerfu T.A., Zhang Y., Ziapour A., Zodpey S., Murray C.J.L., Hay S.I. (2019)
      Since 2000, many countries have achieved considerable success in improving child survival, but localized progress remains unclear. To inform efforts towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3.2—to end preventable ...
    • Measuring regional economic efficiency: the case of Greek prefectures 

      Halkos, G. E.; Tzeremes, N. G. (2010)
      This paper, using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), measures for the first time the economic growth policies of the Greek prefectures. Based on the neoclassical model of growth it uses private and public investments and ...