Now showing items 21-40 of 86

    • Deciphering the role of DNA methylation in multiple sclerosis: emerging issues 

      Sokratous M., Dardiotis E., Tsouris Z., Bellou E., Michalopoulou A., Siokas V., Arseniou S., Stamati T., Tsivgoulis G., Bogdanos D., Hadjigeorgiou G.M. (2016)
      Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system that involves several not yet fully elucidated pathophysiologic mechanisms. There is increasing evidence ...
    • Decreased Expression of the CD3ζ Chain in T Cells Infiltrating the Synovial Membrane of Patients with Osteoarthritis 

      Sakkas, L. I.; Koussidis, G.; Avgerinos, E.; Gaughan, J.; Platsoucas, C. D. (2004)
      Osteoarthritis (OA) is a heterogeneous disease which rheumatologists consider to be noninflammatory. However, recent studies suggest that, at least in certain patients, OA is an inflammatory disease and that patients often ...
    • Disease Activity, Functional Ability and Nutritional Status in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Observational Study in Greece 

      Markaki A.G., Gkiouras K., Papakitsos C., Grammatikopoulous M.G., Papatsaraki A., loannou R., Tsagkari A., Papamitsou T., Bogdanos D.P. (2020)
      Aim: The aim of the present pilot study was to assess differences in the nutritional status, Mediterranean diet (MD) adherence, and functional ability among patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), according to disease ...
    • Effect of crocus sativus (Saffron) intake on top of standard treatment, on disease outcomes and comorbidities in patients with rheumatic diseases: Synthesis without meta-analysis (SWiM) and level of adherence to the CONSORT statement for randomized controlled trials delivering herbal medicine interventions 

      Tsiogkas S.G., Grammatikopoulou M.G., Gkiouras K., Zafiriou E., Papadopoulos I., Liaskos C., Dardiotis E., Sakkas L.I., Bogdanos D.P. (2021)
      Rheumatic diseases (RDs) are often complicated by chronic symptoms and frequent sideeffects associated with their treatment. Saffron, a spice derived from the Crocus sativus L. flower, is a popular complementary and ...
    • The effects of exercise on cardiovascular disease risk factors and cardiovascular physiology in rheumatoid arthritis 

      Metsios G.S., Moe R.H., van der Esch M., van Zanten J.J.C.S.V., Fenton S.A.M., Koutedakis Y., Vitalis P., Kennedy N., Brodin N., Bostrom C., Swinnen T.W., Tzika K., Niedermann K., Nikiphorou E., Fragoulis G.E., Vlieland T.P.V.M., Van den Ende C.H.M., Kitas G.D., The IMPACT-RMD Consortium (2020)
      Cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality is highly prevalent in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with debilitating effects for the individual as well as significant healthcare impact. Current evidence ...
    • Epidemiology of interstitial lung diseases and their progressive-fibrosing behaviour in six European countries 

      Hilberg O., Hoffmann-Vold A.-M., Smith V., Bouros D., Kilpeläinen M., Guiot J., Morais A., Clemente S., Daniil Z., Papakosta D., Fretheim H., Neves S., Alfaro T.M., Antoniou K.M., Valveny N., Asijee G., Soulard S., Wuyts W. (2022)
      The PERSEIDS study aimed to estimate incidence/prevalence of interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), fibrosing interstitial lung diseases (F-ILDs), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), systemic sclerosis-associated ILD (SSc-ILD), ...
    • Evaluation of 12 GWAS-drawn SNPs as biomarkers of rheumatoid arthritis response to TNF inhibitors. A potential SNP association with response to etanercept 

      Ferreiro-Iglesias A., Montes A., Perez-Pampin E., Cañete J.D., Raya E., Magro-Checa C., Vasilopoulos Y., Caliz R., Ferrer M.A., Joven B., Carreira P., Balsa A., Salcedo D.P., Blanco F.J., Moreno-Ramos M.J., Manrique-Arija S., Del Carmen Ordonez M., Alegre-Sancho J.J., Narvaez J., Navarro-Sarabia F., Moreira V., Valor L., Garcia-Portales R., Marquez A., Gomez-Reino J.J., Martin J., Gonzalez A. (2019)
      Research in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is increasingly focused on the discovery of biomarkers that could enable personalized treatments. The genetic biomarkers associated with the response to TNF inhibitors (TNFi) are among ...
    • Exercise intervention on cardiorespiratory fitness in rheumatoid arthritis patients with high cardiovascular disease risk: a single-arm pilot study 

