• Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores 

      de Rojas I., Moreno-Grau S., Tesi N., Grenier-Boley B., Andrade V., Jansen I.E., Pedersen N.L., Stringa N., Zettergren A., Hernández I., Montrreal L., Antúnez C., Antonell A., Tankard R.M., Bis J.C., Sims R., Bellenguez C., Quintela I., González-Perez A., Calero M., Franco-Macías E., Macías J., Blesa R., Cervera-Carles L., Menéndez-González M., Frank-García A., Royo J.L., Moreno F., Huerto Vilas R., Baquero M., Diez-Fairen M., Lage C., García-Madrona S., García-González P., Alarcón-Martín E., Valero S., Sotolongo-Grau O., Ullgren A., Naj A.C., Lemstra A.W., Benaque A., Pérez-Cordón A., Benussi A., Rábano A., Padovani A., Squassina A., de Mendonça A., Arias Pastor A., Kok A.A.L., Meggy A., Pastor A.B., Espinosa A., Corma-Gómez A., Martín Montes A., Sanabria Á., DeStefano A.L., Schneider A., Haapasalo A., Kinhult Ståhlbom A., Tybjærg-Hansen A., Hartmann A.M., Spottke A., Corbatón-Anchuelo A., Rongve A., Borroni B., Arosio B., Nacmias B., Nordestgaard B.G., Kunkle B.W., Charbonnier C., Abdelnour C., Masullo C., Martínez Rodríguez C., Muñoz-Fernandez C., Dufouil C., Graff C., Ferreira C.B., Chillotti C., Reynolds C.A., Fenoglio C., Van Broeckhoven C., Clark C., Pisanu C., Satizabal C.L., Holmes C., Buiza-Rueda D., Aarsland D., Rujescu D., Alcolea D., Galimberti D., Wallon D., Seripa D., Grünblatt E., Dardiotis E., Düzel E., Scarpini E., Conti E., Rubino E., Gelpi E., Rodriguez-Rodriguez E., Duron E., Boerwinkle E., Ferri E., Tagliavini F., Küçükali F., Pasquier F., Sanchez-Garcia F., Mangialasche F., Jessen F., Nicolas G., Selbæk G., Ortega G., Chêne G., Hadjigeorgiou G., Rossi G., Spalletta G., Giaccone G., Grande G., Binetti G., Papenberg G., Hampel H., Bailly H., Zetterberg H., Soininen H., Karlsson I.K., Alvarez I., Appollonio I., Giegling I., Skoog I., Saltvedt I., Rainero I., Rosas Allende I., Hort J., Diehl-Schmid J., Van Dongen J., Vidal J.-S., Lehtisalo J., Wiltfang J., Thomassen J.Q., Kornhuber J., Haines J.L., Vogelgsang J., Pineda J.A., Fortea J., Popp J., Deckert J., Buerger K., Morgan K., Fließbach K., Sleegers K., Molina-Porcel L., Kilander L., Weinhold L., Farrer L.A., Wang L.-S., Kleineidam L., Farotti L., Parnetti L., Tremolizzo L., Hausner L., Benussi L., Froelich L., Ikram M.A., Deniz-Naranjo M.C., Tsolaki M., Rosende-Roca M., Löwenmark M., Hulsman M., Spallazzi M., Pericak-Vance M.A., Esiri M., Bernal Sánchez-Arjona M., Dalmasso M.C., Martínez-Larrad M.T., Arcaro M., Nöthen M.M., Fernández-Fuertes M., Dichgans M., Ingelsson M., Herrmann M.J., Scherer M., Vyhnalek M., Kosmidis M.H., Yannakoulia M., Schmid M., Ewers M., Heneka M.T., Wagner M., Scamosci M., Kivipelto M., Hiltunen M., Zulaica M., Alegret M., Fornage M., Roberto N., van Schoor N.M., Seidu N.M., Banaj N., Armstrong N.J., Scarmeas N., Scherbaum N., Goldhardt O., Hanon O., Peters O., Skrobot O.A., Quenez O., Lerch O., Bossù P., Caffarra P., Dionigi Rossi P., Sakka P., Hoffmann P., Holmans P.A., Fischer P., Riederer P., Yang Q., Marshall R., Kalaria R.N., Mayeux R., Vandenberghe R., Cecchetti R., Ghidoni R., Frikke-Schmidt R., Sorbi S., Hägg S., Engelborghs S., Helisalmi S., Botne Sando S., Kern S., Archetti S., Boschi S., Fostinelli S., Gil S., Mendoza S., Mead S., Ciccone S., Djurovic S., Heilmann-Heimbach S., Riedel-Heller S., Kuulasmaa T., del Ser T., Lebouvier T., Polak T., Ngandu T., Grimmer T., Bessi V., Escott-Price V., Giedraitis V., Deramecourt V., Maier W., Jian X., Pijnenburg Y.A.L., Smith A.D., Saenz A., Bizzarro A., Lauria A., Vacca A., Solomon A., Anastasiou A., Richardson A., Boland A., Koivisto A., Daniele A., Greco A., Marianthi A., McGuinness B., Fin B., Ferrari C., Custodero C., Ferrarese C., Ingino C., Mangone C., Reyes Toso C., Martínez C., Cuesta C., Muchnik C., Joachim C., Ortiz C., Besse C., Johansson C., Zoia C.P., Laske C., Anastasiou C., Palacio D.L., Politis D.G., Janowitz D., Craig D., Mann D.M., Neary D., Jürgen D., Daian D., Belezhanska D., Kohler E., Castaño E.M., Koutsouraki E., Chipi E., De Roeck E., Costantini E., Vardy E.R.L.C., Piras F., Roveta F., Piras F., Prestia F.A., Assogna F., Salani F., Sala G., Lacidogna G., Novack G., Wilcock G., Thonberg H., Kölsch H., Weber H., Boecker H., Etchepareborda I., Piaceri I., Tuomilehto J., Lindström J., Laczo J., Johnston J., Deleuze J.