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dc.creatorTagarakis, G. I.en
dc.creatorVoucharas, C.en
dc.creatorSimopoulos, V.en
dc.creatorKarangelis, D.en
dc.creatorDaskalopoulos, M. E.en
dc.creatorParisis, C.en
dc.creatorTsantilas, A.en
dc.creatorSataitidis, I.en
dc.creatorLampoura, S.en
dc.creatorVretzakis, G.en
dc.creatorTsilimingas, N. B.en
dc.description.abstractAim: To investigate and present the reasons that cause the postponement of thoracic surgical operations. Methods: We retrospectively included in the study all patients submitted to elective thoracic surgery in our department during the 4-year period 2007-2010 and noted all cases of postponement after official inclusion in the operating schedule. Results: 81 out of a total of 542 patients (14.9%) scheduled for elective thoracic operation had their procedure postponed. The reasons were mainly organisatory (in 42 cases, 51.85%), which in order of significance were: shortage in matching erythrocyte units, shortage in anaesthetic/nursing staff and unavailability in operating rooms. The rest of the cases (39, 48.1%) were postponed due to medical reasons, which in descending order of significance were: respiratory infections and exacerbations of COPD, cardiological problems, misregulation of antiplatelet/antithrombotic drugs and infections from other systems (gastrointestinal, urinary, etc.). Elderly male patients planned for major/oncologic surgery were most possible to have their operation postponed for medical reasons. Discussion-Conclusions: Thoracic operations are postponed owed to organisatory as well as medical reasons, the latter mainly affecting elderly, morbid patients awaiting for major/oncologic surgery.en
dc.source.uri<Go to ISI>://WOS:000304040800001
dc.subjectCardiac & Cardiovascular Systemsen
dc.titleWhy are thoracic operations postponed?en

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