      Sobejana M., van den Hoek J., Metsios G.S., Kitas G.D., van der Leeden M., Verberne S., Jorstad H.T., Pijnappels M., Lems W.F., Nurmohamed M.T., van der Esch M. (2022)
      Objective: In patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with cardiovascular disease risk, it is unknown whether exercises are safe, improve cardiorespiratory fitness and reduce disease-related symptoms and cardiovascular-disease ...
    • FCGR polymorphisms in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with Fc-containing TNF inhibitors 

      Montes, A.; Perez-Pampin, E.; Joven, B.; Carreira, P.; Fernandez-Nebro, A.; Ordonez, M. D.; Navarro-Sarabia, F.; Moreira, V.; Vasilopoulos, Y.; Sarafidou, T.; Caliz, R.; Ferrer, M. A.; Canete, J. D.; de la Serna, A. R.; Magallares, B.; Narvaez, J.; Gomez-Reino, J. J.; Gonzalez, A. (2015)
      Objectives: Reproducible association of a functional polymorphism in FCGR2A with response to a TNF inhibitor (TNFi) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) led us to explore other Fc gamma R functional polymorphisms. ...
    • Frequency of sternal variations and anomalies in living individuals evaluated by MDCT 

      Vatzia K., Fanariotis M., Makridis K.G., Vlychou M., Fezoulidis I.V., Vassiou K. (2021)
      Purpose: The aim of this retrospective study was to present the frequency and MDCT appearances of sternal variations and anomalies, as well as to highlight their clinical significance. Methods: This retrospective study was ...
    • From microbiome to infectome in autoimmunity 

      Bogdanos D.P., Sakkas L.I. (2017)
      Purpose of review The current review discusses the pros and cons of the microbiome studies conducted in search of the association between microbiota and autoimmunity. Recent findings We focus on the role of infectome and ...
    • Gene Expression Meta-Analysis of Potential Shared and Unique Pathways between Autoimmune Diseases under Anti-TNFα Therapy 

      Antonatos C., Panoutsopoulou M., Georgakilas G.K., Evangelou E., Vasilopoulos Y. (2022)
      While anti-TNFα has been established as an effective therapeutic approach for several autoimmune diseases, results from clinical trials have uncovered heterogeneous patients’ response to therapy. Here, we conducted a ...
    • Giant Hip Synovial Cyst Causing Deep Vein Thrombosis and Femoral Head Osteonecrosis in a Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient 

      Syrmou V., Koutalos A.A., Karapli M., Alexiou I., Bogdanos D.P., Katsiari C.G., Simopoulou T. (2022)
      Hip synovial cysts are rare. However, in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) they present in higher frequency than in general population. Herein, we present an unusual case of a 67-year-old man with RA that presented ...
    • Global, regional, and national age-sex specifc mortality for 264 causes of death, 1980-2016: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 