-F., Harris J., Schott J.M., Priller J., Bacha J.I., Snowden J., Lisso J., Mihova K.Y., Traykov L., Morelli L., Brusco L.I., Rainer M., Takalo M., Bjerke M., Del Zompo M., Serpente M., Sanchez Abalos M., Rios M., Peltonen M., Herrman M.J., Kosmidis M.H., Kohler M., Rojo M., Jones M., Orsini M., Medel N., Olivar N., Fox N.C., Salvadori N., Hooper N.M., Galeano P., Solis P., Bastiani P., Mecocci P., Passmore P., Heun R., Antikainen R., Olaso R., Perneczky R., Germani S., López-García S., Love S., Mehrabian S., Bagnoli S., Kochen S., Andreoni S., Teipel S., Todd S., Pickering-Brown S., Natunen T., Tegos T., Laatikainen T., Strandberg T., Polvikoski T.M., Matoska V., Ciullo V., Cores V., Solfrizzi V., Lisetti V., Sevillano Z., Abdelnour C., Aguilera N., Alarcon E., Alegret M., Benaque A., Boada M., Buendia M., Cañabate P., Carracedo A., Corbatón-Anchuelo A., Diego S., Espinosa A., Gailhajenet A., Gil S., Guitart M., Hernández I., Ibarria M., Lafuente A., Macias J., Maroñas O., Martín E., Martínez M.T., Marquié M., Mauleón A., Montrreal L., Moreno-Grau S., Moreno M., Orellana A., Ortega G., Pancho A., Pelejá E., Pérez-Cordon A., Preckler S., Quintela I., Real L.M., Rosende-Roca M., Ruiz A., Sáez M.E., Sanabria A., Serrano-Rios M., Sotolongo-Grau O., Tárraga L., Valero S., Vargas L., Adarmes-Gómez A.D., Alarcón-Martín E., Alonso M.D., Álvarez I., Álvarez V., Amer-Ferrer G., Antequera M., Antúnez C., Baquero M., Bernal M., Blesa R., Boada M., Buiza-Rueda D., Bullido M.J., Burguera J.A., Calero M., Carrillo F., Carrión-Claro M., Casajeros M.J., Clarimón J., Cruz-Gamero J.M., de Pancorbo M.M., del Ser T., Diez-Fairen M., Escuela R., Garrote-Espina L., Fortea J., Franco-Macías E., Frank-García A., García-Alberca J.M., Garcia Madrona S., Garcia-Ribas G., Gómez-Garre P., Hernández I., Hevilla S., Jesús S., Labrador Espinosa M.A., Lage C., Legaz A., Lleó A., Lopez de Munain A., López-García S., Macias-García D., Manzanares S., Marín M., Marín-Muñoz J., Marín T., Marquié M., Martín Montes A., Martínez B., Martínez C., Martínez V., Martínez-Lage Álvarez P., Medina M., Mendioroz Iriarte M., Mir P., Molinuevo J.L., Pastor P., Pérez-Tur J., Periñán-Tocino T., Pineda-Sanchez R., Piñol-Ripoll G., Rábano A., Real de Asúa D., Rodrigo S., Rodríguez-Rodríguez E., Royo J.L., Ruiz A., Sanchez del Valle Díaz R., Sánchez-Juan P., Sastre I., Valero S., Vicente M.P., Vigo-Ortega R., Vivancos L., Macleod C., McCracken C., Brayne C., Bresner C., Grozeva D., Bellou E., Sommerville E.W., Matthews F., Leonenko G., Menzies G., Windle G., Harwood J., Phillips J., Bennett K., Luckuck L., Clare L., Woods R., Saad S., Burholt V., Jansen I.E., Rongve A., Kehoe P.G., Garcia-Ribas G., Sánchez-Juan P., Pastor P., Lopez de Munain A., García-Alberca J.M., Bullido M.J., Álvarez V., Real L.M., Scheltens P., Holstege H., Marquié M., Sáez M.E., Amouyel P., Schellenberg G.D., Williams J., Seshadri S., van Duijn C.M., Mather K.A., Sánchez-Valle R., Serrano-Ríos M., Orellana A., Tárraga L., Blennow K., Huisman M., Andreassen O.A., Posthuma D., Clarimón J., Boada M., van der Flier W.M., Ramirez A., Lambert J.-C., van der Lee S.J., Ruiz A., EADB contributors, The GR@ACE study group, DEGESCO consortium, IGAP (ADGC, CHARGE, EADI, GERAD), PGC-ALZ consortia (2021)
      Genetic discoveries of Alzheimer’s disease are the drivers of our understanding, and together with polygenetic risk stratification can contribute towards planning of feasible and efficient preventive and curative clinical ...
    • The contribution of genetic variants of SLC2A1 gene in t2dm and T2DM-nephropathy: Association study and meta-analysis 

