Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Pharmacokinetic evaluation of linezolid administered intravenously in obese patients with pneumonia 

      Xie F., Mantzarlis K., Malliotakis P., Koulouras V., Degroote S., Koulenti D., Blot S., Boussery K., Van Bocxlaer J., Colin P., Zakynthinos E., Georgopoulos D., Papathanasiou A., Arvaniti K., Matamis D., Spring A., Bekos V., Komnos A., Zafeiridis T., Vogelaers D. (2019)
      Objectives: Altered linezolid pharmacokinetics (PK) in obese individuals has been hypothesized in previous studies. However, specific dosing recommendations for this population are still lacking. The main goal of this study ...