      Naghavi M., Abajobir A.A., Abbafati C., Abbas K.M., Abd-Allah F., Abera S.F., Aboyans V., Adetokunboh O., Ärnlöv J., Afshin A., Agrawal A., Kiadaliri A.A., Ahmadi A., Ahmed M.B., Aichour A.N., Aichour I., Aichour M.T.E., Aiyar S., Al-Eyadhy A., Alahdab F., Al-Aly Z., Alam K., Alam N., Alam T., Alene K.A., Ali S.D., Alizadeh-Navaei R., Alkaabi J.M., Alkerwi A., Alla F., Allebeck P., Allen C., Al-Raddadi R., Alsharif U., Altirkawi K.A., Alvis-Guzman N., Amare A.T., Amini E., Ammar W., Amoako Y.A., Anber N., Andersen H.H., Andrei C.L., Androudi S., Ansari H., Antonio C.A.T., Anwari P., Arora M., Artaman A., Aryal K.K., Asayesh H., Asgedom S.W., Atey T.M., Avila-Burgos L., Avokpaho E.F.G.A., Awasthi A., Quintanilla B.P.A., Béjot Y., Babalola T.K., Bacha U., Balakrishnan K., Barac A., Barboza M.A., Barker-Collo S.L., Barquera S., Barregard L., Barrero L.H., Baune B.T., Bedi N., Beghi E., Bekele B.B., Bell M.L., Bennett J.R., Bensenor I.M., Berhane A., Bernabé E., Betsu B.D., Beuran M., Bhatt S., Biadgilign S., Bienhof K., Bikbov B., Bisanzio D., Bourne R.R.A., Breitborde N.J.K., Bulto L.N.B., Bumgarner B.R., Butt Z.A., Cárdenas R., Cahuana-Hurtado L., Cameron E., Campuzano J.C., Car J., Carrero J.J., Carter A., Casey D.C., Castañeda-Orjuela C.A., Catalá-López F., Charlson F.J., Chibueze C.E., Chimed-Ochir O., Chisumpa V.H., Chitheer A.A., Christopher D.J., Ciobanu L.G., Cirillo M., Cohen A.J., Colombara D., Cooper C., Cowie B.C., Criqui M.H., Dandona L., Dandona R., Dargan P.I., Das Neves J., Davitoiu D.V., Davletov K., De Courten B., Degenhardt L., Deiparine S., Deribe K., Deribew A., Dey S., Dicker D., Ding E.L., Djalalinia S., Do H.P., Doku D.T., Douwes-Schultz D., Driscoll T.R., Dubey M., Duncan B.B., Echko M., El-Khatib Z.Z., Ellingsen C.L., Enayati A., Erskine H.E., Eskandarieh S., Esteghamati A., Ermakov S.P., Estep K., Sa Farinha C.S., Faro A., Farzadfar F., Feigin V.L., Fereshtehnejad S.-M., Fernandes J.C., Ferrari A.J., Feyissa T.R., Filip I., Finegold S., Fischer F., Fitzmaurice C., Flaxman A.D., Foigt N., Frank T., Fraser M., Fullman N., Fürst T., Furtado J.M., Gakidou E., Garcia-Basteiro A.L., Gebre T., Gebregergs G.B., Gebrehiwot T.T., Gebremichael D.Y., Geleijnse J.M., Genova-Maleras R., Gesesew H.A., Gething P.W., Gillum R.F., Ginawi I.A.M., Giref A.Z., Giroud M., Giussani G., Godwin W.W., Gold A.L., Goldberg E.M., Gona P.N., Gopalani S.V., Gouda H.N., Goulart A.C., Griswold M., Gupta P.C., Gupta R., Gupta T., Gupta V., Haagsma J.A., Hafezi-Nejad N., Hailu A.D., Hailu G.B., Hamadeh R.R., Hambisa M.T., Hamidi S., Hammami M., Hancock J., Handal A.J., Hankey G.J., Hao Y., Harb H.L., Hareri H.A., Hassanvand M.S., Havmoeller R., Hay S.I., He F., Hedayati M.T., Henry N.J., Heredia-Pi I.B., Herteliu C., Hoek H.W., Horino M., Horita N., Hosgood H.D., Hostiuc S., Hotez P.J., Hoy D.G., Huynh C., Iburg K.M., Ikeda C., Ileanu B.V., Irenso A.A., Irvine C.M.S., Jürisson M., Jacobsen K.H., Jahanmehr N., Jakovljevic M.B., Javanbakht M., Jayaraman S.P., Jeemon P., Jha V., John D., Johnson C.O., Johnson S.C., Jonas J.B., Kabir Z., Kadel R., Kahsay A., Kamal R., Karch A., Karimi S.M., Karimkhani C., Kasaeian A., Kassaw N.A., Kassebaum N.J., Katikireddi S.V., Kawakami N., Keiyoro P.N., Kemmer L., Kesavachandran C.N., Khader Y.S., Khan E.A., Khang Y.-H., Khoja A.T.A., Khosravi A., Khosravi M.H., Khubchandani J., Kieling C., Kievlan D., Kim D., Kim Y.J., Kimokoti R.W., Kinfu Y., Kissoon N., Kivimaki M., Knudsen A.K., Kopec J.A., Kosen S., Koul P.A., Koyanagi A., Defo B.K., Kulikof X.R., Kumar G.A., Kumar P., Kutz M., Kyu H.H., Lal D.K., Lalloo R., Lambert T.L.N., Lan Q., Lansingh V.C., Larsson A., Lee P.H., Leigh J., Leung J., Levi M., Li Y., Kappe D.L., Liang X., Liben M.L., Lim S.S., Liu A., Liu P.Y., Liu Y., Lodha R., Logroscino G., Lorkowski S., Lotufo P.A., Lozano R., Lucas T.C.D., Ma S., Macarayan E.R.K., Maddison E.R., Abd El Razek M.M., Majdan M., Majdzadeh R., Majeed A., Malekzadeh R., Malhotra R., Malta D.C., Manguerra H., Manyazewal T., Mapoma C.C., Marczak L.B., Markos D., Martinez-Raga J., Martins-Melo