      Stefanidis I., Tziastoudi M., Tsironi E.E., Dardiotis E., Tachmitzi S.V., Fotiadou A., Pissas G., Kytoudis K., Sounidaki M., Ampatzis G., Mertens P.R., Liakopoulos V., Eleftheriadis T., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Santos M., Zintzaras E. (2018)
      An association study was conducted to investigate the relation between 14 variants of glucose transporter 1 gene (SLC2A1) and the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) leading to nephropathy. We also performed a meta-analysis of ...
    • Convergence of linkage, gene expression and association data demonstrates the influence of the RAR-related orphan receptor alpha (RORA) gene on neovascular AMD: A systems biology based approach 

      Silveira, A. C.; Morrison, M. A.; Ji, F.; Xu, H.; Reinecke, J. B.; Adams, S. M.; Arneberg, T. M.; Janssian, M.; Lee, J. E.; Yuan, Y.; Schaumberg, D. A.; Kotoula, M. G.; Tsironi, E. E.; Tsiloulis, A. N.; Chatzoulis, D. Z.; Miller, J. W.; Kim, I. K.; Hageman, G. S.; Farrer, L. A.; Haider, N. B.; DeAngelis, M. M. (2010)
      To identify novel genes and pathways associated with AMD, we performed microarray gene expression and linkage analysis which implicated the candidate gene, retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor alpha (RORA, 15q). ...
    • CYP1A2 rs762551 and ADORA2A rs5760423 Polymorphisms in Patients with Blepharospasm 

      Siokas V., Kardaras D., Aloizou A.-M., Liampas I., Papageorgiou E., Drakoulis N., Tsatsakis A., Mitsias P.D., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Tsironi E.E., Dardiotis E. (2020)
      Blepharospasm (BSP) is a neurological movement disorder. Coffee consumption has been found to have a protective effect against BSP. BSP and apraxia of eyelid opening are particularly common among patients with PD. The ...
    • CYP1A2 rs762551 polymorphism and risk for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 

