• Carotid Bifurcation Geometry and Atherosclerosis 

      Spanos K., Petrocheilou G., Karathanos C., Labropoulos N., Mikhailidis D., Giannoukas A. (2017)
      Hemodynamic changes occurring at the initial segments of the arterial bifurcations appear to play an important role in the development of atherosclerotic plaque. Therefore, arterial geometry might be a potential marker for ...
    • Supracardiac atherosclerosis in embolic stroke of undetermined source: The underestimated source 

      Ntaios G., Wintermark M., Michel P. (2021)
      The term ‘embolic stroke of undetermined source’ (ESUS) is used to describe patients with a non-lacunar ischaemic stroke without any identified embolic source from the heart or the arteries supplying the ischaemic territory, ...