F.R., Martopullo I., McAlinden C., McGaughey M., McGrath J.J., Mehata S., Meier T., Meles K.G., Memiah P., Memish Z.A., Mengesha M.M., Mengistu D.T., Menota B.G., Mensah G.A., Meretoja A., Meretoja T.J., Millear A., Miller T.R., Minnig S., Mirarefn M., Mirrakhimov E.M., Misganaw A., Mishra S.R., Mohammad K.A., Mohammadi A., Mohammed S., Mokdad A.H., Mola G.L.D., Mollenkopf S.K., Molokhia M., Monasta L., Hernandez J.C.M., Montico M., Mooney M.D., Moradi-Lakeh M., Moraga P., Morawska L., Morrison S.D., Morozof C., Mountjoy-Venning C., Mruts K.B., Muller K., Murthy G.V.S., Musa K.I., Nachega J.B., Naheed A., Naldi L., Nangia V., Nascimento B.R., Nasher J.T., Natarajan G., Negoi I., Ngunjiri J.W., Nguyen C.T., Nguyen G., Nguyen M., Nguyen Q.L., Nguyen T.H., Nichols E., Ningrum D.N.A., Nong V.M., Noubiap J.J.N., Ogbo F.A., Oh I.-H., Okoro A., Olagunju A.T., Olsen H.E., Olusanya B.O., Olusanya J.O., Ong K., Opio J.N., Oren E., Ortiz A., Osman M., Ota E., Mahesh P.A., Pacella R.E., Pakhale S., Pana A., Panda B.K., Jonas S., Papachristou C., Park E.-K., Patten S.B., Patton G.C., Paudel D., Paulson K., Pereira D.M., Perez-Ruiz F., Perico N., Pervaiz A., Petzold M., Phillips M.R., Pigott D.M., Pinho C., Plass D., Pletcher M.A., Polinder S., Postma M.J., Pourmalek F., Purcell C., Qorbani M., Radfar A., Rafay A., Rahimi-Movaghar V., Rahman M., Ur Rahman M.H., Rai R.K., Ranabhat C.L., Rankin Z., Rao P.C., Rath G.K., Rawaf S., Ray S.E., Rehm J., Reiner R.C., Reitsma M.B., Remuzzi G., Rezaei S., Rezai M.S., Rokni M.B., Ronfani L., Roshandel G., Roth G.A., Rothenbacher D., Ruhago G.M., Rizwan S.A., Saadat S., Sachdev P.S., Sadat N., Safdarian M., Saf S., Safiri S., Sagar R., Sahathevan R., Salama J., Salamati P., Salomon J.A., Samy A.M., Sanabria J.R., Sanchez-Niño M.D., Santomauro D., Santos I.S., Milicevic M.M.S., Sartorius B., Satpathy M., Shahraz S., Schmidt M.I., Schneider I.J.C., Schulhofer-Wohl S., Schutte A.E., Schwebel D.C., Schwendicke F., Sepanlou S.G., Servan-Mori E.E., Shackelford K.A., Shaikh M.A., Shamsipour M., Shamsizadeh M., Islam S.M.S., Sharma J., Sharma R., She J., Sheikhbahaei S., Shey M., Shi P., Shields C., Shigematsu M., Shiri R., Shirude S., Shiue I., Shoman H., Shrime M.G., Sigfusdottir I.D., Silpakit N., Silva J.P., Singh A., Singh J.A., Skiadaresi E., Sligar A., Smith A., Smith D.L., Smith M., Sobaih B.H.A., Soneji S., Sorensen R.J.D., Soriano J.B., Sreeramareddy C.T., Srinivasan V., Stanaway J.D., Stathopoulou V., Steel N., Stein D.J., Steiner C., Steinke S., Stokes M.A., Strong M., Strub B., Subart M., Sufyan M.B., Sunguya B.F., Sur P.J., Swaminathan S., Sykes B.L., Tabarés-Seisdedos R., Tadakamadla S.K., Takahashi K., Takala J.S., Talongwa R.T., Tarawneh M.R., Tavakkoli M., Taveira N., Tegegne T.K., Tehrani-Banihashemi A., Temsah M.-H., Terkawi A.S., Thakur J.S., Thamsuwan O., Thankappan K.R., Thomas K.E., Thompson A.H., Thomson A.J., Thrift A.G., Tobe-Gai R., Topor-Madry R., Torre A., Tortajada M., Towbin J.A., Tran B.X., Troeger C., Truelsen T., Tsoi D., Tuzcu E.M., Tyrovolas S., Ukwaja K.N., Undurraga E.A., Updike R., Uthman O.A., Uzochukwu B.S.C., Van Boven J.F.M., Vasankari T., Venketasubramanian N., Violante F.S., Vlassov V.V., Vollset S.E., Vos T., Wakayo T., Wallin M.T., Wang Y.-P., Weiderpass E., Weintraub R.G., Weiss D.J., Werdecker A., Westerman R., Whetter B., Whiteford H.A., Wijeratne T., Wiysonge C.S., Woldeyes B.G., Wolfe C.D.A., Woodbrook R., Workicho A., Xavier D., Xiao Q., Xu G., Yaghoubi M., Yakob B., Yano Y., Yaseri M., Yimam H.H., Yonemoto N., Yoon S.-J., Yotebieng M., Younis M.Z., Zaidi Z., El Sayed Zaki M., Zegeye E.A., Zenebe Z.M., Zerfu T.A., Zhang A.L., Zhang X., Zipkin B., Zodpey S., Lopez A.D., Murray C.J.L., GBD 2016 Causes of Death Collaborators (2017)
      Background: Monitoring levels and trends in premature mortality is crucial to understanding how societies can address prominent sources of early death. The Global Burden of Disease 2016 Study (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive ...
    • Heterogeneity testing in meta-analysis of genome searches 

