Anzeige der Dokumente 1-20 von 147

    • Acceptability of Self-Sampling for Human Papillomavirus-Based Cervical Cancer Screening 

      Chatzistamatiou K., Vrekoussis T., Tsertanidou A., Moysiadis T., Mouchtaropoulou E., Pasentsis K., Kitsou A., Moschaki V., Ntoula M., Zempili P., Halatsi D., Truva T., Piha V., Agelena G., Daponte A., Vanakara P., Paschopoulos M., Stefos T., Lymberis V., Kontomanolis E.N., Makrigiannakis A., Deligeoroglou E., Panoskaltsis T., Adonakis G., Michail G., Stamatopoulos K., Agorastos T. (2020)
      Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV)-DNA testing combined with self-sampling could increase cervical cancer screening effectiveness, utilizing a sensitive screening modality and an easy sampling method with minimal pain ...
    • Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Frailty 

      Ntanasi E., Yannakoulia M., Kosmidis M.-H., Anastasiou C.A., Dardiotis E., Hadjigeorgiou G., Sakka P., Scarmeas N. (2018)
      Objective: Το investigate associations between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and frailty in a Greek population of older adults. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Data were drawn from the Hellenic longitudinal ...
    • Age and signal strength-related changes in vessel density in the choroid and the retina: an OCT angiography study of the macula and optic disc 

      Dastiridou A., Kassos I., Samouilidou M., Koutali D., Mataftsi A., Androudi S., Ziakas N. (2022)
      Purpose: To investigate the effects of ageing and signal strength index (SSI) on vessel density (VD) measurements of the radial peripapillary capillaries (RPC) in the optic disc, the retinal superficial (SCP) and deep (DCP) ...
    • Altered activity of xenobiotic detoxifying enzymes at menopause – A cross-sectional study 

      Tsiokou V., Kilindris T., Begas E., Kouvaras E., Kouretas D., Asprodini E.K. (2020)
      Xenobiotic metabolism at menopause is an under-investigated topic, albeit women spend one-third of their life in the postmenopausal period. The present study examined the effect of menopause on the in vivo activities of ...
    • Apolipoprotein ϵ4 allele is associated with frailty syndrome: Results from the hellenic longitudinal investigation of ageing and diet study 

      Mourtzi N., Ntanasi E., Yannakoulia M., Kosmidis M., Anastasiou C., Dardiotis E., Hadjigeorgiou G., Sakka P., Scarmeas N. (2019)
      Apolipoprotein (APOE) ϵ4 allele has been associated with a number of age-related diseases but previous studies failed to identify any link with Frailty syndrome. The aim of the present study is to investigate the association ...
    • Are municipal solid waste collectors at increased risk of Hepatitis A Virus infection? A Greek cross-sectional study 

      Rachiotis G., Tsovili E., Papagiannis D., Markaki A., Hadjichristodoulou C. (2016)
      Municipal solid waste collectors are reportedly at risk for Hepatitis A virus infection (HAV) as an occupational hazard. We aimed to investigate the prevalence and possible risk factors of HAV infection among solid waste ...
    • Assessing hostility in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 

      Tzitzikos G., Kotrotsiou E., Bonotis K., Gourgoulianis K. (2019)
      COPD is a disease that can adversely affect patients’ psychology. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether COPD patients feel increased hostility, and if hostility is associated with socio-economic factors. A ...
    • Assessing performance in pre-season wrestling athletes using biomarkers 

      Papassotiriou I., Nifli A.-P. (2018)
      Introduction: Although regular training introduces the desired changes in athletes’ metabolism towards optimal final performance, literature is rarely focusing on the metabolic responses off-competition. Therefore, the aim ...
    • Assessing the association between breastfeeding, type of childbirth and family structure with childhood obesity: results from an observational study among 10–12 years old children 

      Kanellopoulou A., Antonogeorgos G., Kokkou S., Notara V., Rojas-Gil A.P., Kornilaki E.N., Lagiou A., Kosti R.I., Panagiotakos D.B. (2022)
      This study examined the association between breastfeeding, type of childbirth, and family structure with childhood obesity. During 2014–2016, 1728 Greek students attending primary schools and their parents were enrolled. ...
    • Association Between Sleep Disturbances and Frailty: Evidence From a Population-Based Study 

      Balomenos V., Ntanasi E., Anastasiou C.A., Charisis S., Velonakis G., Karavasilis E., Tsapanou A., Yannakoulia M., Kosmidis M.H., Dardiotis E., Hadjigeorgiou G., Sakka P., Scarmeas N. (2021)
      Objective: To explore the association between both self-reported quality and quantity sleep characteristics and frailty status in a large non–sex-specific population of older individuals in Greece. Design: Cross-sectional ...
    • The associations between dairy product consumption and biomarkers of inflammation, adipocytokines, and oxidative stress in children: A cross-sectional study 

      Aslam H., Jacka F.N., Marx W., Karatzi K., Mavrogianni C., Karaglani E., Mohebbi M., Pasco J.A., O’neil A., Berk M., Nomikos T., Kanellakis S., Androutsos O., Manios Y., Moschonis G. (2020)
      The association between dairy product consumption and biomarkers of inflammation, adipocytokines, and oxidative stress is poorly studied in children. Therefore, these associations were examined in a representative subsample ...
    • Associations between sleep and obesity indices in older adults: results from the HELIAD study 

