Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Data analysis"
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The educational software "Phenomena and models of the physical world" and the learning of electrostatic phenomena
(2008)The aim of the present research was to reach conclusions on whether the educational software "Phenomena and models of the physical world" can help students develop representations of the structure of matter in the microscopic ... -
Fuzzy regression analysis: An application on tensile strength of materials and hardness scales
(2012)In the present paper we use fuzzy linear regression analysis and fuzzy similarity to investigate the relation of various hardness scales to tensile strength of materials. We examine the relation of the Vickers, Brinell, ... -
An intelligent emotional agent for students with attention deficit disorder
(2010)We propose the use of an intelligent emotional pedagogical agent to improve the communication channel between the user and the machine for e-learning systems for students with attention deficit disorder. We argue that the ... -
Projection based clustering of gene expression data
(2010)The microarray DNA technologies have given researchers the ability to examine, discover and monitor thousands of genes in a single experiment. Nonetheless, the tremendous amount of data that can be obtained from microarray ... -
Studying students' difficulties in understanding wave phenomena using computer simulations
(2008)This study investigated high school students' alternative ideas related to wave phenomena, as well as a teaching approach especially designed to cope with students' learning difficulties in this physics area. Initially, ...