      Siokas V., Karampinis E., Aloizou A.-M., Mentis A.-F.A., Liakos P., Papadimitriou D., Liampas I., Nasios G., Bogdanos D.P., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Dardiotis E. (2021)
      Background: Genetic variability is considered to confer susceptibility to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Oxidative stress is a significant contributor to ALS-related neurodegeneration, and it is regulated by cytochromes ...
    • Dairy Intake and Parkinson's Disease: A Mendelian Randomization Study 

      Domenighetti C., Sugier P.-E., Ashok Kumar Sreelatha A., Schulte C., Grover S., Mohamed O., Portugal B., May P., Bobbili D.R., Radivojkov-Blagojevic M., Lichtner P., Singleton A.B., Hernandez D.G., Edsall C., Mellick G.D., Zimprich A., Pirker W., Rogaeva E., Lang A.E., Koks S., Taba P., Lesage S., Brice A., Corvol J.-C., Chartier-Harlin M.-C., Mutez E., Brockmann K., Deutschländer A.B., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Dardiotis E., Stefanis L., Simitsi A.M., Valente E.M., Petrucci S., Duga S., Straniero L., Zecchinelli A., Pezzoli G., Brighina L., Ferrarese C., Annesi G., Quattrone A., Gagliardi M., Matsuo H., Kawamura Y., Hattori N., Nishioka K., Chung S.J., Kim Y.J., Kolber P., van de Warrenburg B.P.C., Bloem B.R., Aasly J., Toft M., Pihlstrøm L., Correia Guedes L., Ferreira J.J., Bardien S., Carr J., Tolosa E., Ezquerra M., Pastor P., Diez-Fairen M., Wirdefeldt K., Pedersen N.L., Ran C., Belin A.C., Puschmann A., Hellberg C., Clarke C.E., Morrison K.E., Tan M., Krainc D., Burbulla L.F., Farrer M.J., Krüger R., Gasser T., Sharma M., Elbaz A., and the Comprehensive Unbiased Risk Factor Assessment for Genetics and Environment in Parkinson's Disease (Courage-PD) Consortium (2022)
      Background: Previous prospective studies highlighted dairy intake as a risk factor for Parkinson's disease (PD), particularly in men. It is unclear whether this association is causal or explained by reverse causation or ...
    • Deciphering osteoarthritis genetics across 826,690 individuals from 9 populations 

      Boer C.G., Hatzikotoulas K., Southam L., Stefánsdóttir L., Zhang Y., Coutinho de Almeida R., Wu T.T., Zheng J., Hartley A., Teder-Laving M., Skogholt A.H., Terao C., Zengini E., Alexiadis G., Barysenka A., Bjornsdottir G., Gabrielsen M.E., Gilly A., Ingvarsson T., Johnsen M.B., Jonsson H., Kloppenburg M., Luetge A., Lund S.H., Mägi R., Mangino M., Nelissen R.R.G.H.H., Shivakumar M., Steinberg J., Takuwa H., Thomas L.F., Tuerlings M., Loughlin J., Arden N., Birrell F., Carr A., Deloukas P., Doherty M., McCaskie A.W., Ollier W.E.R., Rai A., Ralston S.H., Spector T.D., Wallis G.A., Martinsen A.E., Willer C., Fors E.A., Mundal I., Hagen K., Nilsen K.B., Lie M.U., Børte S., Brumpton B., Nielsen J.B., Fritsche L.G., Zhou W., Heuch I., Storheim K., Tyrpenou E., Koukakis A., Chytas D., Evangelopoulos D.S., Efstathios C., Pneumaticos S., Nikolaou V.S., Malizos K., Anastasopoulou L., Abecasis G., Baras A., Cantor M., Coppola G., Deubler A., Economides A., Lotta L.A., Overton J.D., Reid J.G., Shuldiner A., Karalis K., Siminovitch K., Beechert C., Forsythe C., Fuller E.D., Gu Z., Lattari M., Lopez A., Schleicher T.D., Padilla M.S., Widom L., Wolf S.E., Pradhan M., Manoochehri K., Bai X., Balasubramanian S., Boutkov B., Eom G., Habegger L., Hawes A., Krasheninina O., Lanche R., Mansfield A.J., Maxwell E.K., Nafde M., O'Keeffe S., Orelus M., Panea R., Polanco T., Rasool A., Salerno W., Staples J.C., Li D., Sharma D., Banerjee I., Bovijn J., Locke A., Verweij N., Haas M., Hindy G., De T., Akbari P., Sosina O., Ferreira M.A.R., Jones M.B., Mighty J., LeBlanc M.G., Mitnaul L.J., Babis G.C., Cheung J.P.Y., Kang J.H., Kraft P., Lietman S.A., Samartzis D., Slagboom P.E., Stefansson K., Thorsteinsdottir U., Tobias J.H., Uitterlinden A.G., Winsvold B., Zwart J.-A., Davey Smith G., Sham P.C., Thorleifsson G., Gaunt T.R., Morris A.P., Valdes A.M., Tsezou A., Cheah K.S.E., Ikegawa S., Hveem K., Esko T., Wilkinson J.M., Meulenbelt I., Lee M.T.M., van Meurs J.B.J., Styrkársdóttir U., Zeggini E., arcOGEN Consortium, HUNT All-In Pain, ARGO Consortium, Regeneron Genetics Center (2021)
      Osteoarthritis affects over 300 million people worldwide. Here, we conduct a genome-wide association study meta-analysis across 826,690 individuals (177,517 with osteoarthritis) and identify 100 independently associated ...
    • Deciphering the Role of the rs2651899, rs10166942, and rs11172113 Polymorphisms in Migraine: A Meta-Analysis 

