Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Electric power transmission"
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A 3-D Fast transform-based preconditioner for large-scale power grid analysis on massively parallel architectures
(2014)Efficient analysis of on-chip power delivery networks is one of the most challenging problems that EDA is confronted with. This paper addresses the problem of simulating general multi-layer power delivery networks with ... -
Combined forecasting system for short-term bus load forecasting based on clustering and neural networks
(2020)Micro-grids as 'micro-graphs' of the power systems involve the management of small loads, either isolated or connected to the main grid. Load forecasting is a tool of fundamental importance in power systems design and ... -
Decentralized blockchain-based consensus for Optimal Power Flow solutions
(2021)We design, implement and analyze a decentralized consensus algorithm based on the blockchain technology for the solution of the Optimal Power Flow problem. The proposed algorithm enables independent power grid nodes, without ... -
Fast Transform-based preconditioners for large-scale power grid analysis on massively parallel architectures
(2012)Efficient analysis of massive on-chip power delivery networks is among the most challenging problems facing the EDA industry today. In this paper, we present a new preconditioned iterative method for fast DC and transient ... -
An internet of things architecture for preserving privacy of energy consumption
(2016)Energy consumption by residential customers represents today around 30 to 40% of the total consumed energy, with the residential loads often to be charged for significant contribution to the peak demands both seasonal and ... -
Market-based TSO-DSO coordination for enhanced flexibility services provision
(2022)This paper proposes a framework for DSO-TSO market-based coordination in a feasible and transparent way, compatible with the European-type electricity market. The DSO participates in the balancing market as a Balance ... -
Parallel Fast Transform-Based Preconditioners for Large-Scale Power Grid Analysis on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
(2016)Efficient analysis of on-chip power delivery networks is one of the most challenging problems facing the electronic design automation industry today. The fast dc and transient simulation of power grids is necessary to ... -
A parallel fast transform-based preconditioning approach for electrical-thermal co-simulation of power delivery networks
(2013)Efficient analysis of massive on-chip power delivery networks is among the most challenging problems facing the EDA industry today. Due to Joule heating effect and the temperature dependence of resistivity, temperature is ... -
Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Short Term Load Forecasting
(2021)In order to schedule an effective service and economical capital extension of an electric power distribution system, the system administrator must be able to predict the need for power delivery. Short Term Load Forecasting ...