Anzeige der Dokumente 21-37 von 37

    • Interleukin-6 inhibitors reduce mortality in coronavirus disease-2019: An individual patient data meta-analysis from randomized controlled trials 

      Tasoudis P.T., Arvaniti C.K., Adamou A.T., Belios I., Stone J.H., Horick N., Sagris D., Dalekos G.N., Ntaios G. (2022)
      Objective: To assess the efficacy of IL-6 inhibitors compared to standard of care (SOC) in COVID-19 patients. Data Sources: A systematic review of the MEDLINE and Scopus databases (last search: October 8th, 2021) was ...
    • Interrupted versus uninterrupted anticoagulation therapy for catheter ablation in adults with arrhythmias 

      Bawazeer G.A., Alkofide H.A., Alsharafi A.A., Babakr N.O., Altorkistani A.M., Kashour T.S., Miligkos M., AlFaleh K.M., Al-Ansary L.A. (2021)
      Background: The management of anticoagulation therapy around the time of catheter ablation (CA) procedure for adults with arrhythmia is critical and yet is variable in clinical practice. The ideal approach for safe and ...
    • Introducing the “bleeding team”: Urgent reconstruction of an open fracture in a patient receiving acenocoumarol 

      Bareka M., Ntalouka M.P., Kolonia K., Koutalos A.A., Hantes M., Arnaoutoglou E. (2021)
      Case: An elderly, polytrauma patient receiving vitamin K antagonist (VKA) for atrial fibrillation required immediate surgery for open distal tibial fracture. As the initial reversal with vitamin K and fresh frozen plasma ...
    • Kawasaki Disease and COVID-19 

      Gkoutzourelas A., Bogdanos D.P., Sakkas L.I. (2020)
      The recent passing away of Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki, who first described what is now known as Kawasaki Disease (KD), and recent reports of a multisystem inflammatory disease in children associated a review on KD and MIS-C ...
    • Low-molecular-weight heparin for prevention of thrombosis: Inverted role 

      Dailiana, Z. H.; Malizos, K. N.; Varitimidis, S.; Hantes, M.; Basdekis, G.; Rigopoulos, N. (2007)
      BACKGROUND: Heparin induced thrombosis (HIT) after low-molecular-weight (LMWH) administration for thrombosis prevention is a limb and life threatening condition. METHODS: Two previously healthy individuals, with nonviable ...
    • New prophylaxis strategies to reduce the risk of thromboembolism in cancer 

      Papadopoulos V., Tsapakidis K., Markou A., Kokkalis A., Aidarinis C., Kotsakis A. (2021)
      Introduction: Patients with cancer are at risk of thrombotic events, mainly deep vein thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism. The thrombosis risk is generally 4–6 times higher than in a healthy population and depends on ...
    • Patterns in the management of superficial vein thrombosis 

      Karathanos C., Spanos K., Lachanas V., Athanasoulas A., Giannoukas A.D. (2017)
      Objective: To highlight current practice patterns in management of superficial vein thrombosis. Methods: An electronic survey was conducted using the mailing lists of the Mediterranean League of Angiology and Vascular ...
    • Popliteal vein aneurysm 

      Spanos K., Giannoukas A.D. (2015)
      [No abstract available]
    • Pregnancy and thrombosis risk for women without a history of thrombotic events: a retrospective study of the real risks 

      Grouzi E., Pouliakis A., Aktypi Α., Christoforidou A., Kotsi P., Αnagnostou G., Foifa A., Papadakis E. (2022)
      Background: During pregnancy and puerperium women are at high VTE risk. Current guidelines recommend dynamic VTE-risk assessment during pregnancy. Based on related RCOG-guidelines we constructed a digital VTE-risk assessment ...
    • Prevalence of Hemorrhagic Complications in Hospitalized Patients with Pulmonary Embolism 

      Pagkratis N., Matsagas M., Malli F., Gourgoulianis K.I., Kotsiou O.S. (2022)
      Background: The prevalence of anticoagulant therapy-associated hemorrhagic complications in hospitalized patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) has been scarcely investigated. Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of hemorrhages ...
    • Recurrent Ischemic Stroke and Bleeding in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Who Suffered an Acute Stroke While on Treatment With Nonvitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants: The RENO-EXTEND Study 