      Siokas V., Liampas I., Aloizou A.-M., Papasavva M., Bakirtzis C., Lavdas E., Liakos P., Drakoulis N., Bogdanos D.P., Dardiotis E. (2022)
      The genetic basis of migraine is rather complex. The rs2651899 in the PR/SET domain 16 (PRDM16) gene, the rs10166942 near the transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8 (TRPM8) gene, and the rs11172113 ...
    • Dna repair gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to urothelial carcinoma in a southeastern european population 

      Samara M., Papathanassiou M., Mitrakas L., Koukoulis G., Vlachostergios P.J., Tzortzis V. (2021)
      Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in DNA repair genes may predispose to urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (UCB). This study focused on three specific SNPs in a population with high exposure to environmental carcinogens ...
    • Does SCFD1 rs10139154 Polymorphism Decrease Alzheimer’s Disease Risk? 

      Stamati P., Siokas V., Aloizou A.-M., Karampinis E., Arseniou S., Rakitskii V.N., Tsatsakis A., Spandidos D.A., Gozes I., Mitsias P.D., Bogdanos D.P., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Dardiotis E. (2019)
      Α number of genetic variants have been associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) susceptibility. Sec1 family domain-containing protein 1 (SCFD1) gene polymorphism rs10139154 has recently been implicated in the risk of ...
    • Does the CD33 rs3865444 Polymorphism Confer Susceptibility to Alzheimer’s Disease? 

      Siokas V., Aslanidou P., Aloizou A.-M., Peristeri E., Stamati P., Liampas I., Arseniou S., Drakoulis N., Aschner M., Tsatsakis A., Mitsias P.D., Bogdanos D.P., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Dardiotis E. (2020)
      Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex genetic disorder. To date, published data have reported conflicting results on the role of CD33 rs3865444 polymorphism in AD. The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of rs3865444 ...
    • Drug-Induced Skin Adverse Reactions: The Role of Pharmacogenomics in Their Prevention 

      Gerogianni K., Tsezou A., Dimas K. (2018)
      Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) affect many patients and remain a major public health problem, as they are a common cause of morbidity and mortality. It is estimated that ADRs are responsible for about 6% of hospital admissions ...
    • Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme tag single nucleotide polymorphisms on the outcome of patients with traumatic brain injury 

      Dardiotis, E.; Paterakis, K.; Siokas, V.; Tsivgoulis, G.; Dardioti, M.; Grigoriadis, S.; Simeonidou, C.; Komnos, A.; Kapsalaki, E.; Fountas, K.; Hadjigeorgiou, G. M. (2015)
      Background Genetic variants appear to influence, at least to some degree, the extent of brain injury and the clinical outcome of patients who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Angiotensin-converting enzyme ...
    • Effect of integrin AV and B8 gene polymorphisms in patients with traumatic brain injury 

