Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Exophthalmos as a first manifestation of small cell lung cancer: A long-term follow-up 

      Konoglou, M.; Zarogoulidis, P.; Porpodis, K.; Androudi, S.; Papakosta, D.; Matthaios, D.; Kontakiotis, T.; Zervas, V.; Kalaitzidou, E.; Mitrakas, A.; Touzopoulos, P.; Zarogoulidis, K. (2011)
      Small cell lung cancer is characterized by rapid growth and early metastasis. Despite its sensitivity to cytotoxic therapy, until now treatments have failed to control or cure this disease in most patients. Οrbital metastases ...
    • Specific inhibition of hif activity: Can peptides lead the way? 

      Mylonis I., Chachami G., Simos G. (2021)
      Reduced oxygen availability (hypoxia) is a characteristic of many disorders including cancer. Central components of the systemic and cellular response to hypoxia are the Hypoxia Inducible Factors (HIFs), a small family of ...
    • Treatment of lung cancer 

      Rapti, A.; Kerenidi, T.; Zarogoulidis, K. (2012)