      Zintzaras, E.; Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2005)
      Genome searches for identifying susceptibility loci for the same complex disease often give inconclusive or inconsistent results. Genome Search Meta-analysis (GSMA) is an established non-parametric method to identify genetic ...
    • IL-1 cytokines in cardiovascular disease: Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic implications 

      Apostolakis, S.; Vogiatzi, K.; Krambovitis, E.; Spandidos, D. A. (2008)
      Interleukins (ILs) are key mediators in the chronic vascular inflammatory response underlying several aspects of cardiovascular disease. Due to their powerful pro-inflammatory potential, and the fact that they are highly ...
    • IL-35: a new immunomodulator in autoimmune rheumatic diseases 

      Sakkas L.I., Mavropoulos A., Perricone C., Bogdanos D.P. (2018)
      IL-35 is a relatively new cytokine that emerges as an important immunomodulator. IL-35 belongs to IL-12 cytokine family that includes IL-12, IL-23, IL-27, and IL-35. These cytokines are heterodimers that share subunits and ...
    • Immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced musculoskeletal manifestations 

      Angelopoulou F., Bogdanos D., Dimitroulas T., Sakkas L., Daoussis D. (2021)
      Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) associate with a wide range of immune-related adverse events (Ir-AE), including musculoskeletal manifestations. We aimed at identifying all studies reporting musculoskeletal Ir-AE. An ...
    • Impact of flavonols on cardiometabolic biomarkers: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled human trials to explore the role of inter-individual variability 

      Menezes R., Rodriguez-Mateos A., Kaltsatou A., González-Sarrías A., Greyling A., Giannaki C., Andres-Lacueva C., Milenkovic D., Gibney E.R., Dumont J., Schär M., Garcia-Aloy M., Palma-Duran S.A., Ruskovska T., Maksimova V., Combet E., Pinto P. (2017)
      Several epidemiological studies have linked flavonols with decreased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, some heterogeneity in the individual physiological responses to the consumption of these compounds has ...
    • Incidence, risk factors and validation of the RABBIT score for serious infections in a cohort of 1557 patients with rheumatoid arthritis 

      Thomas K., Lazarini A., Kaltsonoudis E., Voulgari P.V., Drosos A.A., Repa A., Sali A.M.I., Sidiropoulos P., Tsatsani P., Gazi S., Evangelia A., Boki K.A., Katsimbri P., Boumpas D., Fragkiadaki K., Tektonidou M.G., Sfikakis P.P., Karagianni K., Sakkas L.I., Grika E.P., Vlachoyiannopoulos P.G., Evangelatos G., Iliopoulos A., Dimitroulas T., Garyfallos A., Melissaropoulos K., Georgiou P., Areti M., Georganas C., Vounotrypidis P., Georgiopoulos G., Kitas G.D., Vassilopoulos D. (2021)
      Objectives: Predicting serious infections (SI) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is crucial for the implementation of appropriate preventive measures. Here we aimed to identify risk factors for SI and to validate ...