      Dardiotis E., Siokas V., Aloizou A.-M., Karampinis E., Brotis A.G., Grigoriadis S., Paterakis K., Dardioti M., Komnos A., Kapsalaki E., Fountas K., Hadjigeorgiou G.M. (2019)
      Background: Α few genetic variants are associated with the outcome after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Integrins are glycoprotein receptors that play an important role in the integrity of microvasculature of the brain. ...
    • Embryological results of couples undergoing ICSI-ET treatments with males carrying the single nucleotide polymorphism rs175080 of the MLH3 gene 

      Anifandis G., Markandona O., Dafopoulos K., Messini C., Tsezou A., Dimitraki M., Georgoulias P., Daponte A., Messinis I. (2017)
      Human MLH3 (hMLH3) gene has been suggested to play a role in the DNA mismatch repair mechanism, while it may also be associated with abnormal spermatogenesis and subsequently male infertility. The aim of the present study ...
    • Enhanced expression of miR-21 and miR-150 is a feature of anti-mitochondrial antibody-negative primary biliary cholangitis 

      Wasik U., Kempinska-Podhorodecka A., Bogdanos D.P., Milkiewicz P., Milkiewicz M. (2020)
      Background & Aims: Anti-mitochondrial-autoantibodies (AMA) remain a hallmark of Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) however approximately 10% of patients test negative for these antibodies. They do not differ in terms of ...
    • ERCC6L2 rs591486 polymorphism and risk for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Greek population 

      Dardiotis E., Karampinis E., Siokas V., Aloizou A.-M., Rikos D., Ralli S., Papadimitriou D., Bogdanos D.P., Hadjigeorgiou G.M. (2019)
      Background: Α number of genetic variants have been associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). A recent study supports that rs591486 across the ERCC6L2 gene and exposure to pesticides seem to have a joint effect ...
    • Evaluation of 12 GWAS-drawn SNPs as biomarkers of rheumatoid arthritis response to TNF inhibitors. A potential SNP association with response to etanercept 

      Ferreiro-Iglesias A., Montes A., Perez-Pampin E., Cañete J.D., Raya E., Magro-Checa C., Vasilopoulos Y., Caliz R., Ferrer M.A., Joven B., Carreira P., Balsa A., Salcedo D.P., Blanco F.J., Moreno-Ramos M.J., Manrique-Arija S., Del Carmen Ordonez M., Alegre-Sancho J.J., Narvaez J., Navarro-Sarabia F., Moreira V., Valor L., Garcia-Portales R., Marquez A., Gomez-Reino J.J., Martin J., Gonzalez A. (2019)
      Research in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is increasingly focused on the discovery of biomarkers that could enable personalized treatments. The genetic biomarkers associated with the response to TNF inhibitors (TNFi) are among ...
    • Evaluation of the interaction between LRRK2 and PARK16 loci in determining risk of Parkinson's disease: analysis of a large multicenter study 

      Wang L., Heckman M.G., Aasly J.O., Annesi G., Bozi M., Chung S.J., Clarke C., Crosiers D., Eckstein G., Garraux G., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Hattori N., Jeon B., Kim Y.J., Kubo M., Lesage S., Lin J.J., Lynch T., Lichtner P., Mellick G.D., Mok V., Morrison K.E., Quattrone A., Satake W., Silburn P.A., Stefanis L., Stockton J.D., Tan E.K., Toda T., Brice A., Van Broeckhoven C., Uitti R.J., Wirdefeldt K., Wszolek Z., Xiromerisiou G., Maraganore D.M., Gasser T., Krüger R., Farrer M.J., Ross O.A., Sharma M. (2017)
      A recent study MacLeod et al. has shown that an interaction between variants at the LRRK2 and PARK16 loci influences risk of development of Parkinson's disease (PD). Our study examines the proposed interaction between LRRK2 ...
    • Evidence for genetic contribution to the increased risk of type 2 diabetes in schizophrenia 

      Hackinger S., Prins B., Mamakou V., Zengini E., Marouli E., Brčić L., Serafetinidis I., Lamnissou K., Kontaxakis V., Dedoussis G., Gonidakis F., Thanopoulou A., Tentolouris N., Tsezou A., Zeggini E. (2018)
      The epidemiologic link between schizophrenia (SCZ) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) remains poorly understood. Here, we investigate the presence and extent of a shared genetic background between SCZ and T2D using genome-wide ...