• Editorial: Nicotine and SARS-CoV-2: COVID-19 may be a disease of the nicotinic cholinergic system 

      Farsalinos K., Niaura R., Le Houezec J., Barbouni A., Tsatsakis A., Kouretas D., Vantarakis A., Poulas K. (2020)
      [No abstract available]
    • Kawasaki Disease and COVID-19 

      Gkoutzourelas A., Bogdanos D.P., Sakkas L.I. (2020)
      The recent passing away of Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki, who first described what is now known as Kawasaki Disease (KD), and recent reports of a multisystem inflammatory disease in children associated a review on KD and MIS-C ...
    • Outcome of refractory to conventional and/or biologic treatment adult Still's disease following canakinumab treatment: Countrywide data in 50 patients 

      Laskari K., Tektonidou P.M.G., Katsiari P.C., Athanassiou P., Dimopoulou D., Gerodimos C., Salamaliki C., Papagoras P.C., Settas P.L., Vassilopoulos P.D., Voulgari P.P.V., Zakalka M., Georgiadis A., Gkoni G., Daoussis P.D., Dimitroulas P.T., Iliou C., Kallitsakis I., Grika E.P., Mavragani P.C., Pikazis P.D., Raftakis J., Sarikoudis T., Kougkas N., Soukera D., Theodorou E., Tsatsani P., Tsiakou E., Vlachoyiannopoulos P.P., Vosvotekas G., Sfikakis P.P.P. (2021)
      Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of the IL-1b inhibitor canakinumab in all adults with refractory Still's disease identified from the National Organization For Medicines for off-label drug use. Methods