      Paciaroni M., Caso V., Agnelli G., Mosconi M.G., Giustozzi M., Seiffge D.J., Engelter S.T., Lyrer P., Polymeris A.A., Kriemler L., Zietz A., Putaala J., Strbian D., Tomppo L., Michel P., Strambo D., Salerno A., Remillard S., Buehrer M., Bavaud O., Vanacker P., Zuurbier S., Yperzeele L., Loos C.M.J., Cappellari M., Emiliani A., Zedde M., Abdul-Rahim A., Dawson J., Cronshaw R., Schirinzi E., Del Sette M., Stretz C., Kala N., Reznik M., Schomer A., Grory B.M., Jayaraman M., Mctaggart R., Yaghi S., Furie K.L., Masotti L., Grifoni E., Toni D., Risitano A., Falcou A., Petraglia L., Lotti E.M., Padroni M., Pavolucci L., Lochner P., Silvestrelli G., Ciccone A., Alberti A., Venti M., Traballi L., Urbini C., Kargiotis O., Rocco A., Diomedi M., Marcheselli S., Caliandro P., Zauli A., Reale G., Antonenko K., Rota E., Tassinari T., Saia V., Palmerini F., Aridon P., Arnao V., Monaco S., Cottone S., Baldi A., D'Amore C., Ageno W., Pegoraro S., Ntaios G., Sagris D., Giannopoulos S., Kosmidou M., Ntais E., Romoli M., Pantoni L., Rosa S., Bertora P., Chiti A., Canavero I., Saggese C.E., Plocco M., Giorli E., Palaiodimou L., Bakola E., Tsivgoulis G., Bandini F., Gasparro A., Terruso V., Mannino M., Pezzini A., Ornello R., Sacco S., Popovic N., Scoditti U., Genovese A., Denti L., Flomin Y., Mancuso M., Ferrari E., Caselli M.C., Ulivi L., Giannini N., De Marchis G.M. (2022)
      BACKGROUND: In patients with atrial fibrillation who suffered an ischemic stroke while on treatment with nonvitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants, rates and determinants of recurrent ischemic events and major bleedings ...
    • Recurrent Pleuritic Chest Pain, Lobar Consolidation, and Pleural Effusion in a 50-Year-Old Woman 

      Zakynthinos G.E., Dimeas I.E., Sinis S.I., Tsolaki V., Daniil Z., Gourgoulianis K.I. (2022)
      Case Presentation: A 50-year-old woman with a history of permanent atrial fibrillation (AF) treated with radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) 6 months ago was admitted to the respiratory department of a tertiary hospital ...
    • Remdesivir-induced Bradycardia is not Associated with Worse Outcome in Patients with COVID-19: A Retrospective Analysis 

      Pantazopoulos I., Mavrovounis G., Dimeas G., Zikos N., Pitsikou M., Rousogianni E., Mermiri M., Michou A., Spanos M., Maniotis C., Chalkias A., Laou E., Zakynthinos G., Chatzis D., Gourgoulianis K. (2022)
      Background: COVID-19, is primarily a respiratory illness but is known to cause extrapulmonary manifestations, especially on the cardiovascular system. Bradycardia is commonly reported in COVID-19 patients despite no prior ...
    • The role of direct oral anticoagulants in cancer-associated thrombosis according to the current literature 

      Nana P., Dakis K., Peroulis M., Rousas N., Spanos K., Kouvelos G., Arnaoutoglou E., Matsagkas M. (2021)
      Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common complication among patients suffering from malignancies, leading to an increased mortality rate. Novel randomized trials have added valuable information regarding cancer-associated ...
    • Safety of Anticoagulation in Patients Treated with Urgent Reperfusion for Ischemic Stroke Related to Atrial Fibrillation 

      Giustozzi M., Acciarresi M., Agnelli G., Caso V., Bandini F., Tsivgoulis G., Yaghi S., Furie K.L., Tadi P., Becattini C., Zedde M., Abdul-Rahim A.H., Lees K.R., Alberti A., Venti M., D'Amore C., Giulia Mosconi M., Anna Cimini L., Bovi P., Carletti M., Rigatelli A., Cappellari M., Putaala J., Tomppo L., Tatlisumak T., Marcheselli S., Pezzini A., Poli L., Padovani A., Vannucchi V., Sohn S.-I., Lorenzini G., Tassi R., Guideri F., Acampa M., Martini G., Ntaios G., Athanasakis G., Makaritsis K., Karagkiozi E., Vadikolias K., Liantinioti C., Theodorou A., Halvatsiotis P., Mumoli N., Galati F., Sacco S., Tiseo C., Corea F., Ageno W., Bellesini M., Silvestrelli G., Ciccone A., Lanari A., Scoditti U., Denti L., Mancuso M., Ferrari E., Ulivi L., Orlandi G., Giannini N., Tassinari T., Luisa De Lodovici M., Rueckert C., Baldi A., Toni D., Letteri F., Giuntini M., Maria Lotti E., Flomin Y., Pieroni A., Kargiotis O., Karapanayiotides T., Monaco S., Maimone Baronello M., Csiba L., Szabó L., Chiti A., Giorli E., Del Sette M., Imberti D., Zabzuni D., Doronin B., Volodina V., Michel P., Vanacker P., Barlinn K., Barlinn J., Deleu D., Gourbali V., Paciaroni M., Masotti L. (2020)
      Background and Purpose: The optimal timing for starting oral anticoagulant after an ischemic stroke related to atrial fibrillation remains a challenge, mainly in patients treated with systemic thrombolysis or mechanical ...
    • Treatment of superficial vein thrombosis with intermediate dose of tinzaparin: A real word cohort study – The SeVEN EXTension study 

      Karathanos C., Chatzis D., Latzios P., Papakostas I., Goumas K., Giannoukas A.D., on behalf of the SeVEN EXT Collaborators (2021)
      Background: To assess the treatment of superficial vein thrombosis (SVT) with intermediate dose of tinzaparin in a setting of real world practice. Methods: Prospective observational study of consecutive patients treated ...