Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "APPROXIMATION"
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Finite element simulations of window Josephson junctions
(2012)This paper deals with the numerical simulation of the steady state two dimensional window Josephson junctions by finite element method. The model is represented by a sine-Gordon type composite PDE problem. Convergence and ... -
A heuristic method for nonconvex optimization in mechanics: Conceptual idea, theoretical justification, engineering applications
(2000)Structures involving nonmonotone, possibly multivalued reaction-displacement or stress-strain laws cannot be effectively treated by the numerical methods for classical nonlinearities. In this paper we make use of the fact ... -
Multiscale modeling in nanomaterials science
(2007)Nanoscience is an area with increasing interest both in the physicochemical phenomena involved and the potential applications such as silicon carbide films, carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, MEMS etc. These materials exhibit ... -
A neural network approach for the solution of frictional contact problems with nonconvex superpotentials
(2002)A neural network approach is proposed for the numerical treatment of frictional contact problems. A nonmonotone friction law is assumed to describe the stick-slip process which leads to the formulation of a computational ... -
A numerical model based on nonconvex-nonsmooth optimization for the simulation of bending tests on composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting
(2010)It is well known that the Calculation Of the ultimate strength of composite concrete slabs with profiled steel sheeting requires the determination of the longitudinal shear resistance which depends on the quality of the ... -
Solution of interface problems with nonmonotone contact and friction laws using a neural network optimization environment
(2004)The paper addresses the solution of interface problems which present a degrading behaviour leading to nonmonotone contact and friction laws. The paper is based on a superpotential formulation that leads to hemivariational ... -
Strength evalution of retrofit shear wall elements with interfaces of fractal geometry
(2002)In the present paper structures involving rough interfaces, with irregularities of all scales, are simulated with the help of fractal Geometry. More specifically, the approach followed is the multilevel hierarchical approach. ...