Anzeige der Dokumente 21-35 von 35

    • Left atrial diameter thresholds and new incident atrial fibrillation in embolic stroke of undetermined source 

      Perlepe K., Sirimarco G., Strambo D., Eskandari A., Karagkiozi E., Vemmou A., Koroboki E., Manios E., Makaritsis K., Vemmos K., Michel P., Ntaios G. (2020)
      Background and purpose: We analyzed consecutive patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) from three prospective stroke registries to compare the prognostic performance of different LAD thresholds for the ...
    • Lipoprotein(a) is associated with large artery atherosclerosis stroke aetiology and stroke recurrence among patients below the age of 60 years: Results from the BIOSIGNAL study 

      Arnold M., Schweizer J., Nakas C.T., Schütz V., Westphal L.P., Inauen C., Pokorny T., Luft A., Leichtle A., Arnold M., Bicvic A., Fischer U., De Marchis G.M., Bonati L.H., Müller M.D., Kahles T., Nedeltchev K., Cereda C.W., Kägi G., Bustamante A., Montaner J., Ntaios G., Foerch C., Spanaus K., Von Eckardstein A., Katan M. (2021)
      Aims: Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is a recognized causal risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease but its role for acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) is controversial. In this study, we evaluated the association of Lp(a) ...
    • Oral anticoagulation versus antiplatelet or placebo for stroke prevention in patients with heart failure and sinus rhythm: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 

      Ntaios G., Vemmos K., Lip G.Y.H. (2019)
      Background: Previous meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials of oral anticoagulation in patients with heart failure and sinus rhythm reported reduced stroke risk and increased bleeding risk compared to antiplatelets ...
    • Postdischarge thromboembolic outcomes and mortality of hospitalized patients with COVID-19: the CORE-19 registry 

      Giannis D., Allen S.L., Tsang J., Flint S., Pinhasov T., Williams S., Tan G., Thakur R., Leung C., Snyder M., Bhatia C., Garrett D., Cotte C., Isaacs S., Gugerty E., Davidson A., Marder G.S., Schnitzer A., Goldberg B., McGinn T., Davidson K.W., Barish M.A., Qiu M., Zhang M., Goldin M., Matsagkas M., Arnaoutoglou E., Spyropoulos A.C. (2021)
      Thromboembolic events, including venous thromboembolism (VTE) and arterial thromboembolism (ATE), and mortality from subclinical thrombotic events occur frequently in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) inpatients. Whether ...
    • Potential Embolic Sources and Outcomes in Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source in the NAVIGATE-ESUS Trial 

      Ntaios G., Pearce L.A., Veltkamp R., Sharma M., Kasner S.E., Korompoki E., Milionis H., Mundl H., Berkowitz S.D., Connolly S.J., Hart R.G. (2020)
      Background and Purpose - Emboli in embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) may originate from various potential embolic sources (PES), some of which may respond better to anticoagulation, whereas others to antiplatelets. ...
    • Prediction of long-term outcomes by arterial stiffness and pressure wave reflections in patients with acute stroke: the Athens Stroke Registry 

      Samara S., Vemmou A., Kyrkou A., Papamichael C., Korompoki E., Ntaios G., Manios E., Stamatelopoulos K., Protogerou A.D., Vemmos K. (2022)
      Background and purpose: Stroke patients' management might be improved by addressing the role of aortic stiffness (carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity: cfPWV) and pressure wave reflections (PWRs, augmentation index: AIx) ...
    • Prior Dual Antiplatelet Therapy and Thrombolysis in Acute Stroke 

      Altersberger V.L., Sturzenegger R., Räty S., Hametner C., Scheitz J.F., Moulin S., van den Berg S.A., Zini A., Nannoni S., Heldner M.R., Jovanovic D.R., Martinez-Majander N., Tiainen M., Valkonen K., Berberich A., Erdur H., Cordonnier C., Peters N., Gopisingh K.M., Bigliardi G., Strambo D., De Marchis G.M., Ntaios G., Cereda C.W., Wegener S., Kägi G., Pezzini A., Padjen V., Arnold M., Michel P., Vandelli L., Nederkoorn P.J., Leys D., Nolte C.H., Ringleb P.A., Curtze S., Engelter S.T., Gensicke H. (2020)
      [No abstract available]
    • Rationale and design of the AXIOMATIC-SSP phase II trial: Antithrombotic treatment with factor XIa inhibition to Optimize Management of Acute Thromboembolic events for Secondary Stroke Prevention 

      Sharma M., Molina C.A., Toyoda K., Bereczki D., Kasner S.E., Lutsep H.L., Tsivgoulis G., Ntaios G., Czlonkowska A., Shuaib A., Amarenco P., Endres M., Diener H.C., Gailani D., Kahl A., Donovan M., Perera V., Li D., Hankey G.J. (2022)
      Background: Individuals with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) have a high early risk of ischemic stroke despite dual antiplatelet therapy. The risk of ischemic stroke, and associated disability, represents ...
    • Recurrent Ischemic Stroke and Bleeding in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Who Suffered an Acute Stroke While on Treatment With Nonvitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants: The RENO-EXTEND Study 

