Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Evaluation"
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Applying constructivism for interactive educational software: A research based design, implementation and evaluation method
(2004)We have designed, developed and evaluated the educational software entitled "Interaction between objects" within the framework of social constructivism on the basis of the data issued from a preceded research with teachers ... -
Appraisal of road pavement evaluation methods
(2019)Road pavement evaluation methods are based either on simple index of a surface characteristic, such as International Roughness Index (IRI) for roughness, Rut Depth (RD) for rutting, Sideway Force Coefficient (SFC) for ... -
Assessing traffic and environmental impacts of smart lockers logistics measure in a medium-sized municipality of Athens
(2019)Home deliveries and e-commerce activities have increased substantially in the recent years. This fact led to the increase of the number of last mile trips in urban areas contributing immensely to the overall impacts on the ... -
Chios Hospital Information System Assessment
(2021)A very important aspect for organizations that provide healthcare services is to have fully functional and successful information systems. A successful hospital information system can contribute to high quality healthcare ... -
A comparative assessment of machine learning algorithms for events detection
(2019)Nowadays, one can observe massive amount of data production by numerous devices interacting with their environment and end users. [1] Such data can be the subject of advanced processing usually through machine learning ... -
A comparative study of the ovine haemogram: Cell-DYN 3500 versus manual methods
(2013)Manual hematology techniques traditionally applied in farm animal medicine are time consuming and labor-intensive, especially when large numbers of samples have to be processed. As a result, several automated hematology ... -
An eco-efficient and economical optimum evaluation technique for the forest road networks: the case of the mountainous forest of Metsovo, Greece
(2018)The sustainable forest management can be achieved only through environmentally sound and economically efficient and feasible forest road networks and transportation systems that can potentially improve the multi-functional ... -
Evaluating students' programming skill behaviour and personalizing their computer learning environment using "the Hour of Code" paradigm
(2015)One of the most intriguing objectives when teaching computer science in mid-adolescence high school students is attracting and mainly maintaining their concentration within the limits of the class. A number of theories ... -
Evaluation of underreporting of salmonellosis and shigellosis hospitalised cases in Greece, 2011: results of a capture-recapture study and a hospital registry review
(2013)Background: Salmonellosis and shigellosis are mandatorily notifiable diseases in Greece. Underreporting of both diseases has been postulated but there has not been any national study to quantify it. The objective of this ... -
Historical, comparative and statistical perspectives of school effectiveness research: Rethinking educational evaluation in Greece
(2003)Offers new insight in the case of educational evaluation in Greece by presenting the history and the current state of school effectiveness research (SER). From an historical perspective, presents the beginnings and the two ... -
Improved retrieval effectiveness by efficient combination of term proximity and zone scoring: A simulation-based evaluation
(2012)During the past few years, the commercial Web search engines have augmented their underlying index structures by significantly enriching the information which describes the appearance of a word within a document Dean (2009) ... -
Integrating logistics and transportation simulation tools for long-term planning
(2019)The complexity that underlies in transport systems and logistics necessitate the integration of different models that are capable of overcoming potential limitations when considering tools individually. This paper focuses ... -
Layered evaluation in recommender systems: A retrospective assessment
(2014)Evaluation of recommender systems has only lately started to become more systematic, since the emphasis has long been on the experimental evaluation of algorithmic performance. Recent studies have proposed adopting a layered ... -
“On-Line” Heating Emissions Based on WRF Meteorology— Application and Evaluation of a Modeling System over Greece
(2022)The main objective of the present study is the development of an “on-line” heating emissions modeling system based on simulated meteorological data and its integration with air quality modeling systems in order to improve ... -
OpenDwarfs: Characterization of Dwarf-Based Benchmarks on Fixed and Reconfigurable Architectures
(2016)The proliferation of heterogeneous computing platforms presents the parallel computing community with new challenges. One such challenge entails evaluating the efficacy of such parallel architectures and identifying the ... -
Process and outcome evaluation of the "No more smoking! It's time for physical activity" program
(2013)Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the program "No more smoking! It's time for physical activity", with a mixed methods design, in order to collect information to improve the program for future applications. ... -
The science of science and a multilayer network approach to scientists’ ranking
(2018)The deluge of data on scholarly output created unique opportunities for identifying the drivers of modern science, for studying career paths of scientists, and for measuring the research performance. These massive data and ... -
Teachers' perceptions toward education of gifted children in Greek educational settings
(2014)The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes of school teachers regarding the education of gifted students in Greek educational settings and to identify the factors affecting such perceptions. The sample consisted ... -
A thorough review and analysis of journey planners
(2019)Mobility is highly associated to the ability of the travelers to have access to the proper information on the appropriate time, so that to facilitate their choices regarding the destination, time of the day for the trip, ... -
The TREND experimental activities on "green" communication networks
(2013)Aimed at answering important questions about the energy demand of current telecom infrastructure and the design of sustainable and energy-efficient future networks, the research of a number of European partners is brought ...