      Mamalaki E., Tsapanou A., Anastasiou C.A., Kosmidis M.H., Dardiotis E., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Sakka P., Scarmeas N., Yannakoulia M. (2019)
      Background: Short sleep duration and low sleep quality are negatively associated with obesity in young adults, but in older people the results are inconsistent. Aims: The aim of the present study was to examine the ...
    • Associations of risk perception of COVID-19 with emotion and mental health during the pandemic 

      Han Q., Zheng B., Agostini M., Bélanger J.J., Gützkow B., Kreienkamp J., Reitsema A.M., van Breen J.A., Leander N.P., Abakoumkin G., Abdul Khaiyom J.H.B., Ahmedi V., Akkas H., Almenara C.A., Atta M., Bagci S.C., Basel S., Kida E.B., Buttrick N.R., Chobthamkit P., Choi H.-S., Cristea M., Csaba S., Damnjanović K., Danyliuk I., Dash A., Di Santo D., Douglas K.M., Enea V., Faller D.G., Fitzsimons G.J., Gheorghiu A., Grzymala-Moszczynska J., Gómez Á., Hamaidia A., Helmy M., Hudiyana J., Jeronimus B.F., Jiang D.-Y., Jovanović V., Kamenov Ž., Kende A., Keng S.-L., Kieu T.T.T., Koc Y., Kovyazina K., Kozytska I., Krause J., Kruglanski A.W., Kurapov A., Kutlaca M., Lantos N.A., Lemay E.P., Lesmana C.B.J., Louis W.R., Lueders A., Malik N.I., Martinez A.P., McCabe K.O., Mehulić J., Milla M.N., Mohammed I., Molinario E., Moyano M., Muhammad H., Mula S., Muluk H., Myroniuk S., Najafi R., Nisa C.F., Nyúl B., O'Keefe P.A., Osuna J.J.O., Osin E.N., Park J., Pica G., Pierro A., Rees J.H., Resta E., Rullo M., Ryan M.K., Samekin A., Santtila P., Sasin E., Schumpe B.M., Selim H.A., Stanton M.V., Stroebe W., Sultana S., Sutton R.M., Tseliou E., Utsugi A., van Lissa C.J., van Veen K., van Dellen M.R., Vázquez A., Wollast R., Yeung V.W., Zand S., Žeželj I.L., Zick A., Zúñiga C., PsyCorona Collaboration (2021)
      Background: Although there are increasing concerns on mental health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, no large-scale population-based studies have examined the associations of risk perception of COVID-19 with emotion ...
    • Attitudes and Smoking Prevalence Among Undergraduate Students in Central Greece 

      Papagiannis D., Malli F., Papathanasiou I.V., Routis P., Fradelos E., Kontopoulou L., Rachiotis G., Gourgoulianis K.I. (2021)
      Tobacco smoking is a major public health problem globally. The vast majority of smokers start smoking early. The hazards of smoking depend on a plethora of factors such as the age one starts to smoke, number of cigarettes ...
    • Attitudes toward older people among nursing students in Greece 

      Fradelos E.C., Artemi S., Tsalogidou A., Almpani E., Malli F., Lavdaniti M., Papathanasiou I.V., Tzavella F. (2022)
      Background: The age profile of the population has shifted globally. Age discrimination has been documented, particularly in the areas of health and employment. Aim: This study aims at examining nursing students' attitudes ...
    • Bayesian Evaluation of Three Serological Tests for Diagnosis of Brucella infections in Dromedary Camels Using Latent Class Models 

      Elsohaby I., Kostoulas P., Elsayed A.M., Ahmed H.A., El-Diasty M.M., Wareth G., Ghanem F.M., Arango-Sabogal J.C. (2022)
      Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease with significant economic and public health impacts. The disease has been found in ruminants, including camels, but clinical diagnosis of camel brucellosis is difficult due to the lack of ...
    • Blood donation knowledge and attitudes among undergraduate health science students: A cross-sectional study 

      Papagiannis D., Rachiotis G., Symvoulakis E.K., Anyfantakis D., Douvlataniotis K., Zilidis C., Markaki A., Hadjichristodoulou C. (2016)
      Awareness towards blood donation can be empowered by health professionals' role-modelling. We aimed to assess knowledge and attitudes among Greek undergraduate medical laboratory students. A questionnaire was distributed ...
    • Bone mass of female dance students prior to professional dance training: A cross-sectional study 

      Amorim T., Metsios G.S., Wyon M., Nevill A.M., Flouris A.D., Maia J., Teixeira E., Machado J.C., Marques F., Koutedakis Y. (2017)
      Background Professional dancers are at risk of developing low bone mineral density (BMD). However, whether low BMD phenotypes already exist in pre-vocational dance students is relatively unknown. Aim To cross-sectionally ...
    • Brain volume dynamics in multiple sclerosis. A case-control study 

      Andravizou A., Artemiadis A., Bakirtzis C., Siokas V., Aloizou A.-M., Peristeri E., Kapsalaki E., Tsimourtou V., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Dardiotis E. (2019)
      Objectives: In this study, we aimed to explore the extent and clinical relevance of brain volume dynamics in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Methods: Sixty-three patients with RRMS with a disease duration ...
    • Breastfeeding and overweight in european preschoolers: The toybox study 

      Usheva N., Lateva M., Galcheva S., Koletzko B.V., Cardon G., De Craemer M., Androutsos O., Kotowska A., Socha P., Moreno L.A., Manios Y., Iotova V., ToyBox-Study Group (2021)
      The benefits of breastfeeding (BF) include risk reduction of later overweight and obesity. We aimed to analyse the association between breastfeeding practices and overweight/obesity among preschool children participating ...