Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Agricultural land"
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Afforestation of agricultural land as a measure of management and development of rural areas
(2003)The key measures for the environmental protection of agricultural land in the EEC countries, constitute accompanying measures of reformed Common Agricultural Policy. These measures concern the Reg. 2078/92/EEC about "crop ... -
Agriculture and the threat to biodiversity in sub-saharan Africa
(2015)The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment identified habitat loss due to the extensive growth of agriculture as the primary driver of biodiversity loss. One implication of this is that agricultural intensification has the potential ... -
Irrigation of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) with microcystin-enriched water holds low risk for plants and their associated rhizopheric and epiphytic microbiome
(2020)Microcystins (MCs) are toxins produced during cyanobacterial blooms. They reach soil and translocated to plants through irrigation of agricultural land with water from MC-impacted freshwater systems. To date we have good ...