Anzeige der Dokumente 1-20 von 24

    • Architectures for SLAM and augmented reality computing 

      Bellas N., Antonopoulos C.D., Lalis S., Gkeka M.-R., Patras A., Keramidas G., Stamoulis I., Tavoularis N., Piperakis S., Hourdakis E., Trahanias P., Zikas P., Papagiannakis G., Kartsonaki I. (2021)
      In the next few years, new demanding applications will be supported on mobile platforms by reconciling two conflicting requirements: high performance (often with real-time limitations) and low power consumption. The objective ...
    • Cloud computing economics 

      Bibi S., Katsaros D., Bozanis P. (2015)
      Cloud services and technologies are currently receiving increased attention from the industry mostly due to business-driven promises and expectations. Significant innovations in virtualization and distributed computing, ...
    • Developing a universal, decentralized and immutable Erasmus credit transfer system on blockchain 

      Pelaitis D., Spathoulas G. (2018)
      Blockchain is one of the most hyped technologies of recent years. It promises to restructure the way applications are developed and to replace the widely client-server model used today. While the technology is promising ...
    • DReDBox: Materializing a full-stack rack-scale system prototype of a next-generation disaggregated datacenter 

      Bielski M., Syrigos I., Katrinis K., Syrivelis D., Reale A., Theodoropoulos D., Alachiotis N., Pnevmatikatos D., Pap E.H., Zervas G., Mishra V., Saljoghei A., Rigo A., Fernando Zazo J., Lopez-Buedo S., Torrents M., Zyulkyarov F., Enrico M., Gonzalez De DIos O. (2018)
      Current datacenters are based on server machines, whose mainboard and hardware components form the baseline, monolithic building block that the rest of the system software, middleware and application stack are built upon. ...
    • Enabling wireless LAN troubleshooting 

      Syrigos, I.; Keranidis, S.; Korakis, T.; Dovrolis, C. (2015)
      Particular WLAN pathologies experienced in realistic scenarios are hard to detect, due to the complex nature of the wireless medium. Prior work has employed sophisticated equipment, driver modifications, or even application-layer ...
    • Exploring brazilian photovoltaic solar energy development scenarios using the fuzzy cognitive map wizard tool 

      Papageorgiou K., Carvalho G., Papageorgiou E.I., Papandrianos N.I., Mendonca M., Stamoulis G. (2020)
      Photovoltaic Solar Energy (PSE) sector has gained great attention during the last decades due to its significant role in the transition to sustainable energy systems. As a viable energy option, PSE has the potential to ...
    • Flexible Deployment and Enforcement of Flight and Privacy Restrictions for Drone Applications 

      Grigoropoulos N., Lalis S. (2020)
      As drones gradually become a key component of next-generation cyber-physical systems, it is important to manage them in a flexible and efficient way. At the same time, it is crucial to enforce certain restrictions, which ...
    • Information content in nuclear medicine imaging 

      Michail C.M., Agavanakis K.N., Karpetas G.E., Kalyvas N.I., Valais I.G., Kandarakis I.S., Panayiotakis G.S., Fountos G.P. (2019)
      The aim of the present study was to investigate the information content of positron emission tomography (PET) images. We used the GATE Monte Carlo package (GEANT4 application for tomographic emission) and reconstructed ...
    • An intelligent, uncertainty driven management scheme for software updates in pervasive IoT applications 

      Kolomvatsos K. (2018)
      The era of the Internet of Things (IoT) involves a huge number of autonomous devices (nodes) capable of monitoring and interacting with their environment. The autonomous devices are also able of being interconnected, thus, ...
    • Monte carlo computational software and methods in radiation dosimetry 

      Chatzisavvas N., Priniotakis G., Papoutsidakis M., Nikolopoulos D., Valais I., Karpetas G. (2021)
      The fast developments and ongoing demands in radiation dosimetry have piqued the attention of many software developers and physicists to create powerful tools to make their experiments more exact, less expensive, more ...
    • Network store: Exploring slicing in future 5G networks 

      Nikaein N., Schiller E., Favraud R., Katsalis K., Stavropoulos D., Alyafawi I., Zhao Z., Braun T., Korakis T. (2015)
      In this paper, we present a revolutionary vision of 5G networks, in which SDN programs wireless network functions, and where Mobile Network Operators (MNO), Enterprises, and Over-The-Top (OTT) third parties are provided ...
    • On interconnecting and orchestrating components in disaggregated data centers: The dReDBox project vision 

      Katrinis K., Zervas G., Pnevmatikatos D., Syrivelis D., Alexoudi T., Theodoropoulos D., Raho D., Pinto C., Espina F., Lopez-Buedo S., Chen Q., Nemirovsky M., Roca D., Klos H., Berends T. (2016)
      Computing systems servers-low-or high-end ones have been traditionally designed and built using a main-board and its hardware components as a 'hard' monolithic building block; this formed the base unit on which the system ...
    • Onshore pipeline high-grade steel for challenge utilization 

      Ferino, J.; Fonzo, A.; Di Biagio, M.; Demofonti, G.; Spinelli, C. M.; Karamanos, S. A. (2014)
      High pressure pipeline transportation is one of the key technologies to connect remote gas fields and deliver gas at competitive prices to consumption markets. Arctic regions will become more attractive in the near future ...
    • Reducing the mission time of drone applications through location-aware edge computing 

      Kasidakis T., Polychronis G., Koutsoubelias M., Lalis S. (2021)
      In data-driven applications, which go beyond simple data collection, drones may need to process sensor measurements at certain locations, during the mission. However, the onboard computing platforms typically have strong ...
    • Retrofit of Damaged RC Columns Using CFRP Jackets 

      Moretti M.L., Miliokas E., Paparizos I. (2022)
      This paper presents results of an experimental program undertaken to investigate the possibility of application of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) jackets to reduce the risk of rebar buckling of axially loaded RC ...
    • Scavenging PyPi for VLSI Packages 

      Kranas G.K., Dadaliaris A.N., Oikonomou P., Dossis M. (2022)
      Application Specific Integrated Circuits and Field Programmable Gate Arrays as well as their respective design flows have been the focus of many studies. As such the use of EDA tools becomes a necessity while researchers ...
    • Skills Development Through Agile Capstone Projects 

      Boti E., Damasiotis V., Fitsilis P. (2021)
      Agile development, which has been accepted by many organizations in the area of management and software engineering in the last two decades, nowadays, tends to become an emerging teaching and learning methodology in higher ...
    • Software Features Prioritization based on Stakeholders' Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Hesitation 

      Gerogiannis V.C., Tsoni E., Born C., Iatrellis O. (2020)
      In this paper we present a practical method that can be applied to support the prioritization of large sets of candidate software features in a requirements prioritization process. We consider as prioritization criteria ...
    • Software Solution for Planning and Conducting a Transport Survey 

      Pticina I., Nathanail E., Kibish S. (2015)
      In cases when there is no ability to use different intrusive methods for the counting of traffic volume usually a non-intrusive method is used - manual observation using tally sheets. This method of data collection has the ...
    • System Architecture for Autonomous Drone-Based Remote Sensing 

      Koutsoubelias M., Grigoropoulos N., Polychronis G., Badakis G., Lalis S. (2022)
      Thanks to modern autopilot hardware and software, multi-rotor drones can fly and perform different maneuvers in a precise way, guided merely by high-level commands. This, in turn, opens the way towards fully automated ...