      Paciaroni M., Caso V., Agnelli G., Mosconi M.G., Giustozzi M., Seiffge D.J., Engelter S.T., Lyrer P., Polymeris A.A., Kriemler L., Zietz A., Putaala J., Strbian D., Tomppo L., Michel P., Strambo D., Salerno A., Remillard S., Buehrer M., Bavaud O., Vanacker P., Zuurbier S., Yperzeele L., Loos C.M.J., Cappellari M., Emiliani A., Zedde M., Abdul-Rahim A., Dawson J., Cronshaw R., Schirinzi E., Del Sette M., Stretz C., Kala N., Reznik M., Schomer A., Grory B.M., Jayaraman M., Mctaggart R., Yaghi S., Furie K.L., Masotti L., Grifoni E., Toni D., Risitano A., Falcou A., Petraglia L., Lotti E.M., Padroni M., Pavolucci L., Lochner P., Silvestrelli G., Ciccone A., Alberti A., Venti M., Traballi L., Urbini C., Kargiotis O., Rocco A., Diomedi M., Marcheselli S., Caliandro P., Zauli A., Reale G., Antonenko K., Rota E., Tassinari T., Saia V., Palmerini F., Aridon P., Arnao V., Monaco S., Cottone S., Baldi A., D'Amore C., Ageno W., Pegoraro S., Ntaios G., Sagris D., Giannopoulos S., Kosmidou M., Ntais E., Romoli M., Pantoni L., Rosa S., Bertora P., Chiti A., Canavero I., Saggese C.E., Plocco M., Giorli E., Palaiodimou L., Bakola E., Tsivgoulis G., Bandini F., Gasparro A., Terruso V., Mannino M., Pezzini A., Ornello R., Sacco S., Popovic N., Scoditti U., Genovese A., Denti L., Flomin Y., Mancuso M., Ferrari E., Caselli M.C., Ulivi L., Giannini N., De Marchis G.M. (2022)
      BACKGROUND: In patients with atrial fibrillation who suffered an ischemic stroke while on treatment with nonvitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants, rates and determinants of recurrent ischemic events and major bleedings ...
    • Recurrent Stroke with Rivaroxaban Compared with Aspirin According to Predictors of Atrial Fibrillation: Secondary Analysis of the NAVIGATE ESUS Randomized Clinical Trial 

      Healey J.S., Gladstone D.J., Swaminathan B., Eckstein J., Mundl H., Epstein A.E., Haeusler K.G., Mikulik R., Kasner S.E., Toni D., Arauz A., Ntaios G., Hankey G.J., Perera K., Pagola J., Shuaib A., Lutsep H., Yang X., Uchiyama S., Endres M., Coutts S.B., Karliński M., Czlonkowska A., Molina C.A., Santo G., Berkowitz S.D., Hart R.G., Connolly S.J. (2019)
      Importance: The NAVIGATE ESUS randomized clinical trial found that 15 mg of rivaroxaban per day does not reduce stroke compared with aspirin in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS); however, it ...
    • Reinforcing adherence to lipid-lowering therapy after an acute coronary syndrome: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial 

      Zafeiropoulos S., Farmakis I., Kartas A., Arvanitaki A., Pagiantza A., Boulmpou A., Tampaki A., Kosmidis D., Nevras V., Markidis E., Papadimitriou I., Vlachou A., Arvanitakis K., Miyara S.J., Ziakas A., Molmenti E.P., Kassimis G., Zanos S., Karvounis H., Giannakoulas G. (2021)
      Background and aims: Achieving the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) goal following an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a milestone often missed due to suboptimal adherence to secondary prevention treatments. ...
    • Review and update of the concept of embolic stroke of undetermined source 

      Diener H.-C., Easton J.D., Hart R.G., Kasner S., Kamel H., Ntaios G. (2022)
      Ischaemic strokes have traditionally been classified according to the TOAST criteria, in which strokes with unclear aetiology are classified as cryptogenic strokes. However, the definition of cryptogenic stroke did not ...
    • Rivaroxaban for stroke prevention after embolic stroke of undetermined source 

      Hart R.G., Sharma M., Mundl H., Kasner S.E., Bangdiwala S.I., Berkowitz S.D., Swaminathan B., Lavados P., Wang Y., Wang Y., Davalos A., Shamalov N., Mikulik R., Cunha L., Lindgren A., Arauz A., Lang W., Czlonkowska A., Eckstein J., Gagliardi R.J., Amarenco P., Ameriso S.F., Tatlisumak T., Veltkamp R., Hankey G.J., Toni D., Bereczki D., Uchiyama S., Ntaios G., Yoon B.-W., Brouns R., Endres M., Muir K.W., Bornstein N., Ozturk S., O'Donnell M.J., De Vries Basson M.M., Pare G., Pater C., Kirsch B., Sheridan P., Peters G., Weitz J.I., Peacock W.F., Shoamanesh A., Benavente O.R., Joyner C., Themeles E., Connolly S.J., for the NAVIGATE ESUS Investigators (2018)
      BACKGROUND Embolic strokes of undetermined source represent 20% of ischemic strokes and are associated with a high rate of recurrence. Anticoagulant treatment with rivaroxaban, an oral factor Xa inhibitor, may result in a ...
    • The TAXINOMISIS Project: A multidisciplinary approach for the development of a new risk stratification model for patients with asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis 

      Timmerman N., Galyfos G., Sigala F., Thanopoulou K., de Borst G.J., Davidovic L., Eckstein H.-H., Filipovic N., Grugni R., Kallmayer M., de Kleijn D.P.V., Koncar I., Mantzaris M.D., Marchal E., Matsagkas M., Mutavdzic P., Palombo D., Pasterkamp G., Potsika V.T., Andreakos E., Fotiadis D.I., all partners of the TAXINOMISIS Consortium (2020)
      Introduction: Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis (ACAS) may cause future stroke and therefore patients with ACAS require best medical treatment. Patients at high risk for stroke may opt for additional revascularization ...
    • Ticagrelor and prasugrel: Two novel, most-promising antiplatelet agents 

      Tagarakis, G. I. (2010)
      The need for safe and effective antiplatelet agents motivates scientists towards a non-ceasing research which has through the past few years provided patients suffering from coronary artery disease, submitted or not to ...